
The God of Valor

Lily, an exiled Asgardian princess, and her son Haraldr, now the God of Valor, find refuge in the mortal world. When Voldemort threatens their safety, Odin intervenes, revealing their divine heritage. Together, they return to Asgard, where they embrace their roles as gods, facing challenges and forging bonds that unite them as a family and guardians of the realms. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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22 Chs

Chapter 13

As the sun rose over Asgard, casting a golden glow across the tournament grounds, the excitement for the second day of the contest was palpable. Contestants and spectators alike gathered, eager to witness the next phase of the competition.

Algrim, standing on a raised platform at the center of the grounds, raised his hands to call for silence. The crowd quieted down, their attention focused on the Chief Advisor.

"Welcome back, everyone, to the second day of our grand tournament," Algrim began, his voice carrying clearly across the assembled masses. "Today, we move on to the one-on-one duels, which will determine the 40 contestants who will participate in the melee tomorrow."

He paused, letting the anticipation build before continuing. "The format for today's duels is simple. Each contestant will face off against another in a series of matches. The victor of each duel will advance, while the defeated will be eliminated from the competition."

The crowd murmured with excitement, the tension in the air growing as Algrim outlined the rules. "The duels will be conducted with blunted weapons to ensure the safety of all participants. Victory can be achieved by disarming your opponent, forcing them to yield, or by knocking them out of the designated dueling area."

Algrim gestured to the large, roped-off arenas scattered across the grounds. "The duels will take place in these arenas. Each match will be overseen by a referee to ensure fair play and adherence to the rules."

He glanced over the eager faces of the contestants, who were already mentally preparing for their matches. "We will begin shortly. Contestants, please report to the registration table to receive your match assignments and prepare for your duels. May the best warriors prevail and advance to tomorrow's melee."

With that, the contestants began moving toward the registration area, the buzz of conversation and anticipation filling the air. Haraldr, Susan, Neville, Hannah, Draco, Luna, Leif, Astrid, Bjorn, and Viggo exchanged determined looks, ready to give their all in the upcoming duels. The second day of the tournament was underway, and the path to victory lay before them.

In the background, Skadi stood apart from the bustling crowd, her icy blue eyes watching the proceedings with a calculated gaze. Her presence was almost ghostly, a stark contrast to the vibrant energy of the other contestants.

As Algrim finished his announcement, Skadi's focus remained unbroken, her thoughts centered on the upcoming duels. She was determined to prove her superiority, her resolve steeled by the fierce competition she had observed the previous day.

From her vantage point, she noted the interactions between Haraldr and his friends, her eyes narrowing slightly. Each movement, each word spoken was meticulously analyzed, as she sought any advantage she could use in the duels ahead.

Skadi's mind was a whirlwind of strategies, her competitive spirit burning brightly beneath her calm exterior. She would face Haraldr, she knew that much. And when she did, she would be ready.

The children gathered around the large board displaying the lists of matchups for the first round of duels. The excitement was palpable as they scanned the names, eager to see who they would be facing.

Susan nodded, relief evident on her face. "None of us are facing each other in the first round," she said, pointing to the various names. "We all have different opponents."

Draco smirked, his competitive spirit shining through. "Good, I'd rather save beating you lot for the later rounds," he joked, earning a playful shove from Neville.

"Let's just focus on winning our first duels," Neville said, his expression serious. "One step at a time."

Luna, as usual, had a serene smile on her face. "I think it's wonderful. This way, we can all support each other," she said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

Leif, Astrid, Bjorn, Hannah, and Viggo nodded in agreement, each of them mentally preparing for the upcoming challenge. They exchanged encouraging words, their camaraderie solidified by their shared determination to succeed.

As they turned to head back to the preparation area, Haraldr caught sight of Skadi lingering in the background, her eyes fixed on the list. A fleeting thought of her crossed his mind, but he quickly refocused on the task ahead. They all had a long day of duels ahead, and each of them was ready to give it their all.

The arena buzzed with anticipation as the first round of duels began. Viggo, his newly acquired long bow slung over his shoulder, stepped into the designated dueling area. Across from him stood his opponent, a tall, muscular Vanir teen named Haldor. The crowd hushed, their eyes trained on the two competitors.

Algrim's voice boomed over the arena, announcing the start of the match. "Viggo, Ullrson, versus Haldor of Vanaheim. Combatants, ready yourselves!"

Viggo took a deep breath, unsheathing the sword his father had given him for the tournament. The blade gleamed in the sunlight, its edge sharp and ready. He gripped the hilt firmly, feeling the familiar weight and balance. Across from him, Haldor brandished a heavy broadsword, its blade already showing signs of battle.

"Begin!" Algrim's voice echoed through the arena.

Haldor charged forward, his broadsword held high. Viggo stood his ground, his eyes locked on Haldor's movements. At the last moment, he sidestepped, avoiding the heavy downward swing. He countered with a quick slash to Haldor's side, but Haldor's armor deflected the blow.

The crowd leaned forward, eager to see who would gain the upper hand. Haldor swung his broadsword again, this time with more control. Viggo parried, the clash of steel ringing out. He used the momentum to spin away, creating distance between them.

Haldor pressed the attack, his strikes powerful and relentless. Viggo parried and dodged, his agility keeping him just out of reach. He saw an opening and thrust his sword forward, aiming for a gap in Haldor's armor. The tip of his blade found its mark, causing Haldor to grunt in pain and step back.

Viggo pressed his advantage, moving with the speed and precision his father had drilled into him. He feinted to the left, causing Haldor to overextend. With a swift, decisive move, Viggo struck Haldor's wrist, disarming him. The broadsword clattered to the ground.

Before Haldor could react, Viggo brought his sword to Haldor's neck, the blade stopping just short of the skin. The message was clear: the match was over.

Algrim's voice rang out, declaring Viggo the winner. "Viggo Ullrson advances to the next round!"

The crowd erupted into applause. Viggo stepped back, offering Haldor a respectful nod. Haldor, though disappointed, acknowledged Viggo's skill with a curt nod of his own.

In the stands, Haraldr and his friends cheered loudly, their excitement palpable. Eirlys, Loki, and Thor watched with pride from the VIP section, Loki nudging Thor with a smirk. "Told you Ullr's son was impressive," he said.

Thor grunted in agreement, a begrudging smile on his face. "That he is."

As Viggo exited the arena, his friends gathered around him, congratulating him on his victory. The first round of duels had begun, and each of them was more determined than ever to prove their mettle in the tournament.

Haraldr stepped out into the dueling arena, the roar of the crowd echoing in his ears. The youngest Prince of Asgard had a reputation to uphold, and the spectators were eager to see him in action. His friends watched from the sidelines, their expressions a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation.

Across the arena, Fenrik from Vanaheim strode forward, his imposing figure and confident demeanor exuding a sense of intimidation. He smirked at Haraldr, trying to unnerve the young prince. "So, the mighty Prince of Asgard," Fenrik taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Let's see if you live up to the tales."

Haraldr met Fenrik's gaze, his expression steady and unyielding. "We'll see who lives up to their reputation," he replied, his voice calm but firm.

The two combatants took their positions, the crowd's excitement reaching a fever pitch. Algrim's voice rang out, announcing the start of the duel. "Let the match begin!"

Fenrik lunged first, his sword aimed to strike a powerful blow. Haraldr deftly sidestepped, his agility on full display as he countered with a swift strike of his own. The clash of swords rang out, each movement precise and calculated.

Fenrik pressed harder, his attacks growing more aggressive. Haraldr parried and dodged, his focus unwavering. The crowd watched in awe, the youngest prince holding his own against the formidable opponent.

With a sudden burst of speed, Haraldr disarmed Fenrik, his sword flying from his hand and landing several feet away. The crowd erupted into cheers as Haraldr pointed his sword at Fenrik, signaling his victory.

Fenrik, breathing heavily, looked at Haraldr with a mix of respect and frustration. "You fought well, Prince," he admitted grudgingly.

Haraldr nodded, lowering his sword. "You did too, Fenrik."

As the crowd continued to cheer, Haraldr walked back to his friends, who greeted him with proud smiles and words of praise. The first round was his, and the tournament continued, each match bringing them closer to the final challenge.

Skadi stood in the contestants' waiting area, her eyes fixed intently on the arena. She watched Haraldr's every move with a keen, calculating gaze, analyzing his skill and strategy. The young prince's agility and precision impressed her, but she also noted areas where he could be exploited.

As Haraldr rejoined his friends amidst the crowd's cheers, Skadi's mind raced with thoughts and plans. She knew she would have to face him eventually if she wanted to prove herself and her lineage. This duel had given her valuable insights into his strengths and weaknesses.

With a determined glint in her eye, Skadi turned her attention back to the list of upcoming matches. Her turn would come soon enough, and she intended to make the most of it. Watching Haraldr had reinforced her resolve; she would be ready when their paths crossed.

In the meantime, she kept a watchful eye on the other duels, gathering as much information as possible. Every competitor was a potential opponent, and she planned to be prepared for them all.

Susan took a deep breath as she stepped into the arena, her grip firm on her sword. Across from her stood Eira, a lithe and agile girl from Alfheim, her own sword held with practiced ease. The crowd hushed in anticipation, eager to see the duel unfold.

Eira gave a slight nod of respect, which Susan returned. As the starting signal echoed through the arena, both girls sprang into action. Their swords clashed with a sharp metallic ring, and the audience leaned forward, captivated by their skillful maneuvers.

Eira moved with the grace and speed characteristic of the Elves of Alfheim, her strikes swift and precise. Susan countered with a blend of agility and strength, each parry and riposte showcasing her training under the watchful eyes of Sif and Tonks.

The duel was a mesmerizing dance of offense and defense. Eira launched a flurry of rapid strikes, which Susan deftly blocked, her footwork keeping her just out of reach. Susan then seized an opening, launching a counterattack that forced Eira to retreat a few steps.

The crowd erupted in cheers, impressed by the display of swordsmanship from both contestants. Amelia and Sirius watched with pride from the stands, while Haraldr, Neville, and the others cheered enthusiastically.

Eira attempted a bold feint, but Susan anticipated the move, sidestepping and delivering a precise strike to Eira's sword arm. The blade flew from Eira's hand, landing in the dust a few feet away. The match was decided.

Breathing heavily but smiling, Susan extended a hand to Eira, who accepted it with a gracious nod. The crowd applauded both girls for their impressive performance. Susan's friends rushed to congratulate her as she exited the arena, while Eira received encouraging pats on the back from her own supporters.

As the arena prepared for the next match, Susan joined her friends, still buzzing with the excitement of her victory. Her duel with Eira had been a thrilling test of her abilities, and she felt ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.


Amelia stood at the edge of the stands, her eyes fixed on the arena below where her niece, Susan, was engaged in a fierce duel. Sirius stood beside her, his expression reflecting the same pride and admiration that filled her heart.

As the clash of swords echoed through the arena, Amelia couldn't help but marvel at Susan's skill and determination. Each deft movement, each calculated strike spoke volumes of the training and dedication Susan had poured into her craft.

"She's doing brilliantly," Sirius remarked, his voice tinged with pride as he watched Susan hold her own against her opponent.

Amelia nodded, a smile gracing her lips. "She's always had a knack for swordplay," she replied, her gaze never leaving the action below.

Together, they watched as Susan executed a series of precise maneuvers, her agility and quick thinking evident in every motion. When Susan emerged victorious, disarming her opponent with skill and grace, Amelia's heart swelled with pride.

"That's my girl," she said softly, her voice filled with maternal pride.

Sirius placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, his own pride shining in his eyes. "She's a natural," he agreed, his gaze following Susan as she made her way out of the arena, greeted by cheers and applause from the crowd.

As they watched Susan reunite with her friends, Amelia couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. Seeing her niece excel in the tournament filled her with a sense of joy and pride that words could not fully express.

Draco stepped onto the dueling grounds with a confident smirk, his sword gleaming in the sunlight. Across from him stood Gunnar from Alfheim, his expression a mix of determination and apprehension. Draco wasted no time in launching his verbal assault, aiming to undermine Gunnar's confidence before the duel had even begun.

"Is this really the best Alfheim has to offer?" Draco sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "I expected a challenge, not a weakling waving a sword around like a child."

Gunnar's jaw tightened at Draco's words, his grip on his own sword tightening in response. Despite Draco's attempts to provoke him, Gunnar remained silent, his focus unwavering as he prepared to face his opponent.

Draco continued his taunts, each word designed to chip away at Gunnar's resolve. But Gunnar remained steadfast, his eyes locked on Draco with unwavering determination.

As the duel commenced, Draco's insults only intensified, each slash of his sword accompanied by a barrage of jeers and taunts. But Gunnar remained composed, his movements fluid and controlled as he deflected Draco's attacks with precision.

In the end, it was Draco's skill with the sword and his relentless verbal assault that secured his victory. With a final, decisive blow, Draco knocked Gunnar's sword from his grasp, leaving him defenseless against Draco's onslaught.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Draco emerged victorious, his victory a testament to his prowess with both blade and tongue. As Gunnar retreated from the dueling grounds, Draco raised his sword in triumph, relishing in the sweet taste of victory.

Narcissa, sitting regally in the stands beside her sisters Bellatrix and Andromeda, glanced proudly at the dueling grounds where her son Draco stood victorious. A small smile played at the corners of her lips as she turned to Fandral, her paramour, who sat beside her.

"Draco's performance is the epitome of Slytherin cunning and skill," Narcissa remarked, her voice tinged with satisfaction. "He knows how to use every advantage to secure his victory."

Beside her, Bellatrix nodded in agreement, her eyes glittering with pride. "Our little Draco has certainly inherited the Black Family charm and wit," she added, a hint of admiration in her voice.

Andromeda, seated on Narcissa's other side, watched the scene with a mixture of pride and concern. Though she couldn't deny Draco's talent, she couldn't help but worry about the lengths he would go to achieve success.

Fandral, ever the charmer, leaned in closer to Narcissa, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Indeed, my lady," he murmured, his voice low and conspiratorial. "But I must say, he has also inherited a fair share of bravery and skill from his mother."

Narcissa's cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment, and she inclined her head graciously. "Thank you, Fandral," she replied, a soft smile gracing her features. "But let us not forget the role his friends play in shaping his character as well."

With a nod of agreement, the group turned their attention back to the dueling grounds, where Draco was being hailed as the victor of his first-round match. As the cheers of the crowd washed over them, Narcissa couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in her son's accomplishments, a testament to the strength and resilience of the House of Black.


Skadi stepped onto the dueling grounds with a focused determination, her eyes fixed unwaveringly on her opponent, Ragnar, a massive boy from Vanaheim. Despite his imposing size, Skadi remained calm and composed, her movements fluid and precise.

As the duel commenced, Skadi wasted no time in demonstrating her skill and agility. With swift, calculated strikes, she expertly maneuvered around her opponent's clumsy attacks, exploiting his slow movements to her advantage.

With each precise strike of her sword, Skadi gradually wore down her opponent's defenses, her movements a blur of speed and precision. Despite his size, the Vanaheim boy struggled to keep up, his attacks growing more frantic and uncoordinated with each passing moment.

In a final, decisive move, Skadi delivered a powerful blow that sent her opponent staggering backwards, his sword clattering to the ground. With a swift, fluid motion, she disarmed him, leaving him defenseless before her.

With a steely determination in her eyes, Skadi delivered the finishing blow, her sword striking true and bringing her opponent to his knees. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Skadi emerged victorious, her victory a testament to her skill and prowess as a warrior.

Susan glanced over at Haraldr, her brow furrowing slightly as she observed his focused expression while watching Skadi's duel. A faint feeling of unease settled in her stomach as she had noticed Skadi's intense gaze fixed on Haraldr, her eyes following his every move with an almost unsettling intensity.

Suppressing a sigh, Susan tore her gaze away from the scene, her mind swirling with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over her since she first noticed Skadi's intense scrutiny of Haraldr.

Turning back to Haraldr, Susan forced a small smile, hoping to mask her growing unease. She found herself drawn to him in a way she couldn't quite explain, a feeling that both excited and terrified her at the same time.

As they watched Skadi's victory unfold, Susan couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was amiss, a sense of foreboding that lingered at the edges of her consciousness. With a heavy heart, she silently resolved to keep a close eye on Skadi, determined to unravel the mystery behind the enigmatic girl's unsettling behavior.

Luna gracefully danced around her opponent, her movements fluid and precise, reminiscent of a ballerina on stage. With each step, she effortlessly dodged her opponent's attacks, her lithe form weaving through the air with unparalleled grace and agility.

Her opponent, Knut, a burly boy from Alfheim, swung his sword with brute force, but Luna's nimble footwork and quick reflexes allowed her to evade his every strike with ease. With each graceful pirouette and elegant leap, she danced circles around him, her movements seemingly effortless yet undeniably effective.

As the crowd watched in awe, Luna's opponent grew increasingly frustrated, his attacks becoming more erratic and desperate. But Luna remained unfazed, her serene expression never faltering as she continued to dance around him with unparalleled grace.

With a final, graceful flourish, Luna delivered a precise strike, disarming her opponent with a flick of her wrist. The Viking boy stumbled backward, his sword clattering to the ground as Luna emerged victorious, her dance-like combat style proving to be a formidable force to be reckoned with.

As the crowd erupted into cheers, Luna bowed gracefully, her victory a testament to the beauty and power of her unique fighting technique.

Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood watched with pride as their daughter displayed her extraordinary talents on the battlefield. Their eccentricity shone through in their enthusiastic cheers and unconventional applause, drawing the attention of those around them.

Pandora, with her dreamy demeanor and whimsical attire, clapped her hands together with childlike enthusiasm, her eyes shining with admiration for her daughter's performance. She cheered loudly, her voice carrying over the crowd as she praised Luna's graceful movements and impeccable technique.

Beside her, Xenophilius beamed with pride, his eccentric glasses glinting in the sunlight as he applauded Luna's victory. With an air of scholarly curiosity, he analyzed her every move, marveling at the artistry and precision of her combat style.

Together, they celebrated Luna's triumph, their unique brand of parental support adding an extra layer of whimsy and eccentricity to the already electrifying atmosphere of the tournament grounds.

As Neville stepped onto the dueling ground, the weight of the Viking axes in his hands felt reassuring. Across from him stood Magnus, a formidable opponent, towering over him with an imposing presence.

The crowd murmured in anticipation, their eyes fixed on the two competitors. Neville squared his shoulders, his determination shining through as he prepared to face the challenge ahead.

The clash of steel filled the air as Neville and Magnus locked in combat, each refusing to yield. Neville wielded his axes with precision, his movements swift and calculated. Magnus, with his size and strength, posed a formidable challenge, parrying Neville's strikes with skillful agility.

The spectators held their breath, their eyes glued to the intense duel unfolding before them. The sound of metal meeting metal echoed throughout the arena as Neville and Magnus traded blows, neither willing to back down.

The intensity of the battle only seemed to fuel Neville's determination, his focus unwavering as he fought with all his might. With each strike, he pushed himself harder, determined to emerge victorious against his formidable opponent.

Alice, sitting in the stands beside her husband Frank and Haraldr's mother Eirlys, was in awe of her son's ferociousness. She watched with a mixture of pride and admiration as Neville battled against Magnus, his determination shining through with each swing of his axes.

Beside her, Eirlys nodded approvingly, her eyes glittering with pride. "He's truly a warrior," she murmured, her voice filled with motherly affection.

Frank, equally impressed, leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Neville's every move. "That's my boy," he said with a grin, his chest swelling with pride.

Together, they watched as Neville continued to fight with unwavering determination, his resolve unwavering despite the formidable challenge he faced. In that moment, he embodied the spirit of a true warrior, and they couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride in his courage and strength.

Neville manages to drag victory out of the jaws of defeat, earning his opponent's and the crowd's respect and admiration. Despite facing a formidable adversary in Magnus, Neville's determination and skill shine through as he fights with unwavering resolve.

With each swing of his axes, Neville proves himself to be a fierce and capable warrior, refusing to back down even in the face of overwhelming odds. His tenacity and courage earn him not only victory but also the respect of his opponent and the admiration of the crowd.

As Magnus concedes defeat, the crowd erupts into cheers and applause, recognizing Neville's remarkable display of bravery and skill. For Neville, it is a moment of triumph, a testament to his strength and resilience in the face of adversity. And as he stands victorious, he knows that he has earned the respect and admiration of all who witnessed his valiant performance.

With Leif, Astrid, and Hannah joining the reat as qualifiers for the second round, the first round draws to a close. The arena buzzes with excitement and anticipation as the crowd discusses the impressive performances they've witnessed.

Leif's swift and precise movements, Astrid's graceful yet deadly strikes, and Hannah's resilient determination have left a lasting impression on both spectators and fellow competitors alike. Each contestant has proven their mettle in the heat of battle, earning their place in the next round of the tournament.

As the contestants make their way off the arena floor, the air is charged with energy and anticipation for the battles yet to come. The stage is set for even more thrilling displays of skill and bravery in the rounds ahead, promising excitement and drama for all who bear witness to the contest.


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