
The God of Wealth!

Notice: Spelling Errors have been fixed for all chapters before chapter 20. If you find any, please feel free to send me a message so that i can fixed them. Orphan Michael Croft wakes up after an unfortunate beating, only to find that he has acquired The System. With the help of the System Michael's optimistic life turns for the better leading him not only into the world of the rich and powerful but also a world of martial arts,magic and God hood. [Writers note] I write for fun. The story will be updated every day 1-2 chapters minimum if we have a good week going I might update more. Happy reading!

Uriel_Oblea · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Chapter:6 Crazy spending


After going Downstairs miss Adam's took the initiative to lead Michael to a popular brand store by the name of Cosmos.

Cosmos is a very famous and expensive brand in the whole world. No matter what type of stitching, fabric, or material you might desire, Cosmos has it or can design it for you.

After entering the store, Miss Adam's took the initiative to ask Michael about his preferences.

Mr.Croft this is Cosmos, as I'm sure you are aware Cosmos is a very popular brand, if you need anything when it comes to clothing Cosmos has it, would you like to take a look at something in particular.

Yes I'm here to get some regular clothes and probably a couple of suits.

Great! Please follow me. I'll take you to get fitted first before taking a look at something you'd like.

With that mis Addams called someone to take Michael's measurements.

After a while the sales representative took Michael's sizes and introduced some suits to Michael.

Sir, This is Cosmos suit #11, this piece was hand crafted by the best designers in New Kingsville,It's made of draco spider silk and lined with gold, its golden buttons are inlaid with o.5 carat diamonds and the suit is permeable to all types of weather.

This suit comes up to be around 800000 dollars.

The next suit is all white in color made from the fur of the polar Ice Fox, thanks to its special properties its fur maintains its temperature all year round making this suit great for all kinds of outdoor events.

This suit took almost 5 years in its making,and currently there Is only 3 on inventory in 3 different colors white,red and Black...

After hearing what the sales person said Michael was so interested that he cut him off mid sentence, before he even had the time to even finish speaking.

Great, I'll take them,... I'll take all four.

Oh um OK I'll pack them up for you immediately.

I'll also take some shoes that pair well with them.

I'll have someone take care of it Right Away sir.

After he finished speaking the sales representative turned around and left, although he seemed to be calm on the surface he was screaming with joy in his heart. The suits he had mentioned before were some of the best suits in the shop, their prices were so expensive that most people didn't dare to buy them, except for the rich of the rich. But how many times would someone like that come personally to buy suits at the mall, he just took a chance because of the beauty besides him, and now this gentleman bought it without thinking too much about it, his commission today would probably be enough for him to go on a long vacation.

As for Miss Adam's although stunned she didn't seem all that surprised after all she knew Michael bought a 10 million dollar villa on a whim,what's more what's there to fuzz about spending 4 million on a bunch of suits.

After that Michael and miss Adam's continued shopping. No matter the clothes, be it shorts, shirts or belts, if Michael thought it looked good he would buy it without caring about the price, this continued for almost an hour before deciding to change stores.

At the cash register the sales person almost had a heart attack after ringing product after product. The total came out to be close to 7 million. Not only the sales lady, even Miss Adams was feeling a little short of breath.

Oh OK here's my card oh also I don't know if I can use this here too.

With that Michael took out his K&K membership card startling all those present.

Ah, y... um yes sir, please allow me ...mmm OK since you are a member you get 30% off on your purchase and since you bought so much with us in one go we can deliver your clothes to your home.

Oh great thanks, just take it to Williams Home's Villa #1.

Oh ah yes no problem we'll have it delivered for you before noon today.


Mr.Croft would you like to go somewhere else after this.

Ah yes, help me buy a new phone and let's get a watch for my new suit while we're at it.

After that both of them headed to Drex technology to buy a phone.Drex tech is a company which first started off as a network security company but somehow ended up on the phone market there reputation soared a few years ago when an Astronaut's life was saved by one of their phones.

The short story is the Astronaut was almost left behind after an exploration mission to another planet, after racking his brains for a couple hours the Astronaut ran out of ideas and tried to document his will on his phone while taking a video only to find out his phone had signal from the space station on the moon after a couple hours of hardship and almost running out of oxygen the Astronaut was saved by another space crew heading to another nearby planet for exploration.

All in all the phone is pretty good and best of all it's also stylish.

After talking to the clerk and spending almost $4000 on a phone they headed towards the Rolext store.

(Yes i know, what's up with the name, right, well I ran out of ideas bite me.)

Rolext the king of all watches, this store is not only almost prehistoric but it's also the leader when it comes to any kind of watch, be it its craftsmanship or the material used on there watches there on the top compared to all watch makers they were famous since a long time ago but after the boom of technology that lead to creation of the first spaceship there are the only ones who have a contract with the government to purchase category 5 ores which are used in there watches making them almost unbreakable.

And of course their prices also went up, their cheapest watches are still around a thousand dollars, but any watch containing category 5 ores start from the hundreds of thousands to millions.

And that's exactly what Michael was searching for. A category 5 Ocean Blue Victor Crest watch with a price tag of 100 million not only was this watch valuable, but there were no more than 5 in the world in existence, it was made by famous watch enthusiasts and designer Victor Crest right before his retirement, as a sort of gift to all watch lovers worldwide, it is said that it contains one of the best works of craftsmanship in the world, and all of Victor's knowledge and love for watches.

Hello sir, welcome to Rolex. How can I help you?

With excitement and a bit of expectation Michael asked the salesman.

Yes I heard that this store carried the last remaining Ocean Blue Victor Crest I was hoping to buy it.

Uh-huh sir yes we do are you sure you would like to buy it?

It is currently priced at 100 million.

Oh great yes here my card please swipe it now

Wtf I met a tycoon

Yes, no problem, right away, I'll have it wrapped up for you Right Away.

Oh no need I'll just wear it out.

Ah OK please wait a moment I'll get the certificate of Authenticity for you and the box that comes with the watch for you.

After that the store clerk almost ran out from behind the counter to the back of the store meanwhile Ms.Adams felt her heart take a hit.

That was 100 million... how can it be gone ..just like that.

Ms.Adams are you OK? Are you feeling well?

Ah, oh, yeah I'm fine, just a bit light-headed.

Well shall we go now.

Oh no I'm still waiting on the watch.


100 million

100 million, oh my poor heart, is this what true rich people are like?