
As Good As Trash To His Heart

K was busy in a zoom meeting when his phone rang. It was an important meeting, so he could not just answer the phone. It was a good thing it was on silent. He only watched it vibrate on the desk. He was wearing a business suit. And he seemed serious, one would never tell he was the same K that steals the heart kg of women when he wants to.

Just when he thought that the caller must have gotten the message and would longer call, K noticed his phone vibrating yet again. He looked picked up the phone. He wanted to send a message to the person to call him back in the next one hour if it was an important call, only for him to see that it was Lanre who was calling.

He immediately had to end the zoom meeting. “Please let’s reschedule this meeting for another day. I will send a date as well as the time, if it is fine by you all, I will let you know”. K said before ending it.

Then he answered the call. It was timely, because it would have stopped ringing if he had not. He wanted to hurry and just blunt out her name, but a different thought came to him. He should make her chase him. “Hello! Who is on the line?” He had asked. He wondered how she would feel hearing him ask her that. He tried to picture her facial expression. And when she did not say anything, he wondered if she had dialed his number by mistake. But he hoped otherwise. To be sure she was really calling him, he had to ask her who she was again. And then to spite her, he asked her if she was unable to talk or she liked to waste airtime. The Lanre he knew would have replied to a thing like that, but she did not. Rather the call ended. She had hanged up on him. But he wanted to consider it as network failure.

After about 30 minutes and she had not called, K felt bad. He thought she was going to call again or try to reach him, but she didn’t. He decided to call her back. He should not be doing that since he has a goal, but he could not bear it. He missed her voice. And just the slightest chance he had to hear her voice, she never said anything until the call ended.

K became more frustrated after he tried to reach Lanre to no avail. Her phone was switched off. He threw his phone on the floor angry at himself for missing the opportunity to hear her voice. And as if possessed, he slapped himself hard in the face.

“Kehinde, get a grip of yourself! You are a man! You should not be the one being this way!” K said to himself. But all what he had just said was as good as trash to his heart that still wished to hear Lanre’s voice.