She’s run on the beach since she was a teenager.
Then, it was because it was the only way to get away from her mother. Away from Kara. Away from herself. That and surfing.
Now, it’s because it’s the only way to clear her head, to be by herself, to not be responsible for anything but the rhythm of her feet and the rate of her breath. That and sparring at the DEO.
She’s run on the beach since she was a teenager.
Then, it was in shorts and baggy t-shirts.
Now, it’s in nothing but a sports bra and basketball shorts.
Now, her calves are gritty with sand she’s kicked up during her run, and her chest is glistening with a thin layer of salt, a thin layer of sweat.
Now, she pulls out of her run at the sight of a woman.
At the sight of the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen.
With the most beautiful smile she’s ever seen.
“Danvers,” the woman calls. “Thought I might find you here. Wearing… plesantly few clothes.”
“Want me to be in even less clothes, Sawyer?”
“Oh yes.”
“So take me… home.”
“Race you.”
“You’re on.”