
Always Sad

Lanre sat with a smile on her face as she stares at her phone without blinking her eyes. She seemed quite satisfied. She must have been distracted by what was in her phone that she did not realise the young lady standing beside her. Or she probably didn’t mind the young lady standing and staring at her phone as well.

“Aunty, you are smiling today, it’s like something good has happened”. The young lady said. Lanre placed her hand on her knees while still holding the phone. She looked up at the girl smiling.

“Is life not beautiful? We can’t always have everything. When we lose things we do not wish to lose, we already achieved something else that will comfort us for a little while”. Lanre said. The young lady just grinned from ear to ear wanting to hear what the good news is all about. But still quite confuse not knowing where Lanre was coming from with her words, or where she was going to land.

“I have graduated with a first class Bachelor of Arts degree from the almighty yet frustrating University of Nigeria Nsukka. And this is the first first class in my department in ten years as long as the school is concerned. I will be honoured by the Head of department as well as the Vice Chancellor because I broke a ten year record”. Lanre said. Then tears fell of her eyes after saying this.

The girl became more confused because she felt Lanre should be jumping for joy rather than crying. But here she was letting down those tears. The girl didn’t know what to say to Lanre. She did not know if she should congratulate her or console her at the moment. She has been with Lanre who is her madam for a month, but is yet to fully understand Lanre.

“Chidinma, in life, there are neither foes nor friends, only interest. Your interest determines who should be a foe and who should be a friend. Please keep more foes than friends. It’s better than keeping none at all”. Lanre said to the young lady who is called Chidinma. Then she stood of from the chair. She told Chidinma she would be going out. And that she should help her monitor the other workers till she returns.

“If a special customer comes, please let them be entertained, I will return in a short while”. Lanre said before leaving.

Chidinma shook her head in pity as Lanre walked out of the beauty parlour. Since her one month staying with Lanre and learning make up from her, Chidinma has never seen Lanre laugh. Not even to a joke. Today she was glad to see her smile, but it only ended with her crying.

“I wonder why a beautiful lady like aunty Lanre that is doing well is always so sad? If having money will cost my happiness, then I do not want such money”. Chidinma said. Then she left the office back to the parlour where she normally stays in when Lanre is around.