

In the wilderness of Arathia, a girl was born, With knowledge beyond her years, but helpless and forlorn. Unbeknownst to her, she was a goddess in flesh, Yet her journey to enlightenment was not an easy quest. With no one to guide her, she wandered alone, Through forests and mountains, seeking a place to call home. The elements around her were harsh and unforgiving, But her spirit was unbroken, for she knew she was living. The winds whispered secrets, the trees offered shelter, But the girl was still lost, unsure of her true nature. She ate berries and roots, drank from streams and rivers, And as she did, she felt a growing strength, a power that quivers. For within her lay a force, a magic so grand, That she could bend the world to her will with a wave of her hand. But this power was raw, untamed and wild, And she needed to learn control, before it consumed her like a child. And so she journeyed on, seeking knowledge and wisdom, Meeting beings and creatures, both light and dark, some with a kingdom. She learned the ways of the wild, how to hunt and how to hide, And as she did, her spirit grew stronger, her destiny a rising tide. For she was a goddess, a being of great power and might, And her journey had just begun, her future a shining light.

tatsuya277353 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs


As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow upon the wilderness, the girl took a moment to admire her completed shelter and the furniture she had crafted with her own hands. The walls of her humble abode stood tall and sturdy, offering a sense of security and protection. Inside, her chosen furnishings added a touch of comfort and practicality to her newfound home.

She sat down at a small wooden table she had crafted from a fallen tree trunk. The table was smooth and polished, she laid out a simple meal she had prepared, consisting of wild fruits, foraged greens, and a handful of nuts. The natural flavors mingled with the fresh forest air, creating a satisfying and nourishing meal.

As she savored each bite, she couldn't help but reflect on the journey she had undertaken in the past few days. From her first steps in this wild realm to the construction of her shelter and furniture, she had come a long way. Every task she had accomplished had brought her closer to self-reliance and survival.

As dusk settled over the forest, she tidied up her eating area, carefully washing her wooden utensils in a small basin of collected rainwater. With a sense of contentment and weariness from the day's endeavors, she prepared herself for a restful sleep.

She moved to the bedroom area of her dwelling, where a simple bed of leaves and soft moss awaited her. The natural scents of the forest embraced her, soothing her senses as she laid down. The sounds of nocturnal creatures emerged, creating a gentle lullaby that carried her into the realm of dreams.

Wrapped in the safety of her shelter, surrounded by the peaceful embrace of nature, she closed her eyes, allowing the weariness of the day to dissipate. Her breathing slowed, and her body relaxed, melting into the comfort of her improvised bed.

As darkness blanketed the wilderness and the night sky sparkled with stars, she drifted into a tranquil slumber, her dreams intertwined with the whispers of the forest. In the embrace of her completed shelter, she found solace and serenity And so, in the stillness of the night, the girl slept. 

[6days after she's born]

In the light of the new day, the girl awakened from her peaceful slumber, feeling a surge of inspiration and determination within her. As she stretched her limbs and greeted the morning sun, a vision of a vibrant garden took hold of her mind.

With a sense of purpose, she set out to create her own oasis within the wilderness. She gathered materials from her surroundings, carefully selecting sturdy branches and vines to construct a protective fence around her envisioned garden. Working diligently, she intertwined the branches, weaving them together in a pattern that would deter curious creatures and mark the boundaries of her newfound haven.

Once the fence was in place, she turned her attention to the soil. She assessed the quality, digging and sifting through it with her bare hands, ensuring it was fertile and suitable for her future plants. She nurtured the earth with care, removing rocks and debris, and adding composted materials she had collected from decaying leaves and organic matter.

With her preparations complete, she ventured into the forest, her eyes scanning the undergrowth for edible plants and seeds. Guided by her growing knowledge of the wilderness, she identified various vegetables and herbs that would thrive in her garden. With patience and reverence, she collected the seeds, ensuring that she would have a diverse array of plant life to sustain her.

Returning to her garden, she knelt down and dug small, neat holes in the prepared soil. Tenderly, she planted each seed, providing them with the nurturing environment they needed to grow. She watered them gently, understanding the importance of moisture in the delicate stages of germination.

As she tended to her nascent garden, her connection with the natural world deepened. She felt a profound sense of responsibility and gratitude, knowing that these plants would provide sustenance and beauty in the days to come. In the serenity of her garden, she found solace and a renewed sense of purpose.

With the seeds planted and the fence standing as a protective barrier, the girl marveled at her creation. 

The garden held the promise of nourishment and growth, symbolizing her own journey of self-discovery and survival in this untamed wilderness.

As the day drew to a close, she stepped back, taking in the sight of her flourishing garden. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft, golden light upon the tender shoots that had begun to emerge from the soil. With a satisfied smile, she knew that her efforts would be rewarded in the days and weeks to come.

As night descended once again, she retired to her shelter, feeling a profound sense of contentment and accomplishment. Her dreams danced with visions of a lush and bountiful garden, where she would harvest the fruits of her labor and find sustenance in the embrace of nature.

And so, in the stillness of the night, the girl slept, her spirit brimming with anticipation for the growth and abundance that awaited her in her cherished garden.