
685. Chapter 685

It turns out that winters in National City don’t agree with Maggie Sawyer.

It’s not that her oversized police jacket doesn’t keep her warm enough. That’s just the thing: it keeps her too warm.

She’s always too warm, because it’s always too warm in this damn city.

“She doesn’t miss Blue Springs, but she misses Nebraska, you know?” Alex sighs over a beer as she waits for Maggie to get done with a long shift, at the bar with Kara and Lena.

Kara brightens with an idea. “I can fly her up to the Fortress of Solitude!”

Alex leans across their booth and kisses her sister’s cheek, but shakes her head. “One, she hates flying. And two, I don’t think she needs it to be quite that cold.”

So it’s Lena, now, who perks up, her eyes glistening with the excitement of finally feeling like she can offer something to her future sisters-in-law.

“I have a cabin. In the mountains. Or, well, my family does, but mother doesn’t… it’s mine. And we could take a trip, the four of us. Or… or you could just go up with Maggie, that’s also – “

“No, no, Lena, that… that sounds amazing. All four of us. A weekend-long double date. Wow. Thank you.” Alex grins and leans forward to cover Lena’s hand with her own, and Kara beams at the interaction, at the way it makes Lena light up.

And she stays lit up through their entire car ride – Kara grumpily surrendering the driver’s seat to her sister and Maggie, but taking comfort in the fact that it means she can snuggle in the back seat with Lena – because Alex and Kara fight over the radio, and she and Maggie conspire to undermine both of their Danvers girls’ music choices, and there’s laughter and a giddiness that Lena’s never really associated with anything but cheaply made, heteronormative romantic comedies.

“Damn, Luthor,” Maggie murmurs when she finally pulls up into the massive driveway of the mansion-like cabin. “This is the place?”

Lena blushes and looks down, worried that perhaps it’s too much, that perhaps it’ll remind them where her family’s money comes from, that…

“It’s beautiful, Lee. Thank you for inviting us,” Kara kisses her temple, and Lena relaxes immediately.

They planned on skiing and snow tubing and lots of hot tub time. The first two in double date form, the last… distinctly as separate couples.

Lena and Alex were grateful that the walls of the cabin were sufficiently thick, but Kara bemoaned that they weren’t lead-lined, which resulted in Maggie teasing her; which resulted in a pillow fight that resulted in all four of them splayed across each other, breathless with exertion and laughter, tears streaking down their faces with how childish they found they could all be together. How free.

They planned on all the activities and the picture taking and the cuddles by the fire place.

They didn’t plan to get snowed in.

The morning the sky decides to precipitate, hard, in vast fluffy sheets that whip harshly in the wind, Lena ventures out into the local town to bring home lattes for them all while everyone else is still sleeping, Maggie wrapped in Alex’s arms and Alex with her feet still on Kara’s stomach from how they all passed out on a blanket fort in front of the fireplace last night.

Because sure, she could make lattes in the kitchen; but she could also go out and get some herself so she can also pick up those scones that Kara had been moaning and drooling over the day before.

None of the women stir from their deep rest – the first truly peaceful rest any of them have gotten in far too long – when Lena leaves, but she can’t prevent the cabin’s front door from slamming when she comes back in, hands full of lattes and scones and breakfast burritos.

“Lena!” Kara tosses Alex’s feet into the air, sending her into a sleepy tumble as she superspeeds toward her. “You went out in this? Look at you, you’re freezing! Alex, get the fire started up again! Lena, no, why – listen to that wind, what were you thinking?”

Lena holds up the bag of scones sheepishly, blinking ice out of her eyelids and letting Maggie trade her a towel for the lattes. “I wanted to treat everyone,” she shrugs, and Kara melts as she strips Lena of her gloves and takes her hands between her own, breathing onto her fingertips and rubbing them between her warmer hands.

“Darling, I’m fine, I promise,” Lena smiles as she tilts her head forward to kiss her protective girlfriend, who looks about ready to bust out the front door and give the snow storm a piece of her mind.

“You’re so cute, sis,” Alex grins up at her from where she’s kneeling by the hearth, and Kara reddens and fidgets with the hem of her sweater since she’s not wearing her glasses.

“You’d do the same if it were Maggie,” she murmurs with a grin, and Maggie smirks as she leans down to kiss Alex with slightly parted lips.

“Mmm, that I would,” Alex concurs as she kisses Maggie back, hot and hard with just a touch of still-sleepy, until Lena and Kara clear their throats good-naturedly.

“Breakfast, dears,” Lena reminds them, and they take their time disentangling with soft laughter and even softer touches.

Alex is more than a little worried that she’ll get restless, get claustrophobic, get anxious, when it dawns on her just how bad the snow is outside.

Maggie kisses the back of her neck and holds her from behind, the two of them wrapped in the fluffiest blankets ever to fluff, as they feed each other breakfast.

It only takes a few moments for Alex’s potential panic to abate.

“They have the right idea about how to have breakfast, those two,” Lena murmurs to Kara, who eagerly pauses with a scone halfway to her mouth and switches its direction so she’s offering it to Lena’s lips instead.

“Holy crap, Little Danvers,” Maggie is awe-struck.

“You’ve literally threatened my life over the last potsticker!” Alex huffs, but her smile gives her away.

Lena beams as she accepts the scone Kara is feeding her – the love she’s offering her – and thinks this trip should definitely become an annual thing.