
The God Alchemist

Bout a dude that is really good at alchemy. And likes to kill people. And likes to have sex. ------------------------------------------------ Ok I just want to make it clear that horny is not the point of this novel.

TheCheeseCat · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chap 6

Two days passed quickly to Nick as he had lived several hundred years, metaphorically even more as his mentality was like that of a few millennia-old children. However, the fact that he made no improvement, except leveling up his mana and fire glyphs because of the constant use, was making him annoyed. Every time he fought a demon he would get so close to killing them then they would run away leading Nick with no reward for his efforts. The demons that he had seen only had improved physical attributes similar to increased strength or speed. The intelligence of demons was honestly kind of sad and Nick assumed that they were most just operating out of instinct more than rational thought.

Otherwise, he had not seen the Cat demon since his encounter in the forest which was mildly frustrating as he concluded that he had almost died for nothing. In feeling a sense of deep frustration and disillusionment due to the lack of progress he had made in his goal to murder some demons, Nick resolved to adopt a new and unconventional approach for the time. He set traps in the very active areas where he had previously encountered the flesh-eating gentlemen, with the hope of catching one of them off-guard and in a vulnerable position finally being able to land a finishing blow to one of them.

With a renewed determined spirit and a keen eye for detail, Nick meticulously planned out the locations for his traps, taking into account the patterns and behaviors of the demons he had previously encountered. It mostly revolved into areas that had the most foot traffic during the daytime, they were guided by their hunger and learning that he started his execution. He spent long hours in the field, setting up complex and intricate traps that were designed to lure the demons in and incapacitate them to an extent. He went about this by placing his new air glyph along with a large injection of mana in a rock then activating it in a brief moment to cause a shock wave of sorts.

He started by finding rocks that were 3-5 pounds, these were the perfect size because they were small enough to easily carry 1 or 2 at a time. Also after he tried placing an AM on the rock he found that it could only contain 1 AM cell at maximum unlike him who could place around eight 7-cell AMs on his body, two on his hands, two on his elbows, two on his feet, and two on his knees. There were also 4 on his body but he did not feel like seeing his creator so soon so he avoided the whole area until he knew more. As he was experimenting earlier he found that he could increase an object's cells to the number of permanent cells that he had. For him this was currently 7 cells each of which took 10 minutes to add with total concentration, unfortunately being in the middle of the forest did not allow for that so each took around 15-20 minutes.

The catch was that for every cell he added the object would have a 10% increase in the chance that it would implode. This was good as it was not unlike a grenade in the sense that it would cause mass damage, but mostly bad because now it would not be controlled causing anyone and anything to be affected by the blast. Also as the object would implode it would make the object used rip itself apart destroying the item in the process. The counter to this was that each object could only hold a certain amount of extra AMs like the rocks he was caring could only hold 9 extra before directly imploding without even trying the reaction. However, because Nick was so weak he needed not to worry about the different limitations that this entailed unless he tried to use something as small and weak as a blade of grass.

The even worse part of the whole situation was that the rocks would glow brighter as he infused more and more cells into the rocks. Even more so he needed to give each rock 20 mana so it could provide a strong enough ability to actually do some damage, this alone increased the time it took to make each rock trap by 20 minutes making each trap take 30-40 minutes. However, despite the arduous nature of the task he just set upon himself and the many setbacks he just encountered, Nick persevered, driven by his unwavering determination to see some blood fly. He remained vigilant and focused, carefully creating his rock wind traps that used a combination of large amounts of mana and wind to create a powerful but momentary pushing force.

After a wait that felt like an eternity but was really only a day and a half, Nick's unwavering diligence and perseverance had finally paid dividends. As the vibrant sun gradually descended behind the horizon, Nick adroitly concealed himself behind a nearby tree, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the demons. He meticulously arranged his traps throughout the area, employing an effective strategy to ensnare the malevolent creatures in every possible direction, with each trap strategically placed to appeal to any outcome. He only placed them in locations that would result in an advantage whether they exploded or they activated the AM. Of Course, it would always be preferred if the AM activated but at least it would not render the trap useless if it just exploded.

As the sky grew darker, Nick's patience was rewarded as a demon appeared in the distance, moving towards the traps with its eyes locked on the glowing rocks. However, something seemed off about this demon. While most demons had increased physical abilities, this one appeared to be as thin as a twig and lacked the usual menacing aura that Nick had grown accustomed to. To his surprise, the demon didn't walk into the trap's active radius and instead looked directly at Nick. Its eyes glowed with a strange intensity, sending a chill down Nick's spine. He quickly readied himself for a fight, his heart pounding with analytical precision focusing on every movement the demon executed.

The demon was unlike any Nick had ever faced before. It was thin, almost skeletal, and it lacked the usual menacing aura that Nick had grown accustomed to. But there was something else that made this demon different. Its eyes glowed with a strange intensity, and Nick couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this demon than met the eye. Then without warning, the demon launched its first attack, darting towards Nick with blinding speed. Nick reacted quickly, barely sidestepping the demon's strike and delivering a powerful blow to its side. The demon stumbled backward, but it quickly recovered and came at Nick again, this time with a flurry of attacks.

Nick ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding each of the demon's strikes. He could feel the wind of its claws brushing past his skin, and he knew that one wrong move would most likely be a major injury, probably taking out a chunk of his skin, or directly tearing off an arm. As the demon continued to attack, Nick looked for an opening, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He saw his chance. The demon lunged forward, its eyes blazing with fury, and Nick stepped to the side, grabbing hold of its arm and twisting it behind its back.

[Dealt 88.32 damage]

Seeing the notification he felt invigorated and with a burst of strength he lifted up the surprisingly light demon and then slammed his head into the ground with full force. Nick stepped back, panting heavily, as the demon lay at his feet. But his victory was short-lived. The demon suddenly sprang to life, its eyes glowing with a newfound intensity. Nick was caught off guard, and the demon seized the opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

Nick barely had time to react as the demon pounced on him, its claws tearing into his flesh [48 damage dealt]. He gritted his teeth and fought back, delivering blow after blow to the demon's body. But the demon was relentless, and it continued to attack with a ferocity that Nick had never seen before. As the fight wore on, Nick began to feel the weight of the demon's attacks getting harder and harder to dodge. His muscles ached, and his vision blurred as he struggled to keep up with the demon's lightning-fast movements.

However with renewed determination after seeing the demon was in the same state, Nick launched a final assault on the demon, unleashing a barrage of strikes that left the demon reeling. The demon stumbled backward, its eyes flickering with uncertainty, and Nick knew that he had won. But as he watched, the demon suddenly began to glow, its body twisting and contorting in a way that defied explanation.

Nick: 'Mah bruder in de hly name what the fuck is that!'

[Translation: My brother in thine holy name what the fuck is that!]

Nick stepped back, unsure of what was happening as this looked more like magic than any demon art. The demon's body continued to change, morphing into a monstrous form that was unlike anything Nick had ever seen before. With a roar, the demon charged forward, ready to unleash its full power.

Nick retreated a few steps to get a better vantage point. He could see the demon charging towards him, its massive form causing the ground to shake with each step. Nick reached into his pocket and retrieved a small stone that was magically connected to the stones in the ground, which he used to activate the magic wind explosives.

As the explosives detonated, Nick felt a rush of adrenaline course through his body. He watched in amazement as the demon was knocked off its feet, its massive form writhing in pain as the magic wind explosion took effect. However, Nick also knew that the explosives only had a 40% success rate, and the next movement showed that come to fruition as the other two explosives, one in a tree and the other buried in the ground both exploded with wild abandon.

Without hesitation, Nick charged forward, his hands crackling with energy as he unleashed a small barrage of 2 air-explosive rocks at the demon. Just as they got near the demon he activated both of the magic rocks shooting a gust of air as the other exploded, all of this leading to the demon's head being thrown by the gust into the explosion of the other rock. However As the battle raged on, Nick could feel the exhaustion starting to set in. He knew that he couldn't keep up this advantage for much longer, and he needed to end the fight quickly. With a final burst of energy, he carefully guided the demon to a powerful landmine-like place filled with the magic rocks in close proximity to one another. The explosions sent the demon flying back, its body crumbling to the ground in defeat as the corpse slowly disintegrated into nothingness.

Nick laughed maniacally as he realized that he had just used all of the explosives that he had made in the past day and a half on this one fight. Nick's maniacal laughter echoed through the clearing as he surveyed the aftermath of the battle. He had used up all of the explosives he had spent the last day and a half making, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having used them so effectively. As he caught his breath, Nick began to reflect on the battle and what it meant for him. He had faced a powerful demon and emerged victorious, but he also knew that he couldn't rely solely on those magic wind explosives in the future.



[Congratulations host, the demon you just killed was LV7! And you gained enough XP to level up… once.]

Nick: 'How the hell did I level up once from killing something that was 6 Levels higher than me!?'

[Unfortunately because of the class you have been given you need much more XP than the average person per level however it is much smarter as the Gain from different levels of classes differentiates immensely]

[A common class would give .1 points in the main attribute of the class and no extra free points, so a common swordsman would get .1 to strength and every 2 levels he would gain an .1 attribute toward Dexterity and Constitution]

[Uncomon classes change that two having .2 in the main attribute and .2 free points with every level]

[Rare classes would have .3 in main class every level and .3 free points every level.]

[This goes so on and so forth until you reach the Legendary classes which give you 1 in main class and 1 free point.]

[HOWEVER systems are even more special as this is where the common classes start.]

[All systems have an exponential curve (gets very powerful very quickly at a certain point]

[But these systems all have maximum capacities like how a martial arts system could at MAXIMUM destroy a building]


[The reason why you take so long to level up is that you have no limit]

Nick: '...'

Nick: 'I am speechless' (laugh track plays)

[HOST I am telling you that most systems are like 'You will be the strongest in the galaxy, or galaxy cluster, or even universe, fuck it they even say multiverse, AND omniverse some times. BUT YOU, you defy all logic, ALL REASON You can be the GOD OF THE BEYOND's INFINITE COSMETIC MULTI OMNI CREATON]

Nick, hearing this smiled and simply laughed at this absurdity, why would he need to do that when he can get all the bitches he wants, and all the most lively entertainment right here. He wants to rise to the top sure but it is out of just wanting to accomplish what has never been done before.

Nick: 'I understand, and I am telling you, I, simply, do not, give…a…fuck'

Nick shook his head and looked into the rising sun and just acknowledged life, acknowledged everything around him. It was just what he wanted to do so why give a fuck about other people's goals and expectations when he had everything he wanted. He sat down with a smile on his face, and for the second time, he passed out after enjoying all that life had just given him.

A/N: Sorry if this part makes no sense, life had sucked for a while but after going through life I realized that people honestly just need to say fuck it more because why live life without experiencing the most amount of fun you physically can. Don't get me wrong Nick is still very fucked in the head and will 100% rap.e people just for shits and giggles but oh well I don't give a fuck about what you want if you want to tell me what is "morally just". Critiques on writing and things like what should happen next, memes, and even artwork (if you are into that, I know the time consumption so don't push yourself if you want to do that) I honestly will welcome it all. Just don't tell others what to do, if they wanted to be told that they would have begged to be pegged by a domy-momy. (or I could peg the domy-momy hehe) but seriously it is uncool and a dick move so just don't.

P.S. GIB POWER STONES, WE NEED TO COOK. Also, this was written in one setting so it is not proof read sorry bout that.

TheCheeseCatcreators' thoughts