
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Kỳ huyễn
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75 Chs

Chapter 27 Causes and consequences

The reason why Yang Haoran brought up the death pendant at this time is because he still has some questions that he can't figure out.

  Judging from the carrion old woman's fear of the death pendant last night, this death pendant has a certain restraint effect on the carrion old woman, otherwise, the carrion old woman at that time would not be so afraid of the death pendant.

  And Jiang Zhenzhen also has a death pendant in her hand, which was lent to her by Yang Haoran, and that death pendant was also consecrated by the temple. , so that she must carry the death pendant with her, but why can the carrion old woman approach her?

  It stands to reason that with the death pendant on her body, the carrion old woman should not dare to approach her, just like when Yang Haoran has the death pendant in his hand, the carrion old woman is very afraid and dare not approach him, if the carrion old woman did not appear suddenly He was startled by being in front of him, causing the death pendant in his hand to fly out. He probably had successfully taken Jiang Zhenzhen and the middle-aged man away at that time.

  Could it be that the death pendant he lent to Jiang Zhenzhen was a counterfeit product and didn't have the ability to scare the carrion old woman?

  When Yang Haoran asked about the death pendant, Jiang Zhenzhen's pale face showed a little blush, and she said falteringly: "That... that... I lost it, I obviously wore it around my neck, but yesterday When I got home late, I found it was gone, maybe... Maybe it was because I drank too much last night and accidentally lost it on the way home."

  "Lost it?" Yang Haoran's face changed slightly, and his voice obviously raised a bit, which attracted doubtful or unfriendly eyes from other hospital beds.

  Yang Haoran also realized his gaffe, and quickly smiled apologetically at the other people in the ward, who then looked away.

  But Jiang Zhenzhen's face was even redder at this time, but she didn't deny it, she nodded, and said weakly: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry Master Yang, I lost your treasure, although I know this treasure is not for money. To measure, but apart from losing money, I don't know how to express my apology in my heart, how much I need to pay, master, I will definitely..."

  Yang Haoran waved his hand to stop Jiang Zhenzhen from continuing, and said, "I didn't mean that, you misunderstood."

  At this time, Yang Haoran had some guesses in his mind, why Jiang Zhenzhen was not harassed by the rotting corpse old woman the night before, and only one day later, the rotting corpse old woman not only appeared again, but also got worse.

  Now it seems that the reason should all be on the death pendant he lent to Jiang Zhenzhen.

  Before meeting Yang Haoran, the carrion old woman had been pestering Jiang Zhenzhen. After meeting Yang Haoran, Yang Haoran lent her the pendant of death. Last night, the carrion old woman who had been silent all night reappeared!

  Didn't show up early, didn't show up late, but appeared after Jiang Zhenzhen lost the death pendant, Yang Haoran didn't understand what it meant.

  His set of tricks to fool ghosts, the so-called "dharma affairs", the carrion old woman didn't accept his tricks at all, or he didn't appreciate it at all, so it didn't have any effect. What really made the carrion old woman afraid was still Death Pendant!

  After trying to understand this, some doubts arose in Yang Haoran's heart. The God of Death pendant, which is clearly a dead thing, can actually make ghosts fear. Is it because the God of Death pendant that has been activated has different powers, or is it because the God of Death's name is too big? , even if it's just a pendant, ghosts don't dare to make mistakes when facing it?

  There is no answer to this question for the time being, because Yang Haoran's knowledge at this time is limited, and many doubts cannot be solved by his current cognition, so he did not continue to think about it.

  When he came back to his senses, seeing that Jiang Zhenzhen was still blushing, with guilt on his face, he knew that Jiang Zhenzhen should still be guilty of losing the death pendant.

  "If the death pendant hadn't been lost, what happened last night might not have happened, but now the matter has happened and it has been resolved. If the death pendant falls, it will fall, as long as people are fine." Yang Haoran smiled Said.

  Jiang Zhenzhen was silent for a while, but still nodded, thanking very embarrassedly: "Thank you."

  In fact, Jiang Zhenzhen is still quite conflicted at this time. If Yang Haoran really wants her to pay for the death pendant, she can still take out less money. If it is too much, her little deposit is definitely not enough. Worry about it.

  But Yang Haoran didn't care about this matter. Although she saved a sum of money, the guilt in her heart became stronger.

  Yang Haoran also seemed to see the guilt in Jiang Zhenzhen's heart, so he smiled and changed the topic, no longer discussing the death pendant, but asked why she didn't make it clear that she was haunted on the phone last night and caused him harm. Thinking that she had met a hooligan, she asked why her phone couldn't be reached immediately.

  In this regard, Jiang Zhenzhen gave explanations one by one.

  It turned out that when the carrion old woman appeared, she was frightened. Before she could speak clearly, the battery of the mobile phone died.

  At that time, the situation was urgent, so she put her mobile phone in her pocket and was about to run out of the door. In her opinion, it might not be safe to run out of this room, but if she didn't run out of this room, she would definitely die!

  However, the carrion old woman didn't give her this chance, she was trapped in the house in a frightened way, until Yang Haoran arrived, she couldn't run out of the house, and then the scene that Yang Haoran saw appeared.

  As for why Jiang Zhenzhen's mobile phone had power at this time, it was charged by other patients' chargers after waking up in the hospital.

  After listening to Jiang Zhenzhen's narration, Yang Haoran nodded, as if he understood the ins and outs of the whole thing.

  Recalling the experience of last night, Jiang Zhenzhen was still trembling and seemed extremely terrified. Seeing this, Yang Haoran knew that he could no longer ask about the carrion old woman, so he changed the topic again, and chatted with her about other irrelevant things. thing.

  An hour later, Jiang Zhenzhen's complexion improved a lot, and she no longer looked so pale. During the chat with Yang Haoran, a smile appeared on her face from time to time. Obviously, Yang Haoran successfully diverted her attention. At this time Not only did she not think about getting rid of the death pendant anymore, she also didn't think about the horrible carrion old woman.

  Seeing that it was almost done, Yang Haoran had the intention of leaving, so he stood up and said to Jiang Zhenzhen: "I came here just to see if you are okay, I am relieved to see that you are fine, I have other things If you need to do something urgent, you will leave first, and if you need anything, just call me directly."

  Jiang Zhenzhen chatted with Yang Haoran very happily, she seemed to be full of ideas, but seeing that the sky outside the window was gradually darkening, she was too embarrassed to continue to stay, after all, she couldn't find a suitable reason to keep Yang Haoran, so she had to not She nodded and said thank you again.

  Yang Haoran responded with a smile that it was nothing, and was about to turn around and leave. Then at this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open by a force.


  The door hit the wall with a dull sound. The sudden situation not only attracted the attention of Yang Haoran and Jiang Zhenzhen, but also the attention of other patients and their families in the ward.

  It is necessary to keep quiet in the ward so that the patients can have a good rest environment, so when people with a little brain enter the ward, they will be very careful in their words and deeds. They speak softly and move lightly, which is common sense.

  However, there are always some people in this world who don't know the rules. They are self-centered, act according to their own temperment, and never consider other people's feelings. Right now, the guy who suddenly pushed the door open with force belongs to this type of people.

  At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the fat figure at the door, and their expressions were not very good-looking.

  Standing at the door was a middle-aged woman who looked about forty-five or sixteen years old. She had a bloated figure and a fleshy face. She had a big gold chain around her neck and a bag in her hand. the household.

  The woman looked ugly, a bit uglier than the looks of other people in the ward. She ignored the ugly faces of the others, swept her eyes across the ward, and finally landed on Jiang Zhenzhen.

  When Jiang Zhenzhen saw this person, her face immediately became tense, and when the woman found Jiang Zhenzhen, she first stood at the door and cursed, and then walked towards the hospital bed where Jiang Zhenzhen was lying murderously.

  Originally, other people in the ward were full of distress with the middle-aged woman, but seeing her murderous look, none of them stood up to accuse the woman, and no one drove the woman out of the ward. his eyes on the woman, wanting to see what the woman wanted to do.

  Yang Haoran frowned, he was not a fool, of course he found out that the woman came for Jiang Zhenzhen.

  Glancing at the murderous middle-aged woman, and then at the nervous Jiang Zhenzhen, Yang Haoran didn't speak indiscriminately, because he hadn't figured out the relationship between the two of them, and it was very irrational to speak indiscriminately.

  However, although he didn't say anything, his body that had already stood up sat back down again. This time he didn't sit back in the chair under him, but went directly to the side of Jiang Zhenzhen's bed, sat on the edge of the bed, and leaned on the bed. Jiang Zhenzhen is very close.

  Jiang Zhenzhen, who was originally in a nervous mood, suddenly felt relieved because Yang Haoran sat down next to her. She subconsciously reached out and grabbed the corner of Yang Haoran's clothes.

  At this time, the middle-aged woman had already walked quickly to Jiang Zhenzhen's side. She stared at Jiang Zhenzhen with bull's eyes, and she was panting violently. I don't know if it was because she was tired or out of breath.

  "A... Auntie... why are you here?" Jiang Zhenzhen tried to force a smile on her face, and said to the middle-aged woman.

  It was fine not to listen to Jiang Zhenzhen's words, but when Jiang Zhenzhen spoke, the middle-aged woman's chubby face became more angry.

  "Auntie? Hmph, little girl, don't try to get close to my old lady. I'm not your auntie. Do you think I'll let you go if you call me a little more affectionate? You're dreaming!"