
Rescued by the Witch Organization

After comforting Nana that everything will soon be alright, talked about each other's background, she was shocked to know that I was from a different world, even though she looked a bit surprised at first, she then soon regained her composure and calmed down, that I admired from her.

Although such a delicate girl is very cute to look at, it's very sad to know that what will happen to her if we don't escape this place. As soon as that thought came to mind, the door suddenly burst open and then some people came inside.

They immediately evacuated everyone and brought us to a secret place, as I glanced towards our saviors I quickly got closer and said. "I thank you for rescuing us but where are you going to take us?" Then continued "We're already deep in the forest, I think this is safe enough to release everyone." As I said that I noticed that nana was still beside me holding my dress while having a nervous look in her face. I can't blame her though, we are going inside the forest in the middle of the night.

If you ignore the fast pace that we are currently moving with and listen to the surrounding, you'll hear a lot of noises, like owls, wolves, croaking of frogs, a lot of animals' noises that creates a spooky feeling, almost all of the girls here was scared to even say anything.

The 2 person in black suddenly stopped to a halt and removed his mask and was surprised to discovered that he was she, and not just any she. She can even contend for the most beautiful girl in my previous world, even the idols back in my world doesn't hold a candle to her.

"We are currently taking you girls to our secret base, since the place where you were right now was dangerous, and giving you back to your families are even more dangerous because it will implicate your family members as the church doesn't care as long as us witches are captured." The beautiful woman said as she led us to their base.

In the base the witches said that they would protect and shelter us until we turn 18 if we turned out to be a normal person, they'll send us back families without a scratch, as for those who turned out to be witches then they won't have any choice since they would be captured as soon as they reach the town.

We spent the rest of the day peacefully, but Nana is still sticking with me because she was afraid of the foreign environment that she's in. "Don't worry Nana, you won't turn into a witch and you'll be sent back to your father as soon as they know that you're a normal person." I said as I pat her head comforting her but as I finished speaking she looked at me with teary eyes and said. "Chime-san I have something to tell you, I'm a Witch, it started when I saw a bird that got injured in the leg and I unknowingly healed it and the bird flew away, at first I was happy about what happened but I soon discovered that I'm also a Witch." Nana said softly, seemingly afraid of others hearing what she was saying.

"Nana, Did you know? I'm also a Witch, although now yet, but I know that I'll become a witch that's why you don't need to get worried about what will happen because I'll be with you from now on." I told Nana and hugged her. "But Chime-san my friend was also discovered to be a Witch and she was supposed to be executed yesterday but the prince Roland got lazy and ended the execution without finishing it. Please let's go to the leader of this organization that saved us and ask for their help." Nana said while tears were streaming down in her face.

We headed towards the Witch Union's hut and told them about Anna's situation, the leader introduced us to a curly blonde haired woman whose name was Nightingale.

"Don't worry I will immediately go to the place and rescue Anna, every witch is our sister and we don't ever abandon our sisters." Nightingale said as she sprinted away. Nana and me returned to our tents and took our rest, the night was long and was very quiet until Nana woke me up. "Chime-san wake up, Chime-san."

I yawned as I replied with a sleepy face "What is it Nana?". "Chime-san I heard a scream earlier and went to take a look but before I reached the place where I heard the scream I heard someone talking about how one more of their sisters didn't survived the bite, I'm scared Chime-san let's get out of here, I don't trust these people." Nana said while she took our things.

We immediately snuck out in the camp and followed the trail where Miss Nightingale went earlier ago. And as me and anna was about to get far enough we were confronted by Miss Nightingale.

"Where are the two of you going?" She asked suspiciously. "We're going home, I just overheard in the camp that someone died in their sleep." Nana said while hiding behind my back. "Are the two of you going back to the town to report our base so that you'll receive a reward?" Nightingale asked while she quickly grabbed hold of her daggers.

"No, we just want to go home and we won't report the camp to the authorities." I said while slowly going back on track." Well, at least you're not lying, I was supposed to head to the town tomorrow anyway, it won't hurt to have a tour guide, Let's go." We stared at Miss Nightingale dumbfounded, we didn't expect that kind of answer from her, we thought she'll cripple us and take us back to the camp but we guessed wrong. "Hurry up, before I changed my mind." At that moment, the three of us started our journey back the town when suddenly.

I felt like something was trying to escape from me. Each blood vessel and tendon was in distending pain. In the process of it a ring suddenly sounded and I glanced to where did the sound came from and saw my pocket was glowing and the pain was suddenly lifted and was replaced with a sudden surge of energy which I never felt before. Nana felt my energy increase rapidly especially Miss Nightingale was surprised to see my mana surging and keeps getting stronger and stronger. I reached out to my pocket and discovered a screen, which displayed something.


Tekina Chime

Race: Witch

Level: Novice

Title: A Witch From Another World(active)



MP:10000/10000 (100+9900)



AGI:15 (10+5)

INT:1000 ( 10+990)













Note by Owner: This is the gift that I left in your pocket for not wishing for an overpowered magic.