
part 1:Awakening

Sam brook was your average American highschooler,he had had a nice and jovial air around him.

Like many of the children in 20xx the year of Sam's birth he too was intrested in super powers and mythology alike.

He lived with his mom on Elgin.rd his father died when he was eight and  was pitied upon by his peers and teachers alike

* quick insight *

Sam had a jovial personality as previously mentioned but his personality  would experience a quick and sudden u-turn upon mention of Sam's father.

He was walking from the school and was two blocks from his  house when in  his eyes a tremendous shocker took place.

As if the world was slowly unwinding itself scene by scene. his legs didn't move, a truck swerved right towards him and hit him ,blood spurted and tainted his lips a violent shade of crimson and his vision turned black .

And in those depths of darkness  he was standing In a abysmal space where no light seemed to reach.

Then he saw a 3d hologram in front of him


[User has completed perquisites set and obtained thantos's power]

{Do you wish to accept :(Y/N) }

Sam not knowing what to do accepted.

A vast amount of knowledge entered his brain overwhelming him for a few minutes along with it came visions of his town overrun with monsters and people of various races using supernatural  powers.

Suddenly a realization dawned on Sam's  face ,following that a set of notifications appeared

([Death Aura] rank:SSS  acquired)


{Used to excersise control over undead and mortals alike,has a chance to cause

The soul of an individual or monster to self destruct upon inflicting or trying to inflict upon user ( does not work on awakened )}

([Absolute Death] rank :n/a acquired)


{A skill of legend used by thanatos himself has a 1% chance to inflict absolute death upon awakened and Gods (in no way can the victim of this skill be resurrected )}