
Actors And Non-actors

True to his father’s words, K’s mother, Her Excellency, Olasile was released two days after K's encounter with his father. A day before the release, a lady had gone to report herself to the police stating that the video was a voice over video. She confessed she worked for the Governor’s wife and had recorded the woman while she was on her phone. Then she made a video recording her voice over that of the Governor’s wife before posting it. She said it was because she thought she herself was getting less than deserve and the Governor’s wife does not have two heads. When asked how she would explain the video between the two women, that of Olasile, and Amina. The woman cried saying she had planted a camera on Olasile’s bag to monitor the woman. One of the inspector didn’t seem to believe this woman because her story didn’t really add up and it came all of a sudden. Knowing the consequences of her actions, no one would dare come and admit to such crime.

But then, the commissioner of police after getting the story ordered the immediate release of Olasile. The woman who had come to confess claiming to be one of Olasile’s attendant was put behind bars. Olasile was declared innocent. The case never really find it’s way to court before Olasile got released. The news was everywhere on social media and other mass media. There were those who did not believe the Governor’s wife is totally innocent. They said that woman could have been paid to take the blame. But these could be counted as part of the minority compared to people who started coming up with reasons why the woman could have possibly done such a thing to the Governor’swife destroying the reputation of the Governor. There were those who stormed into the police station demanding for the woman to be handed over to them so they can do the deserve justice on her. They said, “such a woman deserved nothing less than death”. But there were those who didn’t care who was right or wrong. They had lost interest on public affairs. These are the people who have either lost interest in things happening around them and consume news for the sake of being current, or those who always wait till the end of a thing has been determined before choosing a course to follow.

K was happy to see his mother. But he felt bad for the lady who took the blame because he knew the lady was innocent and had only been used as a sacrificial lamb in place of his mother. All the same he felt relieved when his mother got home. The Governor later sent his wife out of the country to compensate her for all that she has passed through in the past few weeks.

Of all these actors and non-actors, Lanre was the most displeased. She knew the Governor would come up with something, but she felt this was just too lame and mean. How could they let an innocent person suffer for what she did not do?