
Chapter 1

Cold morning air whipped through my hair and across my face causing me to shiver. Seeing as I lived in Queensland most my life I'm really not a fan of Tasmania's cold winters. Even after living in Tasmania for 10 years I'm still not used to the weather. I moved to Tasmania when I was 7. I pulled my coat tighter around me as I walked through the cold wind. My mind was focused on remembering what time my bus was coming this afternoon. I had a habit of thinking far ahead of things. Something that my best friend Layne finds really annoying. In all honesty, I would find it annoying as well, but it's not like I can help it. That's just the way I am.

The sound of children laughing echoed in my ears causing me to smile. I turned to look at the park full of children. All of them running and screaming trying to be first to the top of the slide or trying to get a seat on the swings.

I finally arrived at school after the extremely long walk through the cold wind. I looked down to see that my small hands were very pale and slightly shaking due to the cold weather. Two gloved hands covered mine immediately making mine warm. I'm looked up to see a smiling Layne looking slightly annoyed at the fact I wasn't wearing any gloves. "Sky, we've been over this. Tasmania is just too cold in the winter to not wear gloves," she said as she dug through her bag pulling out a spare set of gloves. "Here," she said as she slid the gloves onto my hands, " you can wear these for the rest of the day, although I'm pretty sure you'll need these tomorrow as well." 

We walked the rest of the way to our home room while Layne went on and on about how one of these days I'm going to get frostbite. She knows that I probably won't get frostbite but she says it anyway just to scare me.

I carefully stacked my text books in my locker putting them in alphabetical order. Another one of the weird habits that I have. As I closed my locker I caught a glimpse of the school's most popular boy, Hunter Edwards. The kind of boy that girls scream and wave when they see. The type of boy that would never like a girl like me. His deep blue eyes met my golden brown ones. I smile crossed his face and he waved at me. I blushed while shyly waving back and looking away. The image of his intense blue eyes was tattooed in my brain making my whole face go red. " Oooo look who has a crush on Hunter," giggled Kenzie, one of the girls in my home room. " N- no I I don't have a crush him, I was just waving hello." I lied looking down at my shoes. " There's no shame in liking him Sky, everyone likes him, even me." She walked away while applying a fresh coating of lip gloss. She was always doing that.

I guess you could say that every girl at this school has a habit. Just at that moment I caught a glance of one of the girls sharpening their pencil with a blade. Some of the habits weirder than others.

I walked to my lunch table at lunch time carrying my school bag along with a plain lunch from home. All of my friends ate the school food. I'm allergic to eggs though so I prefer to make my own lunches.

My lunch table consists of two stereotypical groups. There is my group, the popular outgoing group of girls, although in all honesty I don't think I fit in very well with that group, and the jocks, who always try to hit on my friends and ask them out on dates. I haven't been asked out by a boy in ages and I don't plan to again anytime soon. I don't need boys in my life. I made the mistake of letting one in my life a long time ago.

"Hey Sky, what's up?" Asked Tori, who is one of my friends. Her short hair caressed her face perfectly and her green eyes sparkled in the dim light of the cafeteria. I don't understand why she wears those green contacts. Her brown eyes go perfectly with her blond hair. Odd combination I know. But the look overall really suites her.

" Hi Tori, nothing much," I said as I sat down beside her. My eyes searched the crowded table looking for Layne. I tried to spot her blond head of hair but she was nowhere to be seen. "So did you hear about the party that is happening tonight? It's gonna be awesome!" Shouted Alex, who was one of the jocks. "Yeah I can't wait!" The thought of a teenage party with alcohol and... sex. The thought made me want to run away. " I heard that Hunter is going to be there," said Kenzie, emphasising Hunters name and looking directly at me with a smirk. I looked away blushing not wanting anyone to know she was talking to me in particular. " Hey Sky, are you going to the party tonight?" Asked Layne from behind me.

" Umm I don't think so sorry," I said trying desperately to avoid the question. " Oh come on, everyone is going to be there. Just give it a chance. You might enjoy the party."

Everyone looked at me with expecting eyes. There was no way I could say yes though. " Sorry but it's still no."

Everyone's eyes shot over to Layne. But Layne being Layne, she had no idea why they were all staring at her. In all honesty I didn't either. " Come on Layne, you're her best friend! You have to convince her to come." Whined Kenzie.

Layne is my weakness. She looked at me with pleading eyes as she tugged softly on my sweater. The whole table looked at me with anticipation, waiting impatiently for my answer. I guess the only up side to this, is knowing that my friends really care about me and want me to socialise.

" Fine"