
The Gluttonous Uchiha

I was given the ability to absorb bloodlines, and with it, I will become the strongest (Multiverse anime only fanfic)

XxNaRuToUcHiHaxX · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs


*pant* *pant*

A boy with very small height panted as he stopped running. He then gasped and panted small amounts of air, as he put his hands on his knees. After staying in this position for a short while, he stood up as he stretched and let out a yell

The boy's face was immature looking, his hands and legs were short, he had black eyes and black hair. He had tiny freckles on his cheeks making his cheeks look extra squishable. He looked small, and was not much older than 4 or 5 years old. Yeah I don't know how to describe characters that much

This person was none other than Kaito Uchiha, the MC of our story, he looked up as a blue screen entered his field of vision, it glowed a bit, but the shining sun did not give it a chance to shine, and there was text written on the screen

<Daily Quest completed

100/100 pushups

▪︎100/100 situps

▪︎100/100 squats

▪︎10/10km run>

<Please choose your rewards:

▪︎Status Recovery

▪︎Random lootbox

▪︎+10 EXP>

"Choose Random lootbox" Kaito panted as he sat down on the ground, and a lootbox appeared in his hands "Come on give me something good, you always give me trash"

<Opening Lootbox

You have obtained the following item(s):

▪︎High-Grade Pen>

<High-Grade Pen:A special pen given by the system. Your handwriting becomes beautiful with this Pen, to the point where you can easily mimic someone else's handwriting. This Pen also never runs out of ink>

"Honestly" Kaito said as he looked at the pen "The copying thing would have been useful, if I didn't have the Sharingan that is". He sighed as he stored the pen in his inventory and looked up at the sky, as he laid down "Oh, and store Status Recovery, I'll use it later"

<Status Recovery:A reward given by the system usually after completing a quest. This reward completely heals the user of any injury or Status infliction and completely rids them of their fatigue as well

Status Recovery stored:7>

This quest window randomly popped up a bit after Kaito's 3rd birthday. Since clan children start learning at the age of 3, the system believed that it's user could also start training. The quests were of course, not always This hard

The system was somewhat smart, it calculated that it's host could, in no way, do exercises this tough as a 3 year old kid, so it started out small, with only 10 exercises each, and only 1km run per quest. Of course, the system was just preparing Kaito, so it never gave any awards for those quests

10 lead to 20 which lead to 30, and about 3 months later, and a week before right now, Kaito could actually complete the normal daily quests, and this time, there was even a penalty quest.

Kaito did not know what the penalty quest was, but he had read solo levelling, and the rewards and quests were pretty much the same as that of the solo levelling system's, so he freaked out when he thought that he would be sent a wasteland filled with huge monsters as a penalty

He decided to not level up yet and get as many Stats as he possibly could, since levelling up increases his stats by 10%, he figured that if he got higher stats, he would get even higher stats from levelling up, so he instead stored all the EXP away from the daily quests

He would try the overcomplete your daily quests to get better rewards method, but this much right now is more than enough to gire him out, maybe putting a few more points in DEX would work.

Since Kaito received 5 Stat points, he dumped them all in STR and AGI. AGI was alright since it helped him run faster, but dumping them in STR this early was a mistake

Of course, Kaito got overjoyed when he thought of using the powers of the Shadow Monarch, and got disappointed when he learned the system was just designed to help him in the way he considered best, and he would not actually get the powers of the Shadow Monarch

Of course, it's not that his efforts were left unrewarded

<Denser muscles: This is the age where your body starts growing up, Regeneration of muscle tissue is upgraded, and regenerated muscle tissue is much more dense and flexible than previous tissue. This allows you to obtain and possibly surpass the physiques of monsters like Kaido or Big mom

The effects of this skill worsen after hitting 18 years of age due to slow body growth. This skill can be evolved after your muscle tissue reaches a certain level. When both <Denser muscles> and <Tougher bones> evolve, new skill will be unlocked>

<Tougher bones: This is the age where your body starts growing up, Bone tissue becomes harder and easier to repair, eventually giving them monstrous durability. This allows you to obtain and possibly surpass the physiques of monsters like Kaido or Big mom

The effects of this skill worsen after 18 years of age. This skill evolves after the bones reach a certain level. This skill cannot evolve after the age of 18. When both <Denser muscles> and <Tougher bones> evolve, a new skill will be unlocked>

<Body conditiong: This skill allows you to condition your body, making it go beyond it's limits and enhances Regeneration. Melee related skills can be picked up much easier with this skill>

The moment Kaito saw these buffs, he immediately decided to train up his body and DEX as much as possible, and get a ton of HP

No doubt with these skills, it is best to go on the route of a melee/tank. Now, while classes do exist, they can only be obtained after clearing a set amount of dungeons, something he can only gain access to after entering the academy which is not very far away

Kaito then punched himself in the stomach, and as expected, he didn't really feel much pain. He could probably stab himself with a Kunai and that wouldn't go through his body completely. Not to mention, muscles give you the force required to punch or kick or other things, so stronger muscles mean stronger Melee attacks

Of course, training gave him Stat points before, but after a while he stopped receiving any, but his body still continued to strengthen. This lead him to believe that stats like DEX only increase HP, and the durable body he has counts more like a Damage reducer. This also lead him to believe that if he stagnate at one Stat, he can still train himself and get stronger, since this is real life where you can get stronger even without stats

Kaito admitted that he would have liked to be a mage instead, but he figured that the Chakra of a Shinobi is close enough to a mage. While Melee damage is good, magic like dark magic which can slash through dimensions or healing magic which can heal a person completely would have been really cool

In hindsight, healing magic could be substituted for the healing Jutsu, and the special abilities of a mage could be substituted for the abilities he gains from his MS

'That is if I get one'. Kaito groaned as he say up "Well, off we go I guess".


Reality shattered like glass, and broke away, leaving Kaito in another area. The area he was in before was a plains area, except it only had water, and not a single ounce of life, not even trees. It's better to say that he was just in a desert than plains, but that's what the name of the dimension is


This skills allows the player to enter a completely new world, completely disconnected from reality. The player can only stay for a set amount of time in ID:CREATE. The player can choose from a set of locations to create a dimension in. The flow of time in ID:CREATE is 5:1 minutes to reality






The player can stay in ID:CREATE for only 5 minutes, which is 1 minute outside the dimensions.Alternatively, this can also be used to create a replica of the reality the player is in without any intelligent life forms

Locations can be unlocked by levelling up this skill

The ratio of flow of time can be upgraded after every 10 level ups

Sub-skills can be unlocked every 5 level ups, or completing special missions


He then stretched as he got up and ran


Leaving a trail of dust behind

Now that Kaito thought about it, maybe he doesn't need to dump in points in DEX, since that is most definitely his best Stat

[Kaito's home]

"Well, here I am" Kaito said as he arrived at his house. "I'm homeee". Silence greeted him as he flopped down on his couch "Shisui got too busy with his missions again huh?" Kaito then shut his eyes down in thought

As expected of an Uchiha, Shisui taught Kaito the Fireball Jutsu about a week after he turned 3. Good thing he had a guaranteed fire affinity, so he got it down in one try, which made Shisui really proud

As a reward, he fed him some Sushi, and I have to say, the Sushi made in India by pretend to be makes was much worse than the authentic Sushi presented by the cooks in their home region. Wait, is Sushi Japanese or Chinese?

Regardless, when he asked Shisui to teach him body flicker he refused, saying that a young body cannot handle the force from the body-flicker and may break down, and he'll teach him about body flicker when he turns 12

That was a few months ago, but now, his body was definitely more strong enough to learn the body-flicker Jutsu, problem is, his control over Chakra is not that good.

Chakra is essentially the combination of physical and mental energy. This means that exercising his mind and body will increase his Chakra capacity. The problem is that he's way stronger physically then mentally, which lead to a sort of 'imbalance'

If Kaito could, he would stop doing the daily quests. It may not look like doing those exercises every day will lead to that big of a difference, but with 3 skills buffing your physical abilities, and not a single one buffing your mental abilities, the gap just gets farther and farther

The only way Kaito knows on how to 'train' your mind, is to simply meditate, and meditate he did. There are different types of meditations, the one Kaito does is close his eyes and focus on one point he imagines, and keep focusing on it.

This improves your focus and concentration, and in turn trains your mind, however since he does not have a skill related to mental energy, the rate of progression is very slow, the only hope that Kaito has, is to get atleast one skill for his mind

'Usually' Kaito began thinking 'Games give you special skills if one of your stats exceed a limit, llike if you have more than 100 STR, you get a skill that increases your crit chance, or if you increase DEX, you get a healing skill or a skill that makes you take less damage

Thing is, none of Kaito's stats are close to 100, the highest Stat he has is his DEX which is 28 with his AGI coming in at a close 2nd with 26. His INT is only 15, arguably his worst Stat he has

Kaito shook his head as he started meditating. His only option right now was to somehow be able to access his mindscape, or get a huge influx of Yin Chakra. Thing is, the Sharingan of the Uchiha give them a passive boost in their mental abilities, so atleast he has that going for him

'WAIT' Kaito opened his eyes in glee 'The Uchiha clan has somewhat strong mental energy due to their bloodline, so why don't I just get the Yamanaka bloodline, I do have have <Devourer> after all'

Indeed, the Yamanaka clan does not have anything special like a doujutsu to separate them from civilians, however their mind transmission Jutsu requires them to have very strong mental power, so over generations, they evolved to have amazing mental strength that ordinary Shinobi could never even dream of reaching

However, since their clan only deals with interrogation, they don't have very strong physical bodies. Sure they could easily overpower civilians, but in Shinobi standards, not so good, since the clan is mostly Yin-orientated, it's hard to do anything Yang related, which causes them to have imbalances in their Chakra

Now, if an Akimichi who were mostly Yang-orientated married a Yamanaka to form a perfect Yin-Yang hybrid, that kid would most definitely atleast become as strong as an elite jonin.

Now, as to why Kaito never thought of stealing the Yamanaka's bloodline? Well, he was joking interesting above paragraph

"Heh, what a funny joke" Kaito snorted as he sat down and closed his eyes "Like I can just sneak into the clan unharmed"

This is infact, not the first time he has ever thought of sneaking into the Yamanaka clan and taking the bloodline, he almost did it, before realizing how utterly STUPID he was.

Sneaking into a clan is probably the stupidest idea he ever had, and something that not even Kage-level Shinobi may be able too. Only people with plot armor like Naruto could ever hope to accomplish something like that. And that is especially for the Yamanaka clan, since they have amazing mental power they are amazing sensors and are able to detect anything in their clan easily

Infact, Kaito thought it was a waste. You can do so many more things with increases mental energy, and you waste your lives on interrogation? These people really underestimate mental energy. Sure you may not be able to become an expert and shatter reality, but it's still strong

Now,He could just take a Yamanaka's bloodline, and you might be wondering why hasn't he just taken one, all he needs to do is touch them right? Well first, he needs to find out who this 'you' is and if they should be dealt with

Yeah sooo, I don't need to tell you what the situation of the Uchiha clan was after the nine-tails incident do I? They weren't exactly welcome in the village,so the children are kept locked upmin the clan, and can only go out after they have enrolled in the academy for atleast a year

While the academy isn't that far off, only a couple months away before he can meet other clan members and get their bloodline, there is reason he has not yet

Plus, who knows what kind of protection seals they have installed in their compound, the only way Kaito has A chance to sneak in with is <ID:CREATE>, but he doesn't know if he can with only 5 minutes

'Regardless' Kaito thought As he opened up a window 'I don't have much of a choice now do I'


Your mind is weak, causing you to become weak, find the solution to this in the Yamanka clan

▪︎Find the secret "vault"

Rewards:Passive skill to boost mental energy

Penalty:Decreased growth of mental energy, leading to greater imbalances

Time remaining:1 Day, 14 hours, 34 seconds>

'Well' Kaito thought As he looked at the sky 'I'll be fine, because I have a plan'

'And, because I won't fail this next chance at life'


Yo, sup

I decided to rewrite since Kaito could take on Sannin at the age of 3, so Canon won't exactly be very interesting for him

I'll also do the Hyuga missions and academy better, and start Canon quicker since it started bothering even me, because damn Canon won't start already, and I didn't know what to do

Dungeons will be available after entering the academy, since I didn't know what to write there, I'll put in dungeons and interactions instead

Daily quests won't give Stat points since if he got 10 stats every day, the he will get 70 Stat points a week, and 3650 Stat points a year, and after 9 years when Canon starts, he will be able to take on the S06P way to easily. I might add monthly quests instead

Yeah, that's about it