
The Goblin's Reincarnation

In a cruel twist of fate, a man finds himself reincarnated as a goblin in a strange and dangerous world. But as he quickly learns, goblins are the lowest of the low, constantly oppressed and hunted by other races. Determined to break free from his endless cycle of death and rebirth, the man must use his cunning, magic, and sheer ruthlessness to survive in a world where might makes right. As he dies over and over again, each time waking up as a goblin in a new and unfamiliar world, the man becomes more and more twisted, more calculating, and more desperate to escape his cursed existence. He begins to develop a system of power, using his knowledge of each world to gain an advantage over his enemies, and slowly but surely rising up the ranks of the goblin hierarchy. But even as he gains power and prestige, the man knows that he can never truly escape his fate as a goblin. He must always be on the lookout for enemies, always be ready to fight and kill, always be prepared to sacrifice anything and anyone in order to survive. And as he becomes more and more evil, more and more viscous, the man must face the terrifying possibility that he may have already lost his humanity forever.

Bob_Keegan · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

The System's Gift

Years passed, and the goblin grew older and stronger. It had become a formidable warrior, respected by its fellow goblins and feared by its enemies. And yet, the sense of hopelessness that had always haunted it never truly went away.

But one day, as the goblin was out hunting, it stumbled upon something strange. It was a small, glowing object, nestled in the dirt. As the goblin picked it up, it felt a strange energy coursing through its body. And then, it heard a voice in its mind.

"Greetings, goblin. I am the System, and I have been watching you for a long time."

The goblin was shocked. It had never heard of anything like this before. But it couldn't deny the power that the object seemed to possess.

"What...what do you want from me?" the goblin asked, cautiously.

"I have been watching you, goblin, and I have seen your struggle. I have seen your determination to break free from your cursed existence. And so, I have decided to give you a gift."

The goblin was intrigued. It had always longed for a way to escape its fate. And if this System was truly as powerful as it claimed to be, then perhaps there was hope for it yet.

"What...what kind of gift?" the goblin asked, tentatively.

"The gift of power," the System said. "With my help, you will become stronger than you ever thought possible. You will have abilities beyond those of any goblin before you. And with those abilities, you may just be able to break free from your cursed existence."

The goblin was skeptical, but the idea of gaining power beyond its wildest dreams was too tantalizing to ignore.

"Fine," it said, cautiously. "What do I have to do?"

The System chuckled. "It's simple, really. Just accept my offer. And then, all you have to do is complete a series of challenges. Each challenge will grant you new abilities, and each ability will make you stronger. And if you can complete all the challenges, you will gain the power you need to break free from your cursed existence."

The goblin was hesitant. It didn't fully trust this System. But at the same time, it knew that it had nothing to lose. It was already living a life of hardship and misery. And if there was even a chance that it could gain the power to escape that life, then it had to take it.

"Fine," the goblin said, firmly. "I accept your offer."

And with that, the System began to glow even brighter. The goblin felt a surge of energy coursing through its body, and then it heard the System's voice once more.

"Very well, goblin. Your journey begins now. Are you ready?"