
504. Chapter 504

It’s been a long day.

It’s been a long day and a long week and hell, it’s been a long year.

But nothing – nothing at all – would compel them to cancel movie night with the Superfriends.

Because there are some things that are too perfect to postpone.

And this is one of those perfect nights.

One of those perfect nights when James gets to pick the movie so it’s not a musical – meaning Kara and Winn will be tossing popcorn into each other’s mouths the whole time and gabbing away in whispers instead of singing at the top of their (albeit very pleasant) voices – and Winn brought the potstickers and James brought the pizza and Maggie brought the alien rum and everyone is just a little bit abuzz with the high of being together.

Of having survived another day, another week, another year, together.

Tonight is a night to celebrate each other. To celebrate themselves.

So Alex and Maggie tell themselves they won’t cancel.

That it doesn’t matter how tired they are.

They’re going, dammit.

And they do.

And it’s wonderful.

But the food coma is relaxing, and being surrounded by their friends – no, their family – is safety and it’s perfection and it’s sheer, utter bliss.

So somewhere between Ron accusing Crookshanks of eating Scabbers and Harry falling off his broomstick because of dementors, Alex falls asleep in Maggie’s lap, Maggie’s fingers sleepily running through Alex’s hair slow, slow, steady, until they stop. Until Maggie falls asleep, too, her head tilted back on the couch.

Winn notices first.

He nudges James gently, and James grins broadly and tosses a piece of popcorn at Kara.

She catches it deftly with her mouth and then follows his gaze.

“Oh my god!” she mouths, gesturing wildly, silently, at James to take a picture with his phone. “Why are they this cute? My new OtP!”

James grins. “I thought that was Justin and Britney?”

Kara blushes at the thought of Lena and adjusts her glasses before opening her arms widely toward her sleeping sister. “Look at them!”

“They’re so in love,” Winn whispers, a dreamy look on his face. “Did you ever think Alex would relax like this with anyone, Kar?”

She stares at her sister’s peaceful face, at the way her arms wrap around Maggie’s thighs, even in sleep seeking as much closeness as possible. Even in sleep, looking utterly, completely, in love.

“No, honestly. And I don’t think she expected it, either.”

“Well, I’m happy she found this one. Maggie’s good for her, you know? And I think she’s good for Maggie, too,” James smiles, watching the way one of Maggie’s hands is still tangled in Alex’s hair, the way the other drapes protectively, lovingly, over her waist.

“Wegahfachudder,” Alex murmurs sleepily.

Winn and James both tilt their heads and squint at Kara, who shrugs.

“Superhearing’s no help here.” She leans closer to Alex. “What’s that, sis?”

Alex opens and closes her mouth a few times without opening her eyes.

“We’re good for each other,” she clarifies, and snuggles closer into Maggie’s sleeping form.

Kara smiles and bends to kiss her sister’s forehead lightly just as Harry and Buckbeak take off into the night on the screen softly glowing behind them.