
The Goblin King [By Storyteller]

This is the story of a woman named Liza Merrisu who die and reincarnated as a nameless baby male goblin. Through trial and hardship, slowly but surely Liza becomes stronger and fights her way becoming the Goblin King. This is a story I wrote on Wattpad, if you want read more or you want to see more art Goblin Liza than my Wattpad name is: StorytellerAnime2021

Sora_Gemini · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 26: Liza the hunter

It's been a week since our courageous protagonists left the labyrinth, and embark upon their new journey. For the moment however is what are adventurers going to do first.

"Alright! I think we've stocked up for at least enough for another three days, four days if we ration the food but highly doubt that as long Sally is staying with us," Liza mumbled to herself as she checked the piles of supplies.

"Uh... Master? Are you alright? You seem  troubled, is there anything I can do?" Scarlett spoke as she placed a comforting hand on Liza's shoulder.

"Hmm? Oh! No, there's nothing is wrong. I'm just judging our supplies we'll have for the next few days," Liza explained herself with a reassuring smile.

"Is that so? I didn't know you could do math Master," Scarlett said as she gazes in awe.

"It's not like I am advanced mathematician, I only aware of the basics," Liza said as sighed heavily.

"Huh? Period me Master but... what is a mathematician?" Scarlett asked with a confused crook upon her brow, with eyes hinting curiousity.

"Huh?" Liza blurted out in slight surprise.

'She really doesn't know? I guess that would make sense, since she did raise up as a commoner in her society. I better not pull off as some whose seems to be fibbing,' Liza thought before clearing her throat.

"Listen well, explaining this is simple. A mathematician is an expert in or student of mathematics. In other words, a mathematician is similar to a musician.

A musician is a person who is an expert with music, while mathematician is a person who is an expert with math and anything else that involving numbers. Do you understand?" Scarlett nodded her aggressively as her blue eyes shined with admiration.

"That's quite amazing that you know such knowledge, before you were seemed to be completely oblivious of the world. However, I see that I was wrong. Apologize for arrogance Master," Scarlett said before bowing her head.

"Please don't bow your head, you really don't have to apologize either. After all, all of my knowledge I have gained was thanks to the book of Merlin," Liza said, remembering back when she saw Merlin's memories.

"Yes! That's right! I almost forgot to ask! Master--" but before Scarlett could finish, a whaling scream was heard from a close distance.

"What the hell was that? Was that Red?!" Liza said in a panic voice as both her and Scarlett ran towards where the screaming was heard.

"Red! Is everything okay?! What happened?!" Liza felt her heart beating a mile a minute, until eventually calmed down when she saw Red hung inside a net trap.

"Master! Scarlett! Please help me! I'm stuck!" Red whined as he spun around in the net trap.

"Clearly," Liza sighed before she pulled out a knife and cutting the rope from the net, setting the poor little red toad free.

"Jeez Red, you almost gave me a heart attack. I've warned you about traps didn't I? Don't scare me like that," Liza sighs as she hugged Red gently.

"I sincerely apologize Master, I did not mean to get caught on purpose. I chased after a deer, however, instead it falling for the trap I ended up in the trap in it's place," Red frowned.

Liza planted her palm on her forehead before sighing deeply. "Red... I'm not mad at you, but at the rate we're going now. We'll lose stock on food far too quickly,"

"I'm sorry Master, for being awful at hunting!" Red said sternly as he lowered his head.

Liza sighed while she patted Red's smooth head before she crotch down and gathered some of the cut rope from net and a long sturdy stick.

"Master? What are you doing?" Scarlett questioned as she watch Liza crafts something.

"Both of you have plenty of talents and skills to scare a toll, however, you two suck at hunting," Liza spoke with her back turned to Scarlett and Red.

Liza lifted her quickly crafted bow, before she gathers some thin sticks and used one of them as an arrow. Liza drawn her arrow while she watches a moving object with a careful eye. Liza inhales a gasp of air before she releases her in the direction of a tree.

"Uh... Master? You missed," Scarlett implies.

"Are you sure about that?" Liza said with a confident grin on her face as the arrow reflected off the tree and hit the once moving target.

"Wow! Amazing Master! You got it with one arrow!" Red cheered at he ran to see what did Liza hit.

"Incredible... you are truly amazing at the bow," Scarlett stares blankly at Liza.

"Archery is only one of the skills of hunting, you'll have to learn it to eventually. However, until then, leave the hunting to me for now on. Is that okay with you Scarlett?" Liza tensed before she pointed her arrows and shot some birds out of the sky.

"You're so scary..." Scarlett muttered.

"What was that?" Liza said.

"Nothing!" Scarlett stuttered before rushed herself to gather her master's dead pray.