
Chapter 3

[Name: Grid Age:16

Race: Human Class: ???

Health: 7/20 Level: -1

Strength: 3 Speed:2

Intel:5 Defense:2

Vitality: 1

Skill Points: 0

Pity Points: 3

Cripple Disease: No Mana

Less of all stats, only resolved when reached level 0]

Grid looked at his less than trash stats and saw something that caught his eye, 'Hmm I have something called pity points, what are those?' [ Pity points are points the system gives out of pity/ extreme trauma], the voice of the system, which sounded like that of a young girl, droned. Grid, realizing that it's just fancy words for points, put all of them into his strength, literally doubling it. His muscles expanded, his bones strengthened and enlarged, and his skin pressed less on his bones and become more nourished, and his meridians bathed in the power of mana and expanded, and strengthened. Grid slightly moved his arms and legs, and a slight crackle sounded from his bones. Grid's body now had enough strength to destroy a rock with his bare hands. For even Grid, who was considered weak in this world, could be considered stronger than a regular human. After he felt the euphoria of his newfound power, the rush was too much for his body and mind to handle, so he fainted on the spot.

When he woke back up, it was already the next morning. His body was significantly better looking after that beating yesterday. He got up and started to do your typical warm-ups, you know, jumping jacks, splits, putting his leg to his bum and all that jazz. Because he knew that in a while, the thugs would come back for more. After a few more minutes of the calm before the storm, the thugs walked into the alleyway and sneered, "Don't tell me you slept here the entire night after your beatdown, hmph, pathetic!" The gang laughed and jeered so loud It got to the point that a crowd started forming around Grid, and the thugs. " Yeah, what if I did, what are you going to do punch me." Grid laughed at them back, " I challenge you to a formal dual!"