
69. Chapter 69

She doesn’t check the caller ID before answering the phone.

Hell, she doesn’t even check the phone before answering the phone.

She picks it up because the ring is loud and Alex is sleeping and Alex is peaceful and Alex is curled onto her chest with her leg wrapped around Maggie’s waist and god if this is work Maggie is going to contemplate quitting because waking up with a woman in her arms has never felt quite this incredible before.

“Yeah,” she half-whispers, and Alex nuzzles closer into her chest unconsciously. She strokes her hair with her fingers and presses a quiet kiss to the top of her head, a faint and irrepressible smile on her face.

“I’m sorry, who is this? Where’s my daughter?”

Maggie’s stomach swoops and she almost sits bolt upright but the whole point of picking up the phone – shit, Alex’s phone – was to not wake Alex, so she grimaces and swallows and takes a deep breath instead.

“Uh, I’m… I’m sorry Dr. Danvers, she’s sleeping but I’ll uh, I’ll wake her up – “

“No no dear, that isn’t necessary, I – so you’re Maggie then? I’m afraid you were flitting in and out of unconsciousness last time we met.”

“Um… yes ma’am, I…”

“So you spent the night with my daughter.”

It’s a wonder that her wildly racing heart hasn’t woken Alex yet.

“Um, Dr. Danvers, it – “

“No no, it’s alright, I understand that my daughter is a grown woman and has sex on occasion. She’s quite taken with you, you know, Maggie – well, yes, I’m sure you’ve realized that if you’re answering her phone at 6 in the morning – when she wakes, just please let her know that I was just calling to check in – she’s usually awake and back from her morning run by now, you see – and that I fully expect to see you both in Midvale for dinner so I can get to know my daughter’s girlfriend when she isn’t either dying or naked in bed with my little girl.”

“I – it – ma’am – “

“Have a wonderful day, Maggie. I’ll be seeing you soon.”

“Yes… um… yes ma’am.”

“Maggie? Babe? You calling me ma’am?”

“Uh, no… your mom.”

