
72. Chapter 72

“Damn James, could you put those away?”

“James, here, your shirt is riding up, stuck to your sweater, it – I – “

“Oh, sorry. Thanks Kara. Sorry Winn – didn’t mean to flash you there.”

“I mean, with those abs? The only thing you have to apologize for is making me feel terrible about my life.”

“Oh no, Winn, you’re so handsome!”

“Yeah yeah, and you’re just super nice, Kara.”

“Eh, I don’t know.”

“Maggie, that’s not nice!”

“No no, I mean, Winn, you’re all handsome and Kara, you’re super nice, but that’s not what I meant. I just like – I mean, James’s abs are great. But mine are better.”

“Seriously, Sawyer? You wanna challenge me to an ab contest?”

“Yeah I’m serious! I have abs, Olsen! When I take my shirt off men get threatened and girls turned on.”

“I can attest to that.”

“Ew, Alex, I don’t need to hear these things – ”

“Sorry, I mean, it’s true. Have you seen her shirtless?”

“What, no, Alex, I haven’t seen your girlfriend shirtless!”

“Your loss.”

“Well now we’re all curious.”

“Winn, you’re not helping!”

“Yeah, he is. Alright Sawyer, bring it. Strip.”

“Hey! Only I’m allowed to tell her to strip.”


“Damn Sawyer!”

“Oh my god you’re so hot babe.”

“Aw, thanks Al! Give up Olsen?”

“Hanging leg raise contest?”

“Let’s go.”

“J’onn! Uh… hi.”

“What the hell are you all… you know what? I don’t want to know. I don’t want to ever know.”