
Meeting his father

"Why, big brother? That is not correct. You would miss all the little good things in the process. Problems are eventually going to become a part of life, and we will face a lot of them. But the little good things will come in scarcity, and we cannot give them away just for a little less pressure.", Hu Long said.

Liu Feng looked at him with shock. "And you tell me that I speak like an old man? Listen to yourself.", he said.

Hu Long remained silent.

"Alright. I have a more important thing to do now. I have to see my father, and explain to him why I took so long to arrive.", Liu Feng sighed,

"Why big brother? I mean, everyone must have his reasons.", Hu Long asked.

"Not everyone in the world is as understanding. And, you know how important the current situation is. In a precarious time like this, I am supposed to be there, supporting my father as the crown prince.", Liu Feng said.

"Sounds like being a crown prince is a big pain.", Hu Long said.