
"Vain Ex-Girlfriend"

After circling the sports field for over a dozen laps and practicing the martial arts associated with the Hao Ran Jue, Ye Haoxuan felt a surge of vitality throughout his body.

Returning to the dorm, he planned to find something to do during the summer break to alleviate his mother's burden.

Medical practice was out of the question. Despite possessing medical skills, lacking a medical license made it illegal. He could only find odd jobs to make some money.

However, with many students on break, finding a job proved challenging. By mid-morning, Ye Haoxuan had yet to secure any opportunities.

As hunger rumbled in his stomach, he noticed the "Human Paradise" hotel nearby. Although clearly a luxurious establishment for high-income individuals, someone like Ye Haoxuan, a poor student, couldn't afford to dine there.

Contemplating grabbing a quick bite from a street vendor, he unexpectedly saw the logo of the Changtian Group in the lower right corner of the "Human Paradise."

Remembering the consumption card given by Feng Changkong the previous day, he took it out, finding the logo matching that of the "Human Paradise."

Smirking at the coincidence, Ye Haoxuan decided to experience a taste of high-end living today.

Approaching the hotel, he hesitated at the sight of the well-dressed security guard. Glancing at his own mismatched attire, he felt a bit reluctant, almost turning away.

Suddenly, a voice behind him exclaimed, "Young Master Sun, this is Human Paradise, quite magnificent."

Startled, Ye Haoxuan recognized the voice as his ex-girlfriend Fu Yunyun's. She walked towards the hotel entrance, arm in arm with a guy sporting a crew cut.

"Yes, this place is high-end. Even if you have money, it's not guaranteed you can enter. Today, I'll show you what high-end consumption is all about," said the guy called Young Master Sun.

Sun Li was also a medical university student, known for his playboy reputation. Fu Yunyun, surprisingly, got involved with him.

"Ye Haoxuan, what are you doing here?" Fu Yunyun was surprised to see him.

Having seen through Fu Yunyun's vanity, Ye Haoxuan didn't have any special feelings for her. He calmly replied, "Just here for a meal."

"A meal? Are you joking? Are you sure you're not here to do odd jobs?" Fu Yunyun was astonished.

This was Human Paradise, a place for high-end consumption. Knowing Ye Haoxuan's family background, with his poor appearance, he couldn't possibly afford to dine here.

Sun Li, on the side, looked at Ye Haoxuan with interest. "Who would have thought, it's the famous medical university prodigy Ye Haoxuan. Planning to indulge in high-end consumption too? Do you two know each other?"

Ye Haoxuan excelled in his studies, receiving scholarships every year. Fu Yunyun, sneering, replied, "Ex-boyfriend."

"Oh, so you're a senior. Nice to meet you," Sun Li mockingly greeted Ye Haoxuan, a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"So, Young Master Sun, are you here to dine? Can he get in? It's not just about money; not everyone can enter here. Looking at him, he doesn't seem like someone who can afford it. He might not even pass through the door," Fu Yunyun said with contempt.

Despite gaining a broader perspective on life after inheriting medical knowledge, Ye Haoxuan still furrowed his brow at Fu Yunyun's scornful words.

"Why do you harbor such resentment towards me, Fu Yunyun? Is it because I'm too frugal?" Ye Haoxuan asked coldly.

Fu Yunyun scoffed, "Resentment is too strong a word. It's just that when I think about the time we spent together, I feel it wasn't worth it."

Mocking him, Ye Haoxuan retorted, "That must be tough for you, spending so much time with me."

"You..." Fu Yunyun was fuming.

Turning away, she said to Sun Li, "Young Master Sun, let's go. I don't want to see this country bumpkin. What kind of place is this? He can get in here?"

"Haha, wait here. I'll pack some leftovers for you when I come out," Sun Li laughed.

Ignoring them, Ye Haoxuan walked towards Human Paradise, pulling out the card Feng Zhiyuan had given him and handed it to the security guard.

Initially, the guard, seeing an ordinary-looking person approaching, considered shooing him away. However, taking the card, he snapped to attention, accepting it respectfully.

After checking the card, he gestured politely for Ye Haoxuan to enter.

Their General Feng was highly regarded in Qingyuan City, and this card symbolized the VIP status granted to a distinguished guest. Even the General had to be cautious around such people.

Nodding, Ye Haoxuan walked in without looking back.

Outside, Sun Li and Fu Yunyun stared in disbelief. Sun Li, aware of the establishment's rules, couldn't comprehend how Ye Haoxuan gained entry. Fu Yunyun, still skeptical, commented, "He must be here to do odd jobs."

The two didn't witness Ye Haoxuan's use of the supreme card, leaving them with the explanation that he was working there.