
701. Chapter 701

She has it down to a science.

The various names she comes up with for each night’s cocktails.

She thought her boss would discourage it, at first, but turns out it’s been helping keep National City’s only lesbian club open; so soon, her flirtatious jokes become a central part of her job.

Turns out the ladies love the delicate scrawl with which she writes each evening’s special almost as much as they love the drinks themselves.

One of her favorite lines is that she’s just sorry that “sex on the beach” was already a drink name before her time.

“If I’d come up with that name – which you know I would’ve – I’d give it a warning. Like, ‘sex on the beach but make sure you don’t get sand anywhere sensitive,’ you know?” she’d wink, and her boss – M’gann – would roll her eyes affectionately.

“What?” Maggie would always smirk as she counted her tips and, sometimes, kisses on cheeks. “You know it keeps business good.”

To which M’gann will just chuckle and shake her head, every time.

As does Alex Danvers.

That unspeakably gorgeous FBI agent who comes in almost every night.

Who orders either a Corona or a whiskey, neat, almost every night.

Because there’s no way in hell Alex Danvers will deign to get into the line of swooning women asking Maggie Sawyer to get her a “right there” or a “make me wet.”

Except, one night, Alex Danvers comes into the bar with another woman.

An absolutely beautiful blonde woman, who makes Maggie’s stomach drop.

Because Alex Danvers isn’t just one of the women who comes into the bar that Maggie tries to flirt with for fun and for tip money.

Alex Danvers is…

M’gann calls Alex Maggie’s “massive crush.”

Maggie calls Alex “whatever, boss, don’t you have some liquor to inventory?”

So when she walks in with her arm around a stunning blonde, Maggie almost wants to beg M’gann to take her off shit.

Until the grinning blonde sticks her hand out to introduce herself, adjusting her glasses as she does so.

“You must be Maggie, right? My sister’s told me a lot about you. I’m Kara. Thanks for never letting her drive home when she has a bit much.”

Her sister, her sister, her sister, her sister.

Maggie’s heart starts functioning again, and she doesn’t even bother trying to contain her smile.

“Hey, yeah, Danvers told me a lot about you, too, kid. A reporter, right? How’s that going?”

They chat until Maggie has to excuse herself to get someone a couple of beers, and when she comes back to Alex’s usual corner of the bar, only the elder Danvers sister is still there.

“Kara leave so soon?” Maggie asks, arching an eyebrow when she finds Alex’s face bright red.

“No, she uh… she ran into one of our friends – Lucy, you know her – and uh… she wanted me to order for her.”

Maggie smirks with deep satisfaction, suddenly understanding Alex’s blush and glare, as she leans toward with her elbows on the bar.

She licks her lips with relish, and she watches with even more satisfaction as Alex’s eyes flicker from Maggie’s lips to her cleavage and back again.

“Well? What’ll it be, Danvers?”

“She uh…”


Her voice is deathly low, as wicked as the grin on her face.

“She wants ‘sex on the beach.’”

Maggie chuckles as her eye twitches in what she hopes is a successful wink. She arches an eyebrow even as she reaches seamlessly for the peach schnapps.

“Does she now?” she asks, her voice still low, but even in the slight din in the bar, she knows Alex is tuned to her every word. “And what about you, Alex? Can I interest you in a screaming orgasm?”

Alex nearly chokes on her own spit, and Maggie watches her steadily as she shakes Kara’s drink.

Alex’s eyes flit over the handwritten chalkboard menu behind Maggie’s head.

“That’s uh… that’s not on the menu.”

Maggie licks her lips as she pours Kara’s drink without once taking her eyes off Alex’s. She clinks the glass on the bar and leans forward on her elbows again, this time, bringing her face within a hair’s breath of Alex’s.

“I know,” she whispers, her eyes on Alex’s lips, and they’re kissing before Alex can stammer, before Maggie can lose her courage.

But not before a squeal erupts from the other side of the bar, Kara victoriously pumping the air with an excited fist.

“I knew ‘sex on the beach’ would work!” she shouts, triumphant.

But not nearly as triumphant as Alex and Maggie.