
64. Chapter 64

Alex’s heart stops when she sees her.

She should have been more prepared. Maggie had asked her to pick her up at her gym, after all: what the hell should she have expected?

Whatever it was, it wasn’t this, because yes Alex has seen Maggie naked and yes she has seen her dressed to the nines and yes she has seen her in that white button down shirt that shakes her to the core, but god Alex hasn’t seen Maggie in nothing but a sports bra and basketball shorts, beating the hell out of a heavy bag, eyes focused and perfect skin glistening with sweat and ab muscles rippling perfectly with each strike, with each movement, with each kick.

She doesn’t bother saying her name – Maggie’s headphones are on and she doubts if she can form words at this point, anyway – she just leans up against the wall (because something needs to hold her up) and she just stares and if she drools a little, really, who could blame her?

Because the muscles of Maggie’s arms are swollen and her back is perfectly defined and her legs are just, and her hair is just, and Alex can’t, and before she knows what she’s doing, she’s blocking one of Maggie’s blows to the bag and she’s spinning her around into her arms and she doesn’t care that Maggie’s sweat is staining the front of her shirt, all she cares about is the way her neck tastes and the way she grins and sighs into her touch and the way her bare stomach feels underneath her hands.

“Didn’t mean to interrupt your workout, babe, I just – “

“Yeah you did. But uh… you can make it up to me.”

“Oh, can I?”

“Take me home and give me another kind of workout.”

“Oh yeah?”


“… That I can do.”