
The God of Wars Return as it should be

Having the knowledge of his two past lives how will he be spending his third life, adventure awaits, enemies are near the gates. Let us see how this overpowered mc pumel his enemies to the ground.

YangNanli · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: new life (3)

The town is always busy along the road he can see a lot of traders that set up their tents beside the street where you can buy items but most are rubbish, you'll be lucky enough if you are able to get a quality item.

"Hey, kiddo Happy Birthday!"

A man holding a hammer with a big mustache covering his mouth, there are a lot of swords and shields hanging from his walls, and because he's the only blacksmith in town everyone that needs fixing comes to him.

"Thank you, Sir. Benoit."

"Merina! Your friend is here!"

A girl hurriedly came down the stairs, she jumped on to him and gave him a big warm hug.

"Happy birthday!"

She has yellow eyes and blonde hair she was prettier than most of the girls here in town.

(Wow she's so cute no wonder guys my age like her so much.)

(I can't be having thoughts like this I'm twice her age.)

"Thank you, Jenny"

"You should get going the other kids are currently up on hills and remember if you ever felt danger don't be stupid enough to face it remember to run."

"Don't worry pa we know that."

Merina hold his hands and drag him outside, at the center of the town they were met by a lot of lively people.

"There sure are a lot of people today, I wonder what's happening."

"I can clearly see now why there's a lot of people, look!"

There were a Priests in the center preaching and healing for free

"Wow, they look dignified with their white robes."

"Do you think they have an easy life?"

"I doubt that, they do need to go to dangerous places and where there are lots of bandits and healing of different sicknesses from around the kingdom, and some of those can be contracted and be fatal to them even if they have the Goddess protection."

"They aren't immune to curses you know"

They both made their way up the hill. They saw two of their friends, Josh and Robert, Josh was the genius kid while Robert was the hard-headed one they make a wonderful duo, when one gets into danger the other one comes to the rescue


Robert keeps on jumping while he waves, making Josh laugh.

"Happy Birthday Vylan!"

"Thank you, guys"

"How about hunting some rabbits? And cook it to celebrate Vylan's birthday"

"It's a good idea but what about the guards? And what about our weapons?"

"Pfft them? Look"

Robert pointed at the guard post and it looks like they are sleeping.

"And since you're wondering I hid a bow and a few arrows in the tree back there."

Robert posed with his chest out to look dignified and Josh sighed.

"Now then since there are no objections, we will begin hunting rabbits together"

All of us nodded at Merina.

(I guess I should go along if something should ever happen, I'll be there.)

Vylan followed them until they stopped at a tree where Robert said that he hid the bow and arrow.

Robert kneeled and started digging.

"Hey guys need help please"

"Why did you have to put it dipper"

Josh was somewhat irritated

"Let's just dig it"


They started digging until they found thee a wrapped piece of cloth.

"Here it is"

Robert started unwrapping the piece of cloth.

"This bow old, sure we can kill a rabbit with this?"

Josh wasn't joking the arrow was really old and it could break anytime.

"Don't worry I'm sure it can land a few hits"

The 4 of them started their walk into the woods.

"It's been one hour, I'm getting tired"

"Come on Josh just a little more"

Vylan called out to Robert.

"Let's rest for a while this place would be safe."


"I can't wait to learn magic so I won't be tired walking and making myself float."

"I want to be a sword master so I can slash my way through"

(Good thing they have dreams of their own)

But was shortly interrupted by Merina.

"But the academy is the only place you can learn right?"

"You don't have to worry as long as you have the skills you'll be accepted immediately"

"Thanks, Vyllan"

A sudden movement was made beside the grass.

"Well count ourselves lucky"

They position themselves to surround the prey so that in case it escapes they'll be able to catch it

(It's good training I'll just watch from the sidelines while they try to catch the rabbit)

Valyn moved to his position but did not exactly want to participate

Robert motioned to get ready and all of them nodded.

"Here goes nothing"

Robert released the arrow.


"The arrow hit the rabbit"


"Thank goodness we didn't have to chase the wounded rabbit"

Valyn went out to get the rabbit when suddenly Valyn felt a blood thirst from north of their direction.

"Hey you guys should go I'll just check out the place a bit"

"Okay, be careful not to get lost"

As soon as he saw that they are far away from his place, He faced the direction where he felt bloodlust.


Instantly the picture of five wolves pops up from the area, 4 brown and 1 red wolf with the ability to ignite flames with its claws.

"Not bad 4 level 3 beast and 1 level 4 beast it's a good practice for me"

Valyn reached for his knife in his subspace, he made his stance and motioned the wolves to come at him.

The 4 brown wolves came out from their hiding along with their Alpha, their teeth were baring at him ready to devour him.

One wolf jumped straight at him, thinking that he was an easy meal, but Valyn was able to cut it in half, the other three made a one-step-back but the Alpha stop them. The red wolf motioned them to get him at the same time not wanting to participate.

"Pride can get you killed my Red wolf."

They started running at him in circles, their speed was commendable but he can see right through it, the three jumped together at the same time, but he was able to avoid it easily.

"Woah easy there"

The three wolves started circulating at him again ready to make another attack, as they were about to leap onto him, he conjured a spell.

"Electric field"

The three wolves were electrified and landed on the ground groaning in pain.

Seeing this the red wolf became angrier, he stepped forward.

"Let's see which technique I should try on you?"

Valyn chanted on his knife, the electricity suddenly appeared and it extended so that it resembled a sword.

"This should be enough"

Without wasting any more time the red wolf lunged himself flaming claws at Valyn.

He parried it easily.

"So, you're giving it your best, but this is far as you go if I let you free others won't be able to handle you"

Both of them clash dodging the wolf's two claws he took the chance to slice the wolf's head off.

"Thank you for the teaching"

The other three were filled with fear and started to run away.

Valyn picked up the two beast cores.

"This should fetch a nice price at the market"

"But I wonder why are they here at the border of forest unless there was a disturbance in the food chain"

"I should check it out tomorrow"

Valyn hurriedly separated the claws and furs and placed them in his subspace.

"This should be enough I should get going"

He hurriedly returned to his friend's place.

"Hey where you've been"

"Sorry we started eating without you"

Both Josh and Robert already started eating stuffing their mouths with rabbit meat.

Jokingly Merina motioned that they should offer Valyn food.

Both of them awkwardly offered him food.

"Don't worry I'm fine just enjoy the rabbit meat"

"Well, you said it"

"Gosh, they're so helpless"

Merina started scratching her head

Laughter filled the places as they started eating and telling jokes to each other, but Valyn's mind was thinking of something else, what happened in the forest.