
Feeling Guilty

Lanre refused to listen to K. She would rather not have him right now. She told him all he was saying was not getting to her. According to her it was entering through the left ear and passing out through the right. K became weary of begging her. He was not used to it. He decided to use a different tactic. But to Lanre it was the same thing to her. It would not change her mind.

“I will go see your family and we will get married. About the baby, I will take responsibilities if that’s what it will take. But if Christian insist he will have his child and you don’t mind, I will gladly let him have the child as well. You won’t need to state in Nigeria so no one will bother you. I will have everything arranged within three days”. K said. Then he added that she has no say and this was final because he was done begging her to let him in. He was being domineering and assertive. But Lanre just laughed. She told him she does not mind him going to see her family. Her uncles would not mind giving him one of their daughters in place of her and another as a bonus.

“Why are you like this Lanre?” K asked. She just snort. She told him since he won’t let her go she was going to sleep. She got into the bed and shut her eyes. She let’s out a heavy breath as though she has been holding it for too long. K climbed into the bed after her. He hugged her body to himself and whispered into her ears telling her whether it was Christian’s baby or his, he was not going to let her go. At this point K was ready to risk being with Lanre against Ify’s threat.

Lanre gulped. She could stay this close to any other guy, but not K. He was like an irresistible magnet to her. But she urged herself not to fall nor let her guards down. Lest all her acting would be in vain.

Meanwhile, K started feeling guilty. The thoughts of him having brought a few strippers to this hotel room just to watch them dance for him and the image of him sleeping with Ify kept playing in his head. He had done the former for the fun of it. But as for Ify, he had done it because he did not want any harm to come to Lanre or Christian. Most especially Lanre. But now his conscience wouldn’t even let him be. It kept telling him he could have find other means. He should have just arrested Ify or let his father do as he had threatened by exposing her. It blamed him for ever trying to protect Ify and risking Lanre’s safety. In a bid to shut out the voice in his head, K kissed Lanre’s neck. He held her more closely to himself and swirled his tongue around her ear.