
The Golden Sins of a Giant

Math, someone who has been friends with both the Saint and the Hero since elementary school is painfully weak, completely incapable of getting stronger, can't use magic... is nothing compared to these two. One day though he realizes that he had been blacking out at random times leading him into madness itself as his pursuit to become strong tears him apart from the inside.

CynicalPepper · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs


I think I get it... that rush.

I've realized it now... why I wanted to get stronger. This is what was meant for me. I was meant to be this way.

I was meant to fight.

As I ate the corpse of the bear I had just killed, the Captain watched over me, I couldn't help but think.

I know why now why I'm not too affected by what I'd done.

It's because I like it.

I like the fight, I like the feast.

Especially the fighting. The feelings I get from each fight I've done, every dangerous situation I've gotten myself out of. I love it. I'm obsessed with it.

After me fighting a strong enemy... I just want to fight more. I can feel it in my chest, that excitement and need for more.

I hear something running towards me from afar, sending me on alert, looking in the direction of whatever it was. My eyes widened as I see who it was, Reithi.


He shouted, running on all fours towards me, coming at me at an insane speed before transitioning into a sprint even faster than the speed he was at before.

He jumped into the air, I dodged to the side and he landed, skidding across the ground and turning to me before going for a spinning back fist.

I managed to dodge but he transitioned into a punch to my gut with his other arm.

I keeled forward, getting kicked in the face.

Reithi brought his leg down, and while I was still stunned, kicked me again, but instead in the leg this time, dropping me to the ground.

Reithi didn't notice that the Captain was there, so was started for a moment before meeting the Captain's fists, dropping him to the ground as well.

I clamber over to him, dropping an elbow down on his face which missed, Reithi rolling out of the way.

I began writhing in pain due to my slamming my elbow on the ground as the Captain began moving in on Reithi.

Reithi got up but was dropped quickly back down by the Captain he swiftly smacked him on the side of the tip of his chin with the back of his heel. Reithi fell, stunned and disoriented, unable to move due to the newly established concussion.

Red lightning began forming around Reithi before getting his face kicked in by the Captain, cut off completely from using whatever he was about to use.

I sighed, rubbing my elbow and staring at the knocked-out Reithi was a drowsy expression.

"How the hell did he even find me?"


"O' Beast Dragon! Grant me lightning!" A Dragonkin wearing the armor of an obese man, bronze in color, a shape surrounding the helmet representing the sun -- he looked to the sky, arms outstretched, begging for the Beast Dragon, Bineul, to grant him the power of red lightning, only given to those with high martial prowess.

There wasn't a response, other Dragonkin who surrounded the man approached.

"Sir... do you think...?"

The fat man sighed, turning to his comrades, "Looks like the Beast Dragon doesn't like the Demon Emperor too much."

"I-I... would assume..."

He shrugged, "Bineul is an Angel... sucks we can't do anything to get him down."

"W-we..." The smaller Dragonkin snapped their fingers, "Ah! We can ask the community!"

"Oh!" The fat man nodded, "We can continue the conquest, AND, learn their practice! What a genius you are!"

"W-we... we were gonna do that anyway... but..." The soldier shook their head.

"So... this is where you went Flame Dragon." A tall icy figure, another Dragonkin to be exact, one clad in armor, a woman of the Ice Tribe. "Glad I made it in time."

The Flame Dragon shook, staring the icy woman straight in her eyes.

"For betraying the world... I'll end your life."


The Flame Dragon grabbed onto a massive horn carved in the shape of an ax, twice the size of his body. The swing was long and tremendous. The weight was visible, the ground shook as it swung, its wind picked up before the swing even fully began,

The icy woman lowered her stance, hand gripping onto her rapier with intricate runes carved into it, ice enveloping the area around her as icy blue electricity filled and permeated the air making the hairs of the surrounding footsoldiers. She strikes, just before the fat man's ax reached her.

The tip of her rapier touched the ax and her arm visibly grew more tense and large, black muscles bulging out from the armor beneath as it pushed back the ax. The Flame Dragon screamed as loud as he could as the ground began to crack beneath them, flames billowing out from beneath his armor, steam spraying from the eyes, mouth, and ears.

Suddenly, the Flame Dragon's ax shot upward, one quick cut slashing across his metal armored chest causing an ear-wrenching screech, cold spreading across the armor slowly.

He brought the ax down, the strike being parried and moved out of the way by the woman, the Flame Dragon's strike taking a chunk of the mountain they were stood upon.

The other foot soldiers took this moment to get out of the way and run, the pressure of two SS-Ranked monsters being too much for the A-Ranks.

The fight was immediately taken into the air, each one of his swings causing booming sounds to shake the air itself, flames melting the mountain below as the cold air clashed against it instantly freezing the molten lava below. The footsoldiers either had their ears blown out by the noise and pressure alone or began being crushed by their own armor as the air around them became denser and denser with mana.

One of his strikes sent the woman flying miles away, stopping herself in the air before parrying another one of his attacks as he quickly appeared before her once again with another strike.

The parried strike sent the power of his swing to the open air, cutting the very clouds, multiple stabs raining down on his body.

The Flame Dragon responded to these attacks with a punch to her ribs, cracking her armor, but getting one more major attack off on the fatty man, drilling a hole through the armor, blood pilling out from within.

He began cackling, the air filling with red and icy electricity.

The air became hot, the air became cold. The fight left the county they were in - in ruins as it continued through towns, mountains, and volcanos.

Lava-filled streets melt the people who live in them. Trees became but ash and lakes dried up as snow and ash fell.

The fight continued until the county became unimaginably cold.