
Arrogant Young Master Sun

Upon entering the lobby, the receptionist promptly welcomed Ye Haoxuan, noting the surprise upon seeing his supreme card.

However, the receptionist, displaying excellent professional demeanor, smiled and asked, "Hello, how many guests, sir? Would you like a private room?"

Ye Haoxuan looked around the hall, seeing many guests and being alone himself; going to a private room seemed unnecessary.

So he calmly said, "Just one person."

The receptionist nodded, then led Ye Haoxuan to a splendid window-side location.

Opening the menu, there were only dishes listed without prices. However, those dining here wouldn't mind the cost.

The menu featured a variety of both Chinese and Western dishes. Ye Haoxuan randomly chose a steak, deciding to try Western cuisine for the first time.

After the receptionist took back the menu, a waiter brought an appetizer. Ye Haoxuan sipped it, finding it peculiar, and shook his head, putting the glass down.

After a while, the steak arrived. The chef's skill was outstanding, perfectly searing the steak, making it tender and succulent.

Though unfamiliar with Western dining, Ye Haoxuan, having never eaten pork, managed with the fork and knife, not struggling to get a taste of the meat.

However, just as Ye Haoxuan was savoring his meal, an untimely voice interrupted.

"What! My favorite spot is taken. Where's your manager?" Ye Haoxuan raised his head to find Sun Liang staring at him, shouting.

"What can I help you with, sir?" A receptionist hurried over.

Sun Liang pointed at Ye Haoxuan, "This spot is reserved for me every time. Why is this poor guy sitting here today?"

Sun Liang's demeanor was assertive. Fu Yunyun was shocked by the luxurious decoration inside.

The receptionist glanced at Ye Haoxuan and said, "I'm sorry, sir. This person is also our guest. You didn't reserve, and the manager didn't instruct us to keep this spot for you. How about another seat?"

Sun Liang arrogantly declared, "I'm a platinum member here. Now I can't even choose a seat? Go get your manager."

His arrogance was unsettling. If you come here to consume, aren't others doing the same? Why insist on that specific seat?

At this moment, a plump middle-aged man approached, asking, "What's the matter?"

Before the receptionist could respond, Sun Liang was already clamoring, "Li Fatso, what's going on? Didn't I tell you this spot is reserved for me? Why is this guy sitting here?"

Sun Liang had some business connections with the Fatso. As Li Fatso was a shrewd person, he often flattered Sun Liang.

He quickly smiled and said, "Oh, Young Master Sun. Today, the seats are in high demand, and I overlooked it for a moment. How about this? I'll help you find another..."

Li Fatso didn't dare to offend Ye Haoxuan. People who came here were not ordinary; even though Ye Haoxuan looked ordinary, he could be a low-key person who liked to wear inexpensive clothes.

Sun Liang sneered, "Li Fatso, you're getting worse. Look at this kid; does he look like someone who can afford to eat here? People's Pride is a high-end place. How can it accommodate such a kid?"

Fatso was puzzled, "Young Master Sun, is what you're saying true?"

Sun Liang stated, "Of course. This guy doesn't even have a membership card. He's just a freeloader."

Ye Haoxuan picked up his napkin, wiped his mouth, and stared at Li Fatso, "Are you questioning my dining qualifications here?"

Li Fatso was taken aback and forced a smile, "Of course not. It's just that since Young Master Sun has doubts, I had to ask. This is an upscale place; not everyone can enter."

Ye Haoxuan nodded, took out the purple supreme card from his pocket, and threw it on the table, saying, "Alright, I'll call Feng Zhiyuan later. Even dining isn't peaceful. What does he mean by this?"

Accompanying the supreme card was a gold-plated business card.

Seeing the card and the business card, Li Fatso's face turned pale. He could tell whether the items on the table were genuine or fake. He cursed in his heart, "Damn Sun Liang, trying to embarrass me."

Li Fatso's tall figure suddenly seemed shorter. He wiped the cold sweat from his face and smiled, "So, you're Mr. Feng's guest. I truly have eyes but fail to see. My apologies for the offense."

The sudden change in Li Fatso's attitude left Sun Liang and Fu Yunyun dumbfounded. In charge of People's Pride, Sun Zhaoming was not an ordinary person. They couldn't understand why he lowered his posture to Ye Haoxuan.

Could it be that the card on the table is real?

Ye Haoxuan calmly said, "Manager Li, any more doubts?"

"N-no... none." Li Fatso was covered in sweat.