
The God of Wars Return as it should be

Having the knowledge of his two past lives how will he be spending his third life, adventure awaits, enemies are near the gates. Let us see how this overpowered mc pumel his enemies to the ground.

YangNanli · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: New life (2)

"Uwaahhh, Uwaahh!"

(Damn it's really hard to move in this tiny body)

As he was observing from what he heard from the people that visit him this world is almost the same as his second life but as far as I know that Gods here are different, it seems to me that there are other set Gods and that they are different from the ones he met, they can also form contracts with human beings.

His parents were Elyn and Euris Ealric and my parents named me Vylan Elric. They have a small shop for potions and Antidotes so everyone in town knows them and currently, they reside in the Kingdom of the Atréides which is in the northern part of the continent, with two neighboring kingdoms the Yolon to the west and Nox to the East. This world is vast there are still unexplored ruins and dungeons and the three kingdoms are secretly fighting for dominance but soon war will break out.

(Here I am thinking I'll be able to live a peaceful life, growing old with his wife and taking over my Parents' shop and there an I Heard a war may break out Stupid royals!)

A trace of disappointment can be seen in his chubby little face.

(Well, my name is now Vylan)

After a while of self-reflection, he lifts his arms and stretches his chubby little legs.

(Let's check first my subspace and see Kazenshini and Zangetsu.)

He concentrated his mind and at once he was transported into empty space, it was vast and was easily a 3km wide, He landed in the middle and he saw his two swords floating, radiating with power, but there was a barricade of energy surrounding the two weapons.

(Well, I'm happy to see both of you, but it seems I need to get stronger before I get a hold of you)

The two katanas are the same but distinct Kazenshi was forged in the depts of the abyss which releases black flames and his handle resembles that of a dragon, Zangetsu, on the other hand, was forged in the holy flames and releases a white aura being the handle itself also resembles a dragon with it being white both katana can cut through anything and by mastering this two It can release an unimaginable.

He moved out of his subspace and returned to his body.

(Well then, I think I should be trying if I have mana and aura and nurture it little by little.)

He helped his tiny body by pushing himself upward so that he can sit down, the next thing he does is concentrated his thoughts and reach the inner core of his body.

(Yes, I can feel it my Aura and my mana it's still the same.)

Without any delay, he started his meditation…. A few minutes have passed.

(Wahhh, I feel so refreshed I was able to reach 2 Star Aura and 3 Circle Magic. My growth and incredibly fast.)


The door opened and his mom entered his room.

"My word, what have you been doing, you're drenched in sweat, let's get you changed."

And his dad barge in.

"What happened!"

"What the hell are you doing you scaring the child"

"I'm sorry I'm just you always have my guards up"

My Dad was fidgeting with his fingers while my mom has her hands on her waist lecturing my dad.

"Next time don't do that you'll scare him"

"Guahh, Guahh!"

"Aww, are you hungry honey? Come here."

She picked me up and started breastfeeding.

"Look at him he looks so sweet."

"Shhh, you'll wake him up."

(It's good to know that I'm in the care of a loving family)

And in an instant 12 years have passed.

"Wow, it's been 12 years I should try to explore some more spells, or better I'll create a new one. "

"First of I should try to create a soundproof barrier."

He motioned his hand to create a magic circle, instantly a blue magic circle formed and lighted up underneath where he stands.

"Let's try it"

He inhaled deep into his lungs and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I guess this is alright nobody seemed to hear anything and if they did my parents would have been running into my room, well this is a success"

"Let's try throwing a fire spell unto ng wall and see if the barrier will hold."

Instantly a magic circle formed in his hands creating a magic circle, without wasting any more time he blasted his assault magic right into the barrier.

Instantly a smoke filled the room.

He waited until the smoke was clear and analyzed if it was strong enough to withstand the attack.

"This is good enough"

"This time around I'll be using my aura"

He reached for the dagger placed right beside his bed.

"let's see if I can imitate by technique before I reincarnated."

He made his stance concentrated on his breathing.

"Vortex slash"

With a swing of his knife red light emitted from it and form a slash-like appearance which clashed with the barrier with an amazing speed., after it collided a crack formed from the barrier.

"Hmm, even though my magic is stronger it still made a significant damage, amazing"

"Let's try another one of my other skills"

"Teleportation and flight."

With a single motion from his hand a circle emitted underneath and he was transported to the place he imagined that he wanted to be, the sky.

"Woah, I can see everything this is fantastic!"

He was proud of himself since he can do most of this by the age of 8 but he heard a distant roar.

A wyvern suddenly launched at him.

"Finally, someone I can test my skills."

He motioned sideways from Wyvern just in time before it snapped its mouth, He dodge to the left holding his knife and it tore a part of the Wyvern's wings.

The Wyvern roared in anger it became so aggravated that its pupil dilated.

"Come at me"

The Wyvern launched itself again with an amazing speed not even budging from the wound that it had received.

"Come on then!"

"Lightning spear!"

It hit Wyvern but it didn't change the momentum.


Analyze is magic that aims to observe the object, enemies, surrounding areas by doing this he can also see the various parts and can detect the weak spot of an object or an enemy, and can generate maps in which he can only see.

"It works as I had remembered."

"You were the first one to taste my technique, be honored as you stand before me the God of Wars!"

Both of them were about to collide at an amazing speed and immediately.

"Vortex Slash!"

The Wyvern was caught by surprise as powerful energy shot out of the knife and cut its body in half.

The life from the Wyvern's eyes ran out as it falls and crashes to the ground.

"Wait I feel like there's someone who is about to enter my room."



"Happy birthday Honey!"

"Thank you! Mom dad"

He forgot it was his birthday today luckily, he was able to hide his knife in his subspace right in time.

"Come now blow your cake"

His parents gave him lots of hugs and kisses when he finished blowing the candles, they showed him love and kindness which he's grateful for since he was reincarnated into this world

(I love them)

"I've got a gift for you"

A red box was handed from him.

"Don't forget about mine"

His father also handed him a rectangular blue box.

"Open it, Honey"

With a smile on his face, he opened his presents in front of them, the gift that he received from his mother was a necklace It was crystal clear.

"This will protect you whenever you are in danger, keep it with you always."

"Hey don't keep mine waiting I'm sure you'll like it."

It was a sword and besides, it was some runes etched on the blade.

"Thank you"

He hugged both of his parents to show his gratitude.

"But there's still one problem"

"What is it?"

"Go outside and play outside with the other kids"


"We've seen you reading and studying all the time boy of your age should have fun once in while"

He looked up at his parents and smiled, he nodded.

"Now then wear this necklace of yours and your sword will stay right here so that you won't hurt yourself"


Few minutes have passed and as he was finish changing his parents walked him in front of their door

"Have fun"

"Don't worry I'll be back before it gets dark, bye!"

As he walks past the door the morning sun met his eyes.

I'm thinking of chaning the name of his two swords :)

YangNanlicreators' thoughts