

Mrs. Olayinka felt grateful to God for her daughter being friends with Ify who’s husband to be is the governor’s son. After Christian left, she began to dance round the house whilst singing a popular Yoruba praise song.

After singing different praise songs, she knelt down and continuously waved her hands in the air thanking God. “Oluwa Eshe! Eshe o!” She said. Lanre felt irritated by this act and went inside her room.

Soon she came out of her room. She was relieved to see her mother had stopped already.

“Maami, you will stay in my room”. Lanre said and then went into Chidinma’s room. She and Chidinma were going to share the same room. But the mother refused. She told her that she would share the same room with Chidinma. Then she told Lanre that she would need a lot of space since she was just recovering.

Mrs. Olayinka knew how well her daughter loved her space. She knew how much Lanre hates to share. The only thing that ever got her daughter sharing was school. And that made her believe that Lanre must have really liked Ify because there was never a day Lanre complained about her roommate. This is one of the reason Mrs. Olayinka really loves Ify.

Lanre could not argue with her mom so she went back to her room. It was barely 6 pm but Lanre was feeling really sleepy. It was because of her health. So once she got into her room, she slept off.


Meanwhile, when Christian left Lanre’s place, he had met with K. At first he could not say anything since Ify was present. But once Ify left, he told K what had happened to Lanre. But then he assured K that she was okay now.

“Why are you even telling me? I don’t care anymore. I mean, she cares less about me”. K said. Christian gritted his teeth. He felt like punching K in the face.

“I was not telling you because I believe you care. I just wanted to say that I could use you as my best man in my less than two months and that is before your wedding”. Christian said.

K mocked laugh. “The almighty playboy Christian is not thinking of getting married, is he?” K asked.

“Oh, you should have seen Lanre’s mother! The woman already started calling me her son in-law. And Lanre, I think she is slowly falling for me. Do you know why? I give her attention”. Christian said. K made a poker face. Just then Ify walked in. Christian stood up and walked away.

K drew a fit immediately Christian left. And when Ify asked him what happened, he looked at her disinterestedly and walked away too.

“So Christian is interested in Lanre!” Ify muttered. She has been eavesdropping on them. So she heard everything Christian had told K. She smirked.

“Lanre I envy you. You have so many suitors, the bad and the nice guys, they all want you. Why can’t you leave K for me?” Ify said. She was already plotting on what to do.