
A Third Party

“What was that about?” K asked directing his question at Ify when they got to his place. Ify asked him what he meant by such question. He asked her why she had to take her lies into public. He looked furious but she cared less. She just shrugs and refuse to answer him. He warned her that he was trying to win Lanre and she should stop spoiling things for him. Ify asked him if she should have said there was a third party instead and that he was the one cheating on her with another woman, Olanrewaju Olayinka, the owner of LANs Beauty Parlour in Surulere.

“Shut that mouth of yours! Do not even take her name with that tongue of yours again”. K said to Ify. He gave her a warning look, told her she is to stay in his place for a while and then left. He had only come to drop Ify off. She would be staying in his place for the main time until things were good out there. He drove out of his place and found his way to Surulere even though he was not supposed to be going there. He needed to talk to Lanre. But was disappointed when he got to her shop to found out that she has not been coming to her shop often.

“She barely comes to work Sir. And even if she does, her boyfriend always accompany her”. Sharon had said to K when he arrived the shop and requested to see Lanre. He wondered if this boyfriend was Christian. K decided to go to Lanre’s apartment to see if she was at home. He was disappointed as well. Lanre was not at home. He only found Yetunde her neighbour who had fooled him the first day he came to look for Lanre. He asked Yetunde if Lanre would be coming back soon.

“I don’t know! The last time she was here was about a week ago. She was rushed out of here. They had probably taken her to the hospital. She was sick. After that day, she has not come here. Even the new girl staying with her has not come. It was only that her boyfriend that came to carry something here some days ago”. Yetunde said to K.

It had become obvious without that doubt that the boyfriend of Lanre everyone was taking about is Christian. He wondered if she was now living in with Christian. He decided to go to Christian’s house. He does not mind taking the risk.

“Sir! Lanre said she would help me get a job after talking to her friend. I don’t know if she has spoken to you, but really need a job even if it is to be your gateman. I am a civil engineer and has been without job for three years after losing my last job”. Yetunde said. K without replying Yetunde walked away. He got into his car and drove out of the environment in speed not minding the bad road.