
The Goddess Stone

•A girl who has pick by the previous holder of the most precious and strongest stone and will be going to a journey to find someone but the person she's looking for is living in the Human World °•~read the story and have fun~•°

SkyDreaaam · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

2 Lost Of Memory

We arrived at the so called home and...its like all broken...what I meant is the house looks like an abandoned house and very dirty, me and lillia goes inside and it seems that there's no one here...

I ask the girl "who are the people living here?"

the girl cries again and says "only you and me"

so I'm guessing that this girl, lillia is the sister of the owner of this body, but I guess... that does makes sense, but the owner of this body seems really lazy...

the house is SO dirty! how can anyone live here? Oh! and I wonder where do they get food? where do they getting the paying from?

Me: "Lillia where do we get food?"

Lillia: "we work ofcourse"

Me: "what are you holding? paper?"

Lillia: " this called money if you want to buy something you give them to the seller, oh and this has their values"

so I guess its like gold and silver but papers....hah! this world is weird all of this people seems to be weak....then why one of this humans carrying the shadow stone?

I ask the girl " then before we worry about something else...lets clean the house first"

lillia agreed

so we clean the first floor first and after that we cleaned the second...I've been looking at lillia and I feel like she seems.... sad because of the lost of memory....should I tell her?

"Lillia I have something that I wanted to tell you" i said, Lillia looked at me and when I was about to say the sentence someone knocked at the front door, when I was about to go down lillia stopped me and says "Just let that person knock, we can't let people know that you've lost your memory" when lillia said that, I was SO shocked! how can she understand the situation so well? and even try to fix it...

I smiled and said "then I have something really important that I wanted to tell you"

me: "but first...how old are you?"

Lillia: " 9yrs old"

weird she's so young, how can she understand the situation that clearly?

Lillia: "what do you want to tell me? sis?"

I replied "I hope that you believe me so please hear everything first, I'm a time traveller and when I was about to go to this world I saw your sister hit by that metal thing, and made me possess her body and use it for a while... so that explains that I don't know anything about this world"

Lillia remain silent and seems like she's thinking and she finally talk and said " I believe you"

I'm shocked and ask her "why?"

Lillia: "when my sister hit by that car the doctor said she was in coma and its been like half a year already, but when you woke up....It seems like nothing had happened and know how to walk properly usually, people who's in a coma for that long have a 100% of possibility of forgetting how to walk"

Me: "so you've been suspicious of me from the start?"

Lillia: "since you started walking"

her reason is reasonable it is impossible for someone who is in coma for that long will remember how to walk

me: "then lillia, mind if you tell me everything that I need to do? for example personality?"

Lillia: "you don't have to change your personality because you'll be a transfer student this year"

Me: "Transfer?"

Lillia: "before I continue explaining about those, who are you exactly? why do you travel here in the first place?"

Me: "I---

when I was about to say a word someone knock in the door again then I ask "lillia may I get the door?" she says "now that I know the truth, as you wish you can do anything that can help you adapt to this world"

when she says that, I rushed downstairs and opened the door...and saw a guy smiling....when I saw this guy smiling at me like hell, I got disgusted, why? well I just remember that red head in the river...I will never fall for that again

I talk to the guy and ask "how may I help you?" he looked and laugh and says "that is not you usually say to me when you see me"

It seems that this guy is a friend of the owner of this body.... weird though or maybe because they are lovers?

"how do I usually talk to you when I met you?" I asked. he laugh and says "you usually shove me away lol"

the heck? what is "lol"!? then I ask him " who are you?" he stops and smirk "are you joking right now?" he says

Me: "I'm serious who are you? why are you here?"

he look really shock and says "this is not a funny anymore" then I said " if there's nothing else you may leave"

the guy goes inside and ask lillia " what happened to her!?" he asked with a really sad tone, Lillia replied and said "she has lost her memories due to an accident..." the guy look so broke down and knee on the floor and cried... he asked "when did the accident happen?" lillia replied " for about eight months now"

the guy cried and saying "why was I not there! why do I need to go abroad! I could had have saved her!" he continued crying...

clearly this guy is very sad but why doesn't he look in the bright side that the body is still alive? If l'm in my world right now I will 100% kill this guy...

"hey...can you stop crying and look at the bright side that I'm not dead?" I said, he stops and talk " you are right" and I said " now that I'm right...go home, I still have some important business with my sister"

I dragged him outside and closed the door...

Me: "now lillia...where shall we start?

Lillia: "Let's start with the school first....for the school.... its ok If you just be yourself no one will care about you... there are no student know who you are, so its okey"

Me: "then I can kill people If I wanted?"

Lillia: "ofcourse not! are you from a world that killing people is normal?"


Lillia: "well you can't do that here or you'll be sentence to death....second is work...you need to find a job to earn some money and buy foods"

Lillia: "how old are you?"

Me: " I just turned 16"

Lillia: "I see...in this world you're already 18 which means you can work legally"

Me: " wait....If I'm 18 already...why do I need to study?"

Lillia: "my sister stopped her education for 2 years due to financial problems and bullying and another half a year because of an accident"

Lillia: "so you'll be studying as a junior now ( grade 11 )"

Me: "I can self study..."

Lillia: "we don't have enough money for that I mean we don't have money to buy you some books"

Lillia: "now your goal is to finish studying while working"

I'm So Shock!

how am I supposed to work? I'm a princess I don't know anything! but the good thing is I can use my photographic memory and I'm a fast learner so I guess I'm not in that big of a trouble huh?

So I guess I'll find a Job tomorrow ....