
the gods and me

Aria is a normal teenage girl living with her family until one day she notices that boy that stands out from the other boys in class.this boy changes arias life because he is no ordinary human being

Rihanna_Wael · Kỳ huyễn
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love at first site

aria lived mostly all her life hearing mythology stories from her grandmother. She would tell her about the gods of Olympus and how great they are,but after her grandma died all those stories faded away.Ever since then she started being more realistic and forgot about all the stories her grandma told her as a child.

aria always hated the thought of having red hair because of the trouble it caused her.She was bullied alot for being red haired and having freckles which led her to cut her hair short and remove her freckles with makeup.This year a new student appeared and now almost all the girls in the class have a crush on him.Today is his third day in school but all the girls in school already have a crush on him.Actually when I look closer I see why all these girls crush on him.He has green eyes the color of emerald and dark tanned skin and a sharp jawline that could pierce me into pieces but above all this he has an amazingly strong and attractive body.Me and my childhood friend ella have been talking about him since the first day he came to school.ella is my childhood friend whom I spent with most of my childhood that's why we have a special bond and we share a friendship bracelet. one day after ella came to fetch me I accidentally bumped into him and all the books that I was carrying fell on the floor. I was shook and didn't know what to do.He actually turned to be a nice guy and helped me get on my legs again plus he helped me collect the books on the floor.He walked us to school, but with what happened trouble came because the most popular girl in school and the richest thea saw us walking to school together.then the next day the bullying started a bunch of girls stood in front of our table and made fun of my hair they even pushed ella and now all her food stained her clothes. I was bothered by this ,but couldn't say a word about it since she had a whole gang following her all the time.The gang consisted of three members they were emma,tracy and andrea. They were all so anoying.Emma was the daughter of a ceo and loved ordering people as if they were her minions ,she also had a bad habit of stealing others boyfriends which made her one of the most hated people in school but although she was not the most popular in the group, she was the most outstanding one and that's because of her striking blue eyes , perfectly combed brown short hair and bangs.Then we have got tracy the perfect daddy's daughter she always brags about her dad getting her presents and is a total pick me girl.Andrea was from a very wealthy aristocratic preservative family ,mostly all her family were lawyers or doctors but she was still popular as the class president and the leader of both the book club and the dance club.,she was also the perfectly anoying teachers pet and she would brag about it ,not only that she handled the schools newspaper and did daily reports about students and I think that is why thea is keeping her as a minion.after whole boring day at school the P.E lesson finally came.the teacher told us to play basketball and I was teamed with him.i didn't even know his name but I heard one of the girls whispering to the other "will this bitch be teamed with Damian I'm jealous " .If I was you I wouldn't have actually said that because my life will now turn into hell because of the bullying I will get from thea and her gang. We started playing and thea intentionally pushed me toughly on the floor this led me to bruise my ankle.When Damian saw this he rushed towards me and held me to the benches.Everybody was shook including me,and this is how the day ended horribly and everything went wrong.