
The Goblin King [By Storyteller]

This is the story of a woman named Liza Merrisu who die and reincarnated as a nameless baby male goblin. Through trial and hardship, slowly but surely Liza becomes stronger and fights her way becoming the Goblin King. This is a story I wrote on Wattpad, if you want read more or you want to see more art Goblin Liza than my Wattpad name is: StorytellerAnime2021

Sora_Gemini · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 7: The One's I Hold Dear

A few yet long days has passed since the day of the goblin tribe unexpectedly attack by humans. Only some managed to run away with their lives, however they are all gravelly injured. Liza and Runt were the only ones to get out there unharmed. But them being judged by the other goblins was the last thing that crossing through Liza's mind.

Because all Liza was thinking was how to break the news to Runt that he is destined to become a Demon Lord and the theory that the humans attacked them before were planning to prevent it from happening, without Runt freaking out or feeling responsible for all of this.

"Hey! Are you okay? What are you doing?" Liza snapped herself back to reality as turn herself towards Runt.

"Are you okay? Doesn't that hurt? Is there something wrong?" Runt asked after Liza realize that she been chewing off the skin on the tip of her fingers.

'Damn it! How long have I been doing this? I used to do this habit in my old life too. Damn! The stress is chewing me alive, quite literally!!!'

"Hey! Listen to me! Stop it!" Runt took hold of Liza's shoulders and shook her until she finally left her thoughts.

"Runt..." Liza said bluntly with an obvious smirk showing off her face.

"Can you stop calling that!?" Runt yelled at Liza.

"Runt, there something that you need to know," still angry, Runt sat down to Liza with an annoyed look on his face.

"So... what is it?" Runt turned to Liza.

"Before I tell you, I need you to swear to me. You have to swear you won't speak of this to anyone else but me," Liza with an serious look in her eyes.

"What's with you? You usually never this serious," Runt remarked with an amusing smile.

"I'm serious because what going to tell you is serious," Liza said bluntly.

Runt smile soon faded away as he expression turned from amused to concerning. "I swear, I talk to anyone but you,"

Satisfied, Liza took a deep breath of relief before showing Runt a reassuring smile.

"You know about skills right? How we earn and that?" Liza started.

"Yeah, that's common sense here. Even to us monster, why you mentioning it?" Runt questioned.

"Then you should also know that if you do a certain act, you'll gain not a skill but a Title," Liza explained slowly.

"A Title? I heard that humans can earn Titles, but I never heard of a monster gaining one," Runt spoke with widen eyes.

"Hey, don't tell me. Did you--" Runt was going to continue but Liza cut him off.

"You want to know what the title say?" Liza felt sweat dripping off from her forehead down to her chin.

Runt didn't say anything but nodded his head.

"I've gained the title a few days ago, right at time were attack,"

"Really?! That long ago?! Are you serious?!" Liza placed her hand and covered Runt's mouth to silence him.

"The title said..." Liza paused herself, Runt took in an huge gulp in nervousness.

"It said: Protector of the future Demon Lord," the tone in Liza voice, shook Runt's very core.

"And one I was protecting... was you," Liza explained.

Runt turned his gaze towards the ground while gathering all his thoughts as he tries to figure out how to react to the situation. Soon Runt gave out a deep breath as turned his gaze back Liza, waiting for an response.

"So... you're basically saying that I'm going to be a Demon Lord in the future," Runt said, trying to hide his visible smirk on his face.

"Pretty much sums it up," Liza said with an amused tone in her voice.

The two stared at each other, trying to keep on their poker faces. But eventually they gave in they both burst out in laughter.

"Oh my Gob! I still can't believe that I'm going to be Demon Lord. Like for real, just look at me. Who would ever thought that a runt like me was destined to become a Demon Lord," Runt laughed.

"So admit that you are a runt, huh?" Liza joked.

"Shut up!" Runt yelled.

"Yes, my lord!" Liza went on her knee as she bowed her head to Runt.

The two laughed once again with bright smiles on their faces. But their smiles soon faded away when the echoes of rushing steps running their way.

"There you are! So this is where you were hiding!" Approached Liza's father with an extremely worried expression.

Liza stayed silent as her father explained that humans have found them again and that they have to run away by using a magic circle. However, the magic circle could only used once and only two can use it at the same time.

Time was running out, Liza didn't had the luxury of making any mistakes. Liza thought carefully of what should she do in this situation. Liza wanted to escape but she didn't wanted to leave Runt behind, not because he was destined to be Demon Lord, it was because Runt was Liza's first and only friend.

And as much she wanted to leave with Runt, Liza didn't had the heart to leave her father behind. Sure, he was a bastard. But knowing that this 'bastard' actually gives a damn about Liza, may her blood boil. Hell, he went this far just warn her, bastard or not. This goblin meant too much to Liza to ditch him and get killed.

"Son? What's wrong?" Liza gazed at her father with watery tears in her eyes.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Liza turned down her gaze down at Runt sobbing.

Liza didn't wanted to die, but she didn't wanted the two and only in her life to just die. Her heart simply wouldn't bare it, bare all that pain.

"Go without me..." Liza finally decided that no one was going to die, not when she can do something about it.

"What are saying? We don't have time for this. We have to go now!" Liza's father said but dread fell on his face.

"Runt... you go in my place,"

"What?! No! I can't do that!--" Runt was going to continue, but seeing Liza showing such miserable expression on her face turned Runt silent.

"Hey! Stop playing around! We have to go now!" Liza's father gripped both of Liza's shoulders.

"Father... listen to me. Okay? I'm not leaving," Liza said with a pathetic smile on her face.

Liza's father noticed the fear right away, but what really stunned him was that he couldn't talk Liza out of it. Because he knew Liza, despite the lack of communication. Liza's father knew how Liza resented him, and the reason behind it. Liza was a goblin, born by a beautiful elf woman and powerful goblin warrior. However, Liza had a weak heart, Liza was over caring to others.

Liza's father knew that, yet he was accepting of it. He thought Liza would simply grow out of it, but based on what Liza was saying right in front of him. Liza's father knew this was just her being herself, she was just born like that. And that's why hearing Liza saying those very words, mentally broke his heart.

"Father, take Runt and leave this place. I'll distract the humans so that you two can escape," Liza spoke softly, almost sounds like she was on death row.

Liza's father let go of Liza as he slowly nodded. Runt had tears growing on his face, holding Liza tightly before running away Liza's father. Liza smiled at them as they ran away without her, she immediately started swiping dry her tear stained face. Before Liza knew, the humans found her.