
5. Chapter 5

Their first time is slow and their first time depends on definition.

Because really, they have a lot of first times.

The first time Alex runs her hands under Maggie’s shirt, tugging it over her head after receiving a breathless “yeah” from Maggie. She’s not wearing a bra, and the first words Alex rasps out are, “Yep. Definitely gay,” and Maggie chuckles throatily until her laughter cuts into a sharp gasp when Alex’s lips and Alex’s tongue – Alex’s perfect tongue – finds her nipple.

The first time Alex lets Maggie do the same to her, trembling with need, trembling with nerves, because Maggie has scars, sure, but they’re beautiful to Alex, and anyway, they have nothing on the fresh bruises that have made a mural of Alex’s torso nearly daily since she joined the DEO. But Maggie kisses each one and Maggie’s tongue is magical and her open-mouthed kiss lingers right above the line of Alex’s boy shorts, and suddenly Alex is arching her hips up, begging for more of Maggie’s tongue, so that becomes the first night Maggie goes down on her, too. And the second time. And third, and fourth. Alex loses count around six, and Maggie’s never been so high on the taste of someone else in her life.

Maggie loves the way Alex seems surprised every time Maggie makes her gasp, makes her whine, makes her scream. She’s under the impression that Alex has never been particularly loud, and Alex confirms this when they’re tangled in each other’s arms after the first time Maggie slips inside her, and Maggie’s stroking her hair and Alex tells her how it’s never felt anything like this before.

Alex loves the way Maggie makes her come undone, makes her write with need but instead of feeling vulnerable, instead of feeling whiny and selfish, Maggie makes her feel cared for, wanted, sexy. Taken care of.

“I got you, babe,” Maggie will whisper when Alex slams her hands down and rips at the sheets crumpled beneath them, and the rasp in her voice, her breath in Alex’s ear, never fails to send Alex over the edge.

Which is why Maggie does it, of course.

And Alex makes Maggie feel the same way; makes her feel cherished. Makes her feel worshipped. Makes her feel enveloped, protected. Cared for. The hunger in her eyes outweighing the nerves the first time she drags her tongue over Maggie’s soaking clit; the way Alex moans, the way her eyes roll back into her head, with the sheer ecstasy of tasting her for the first time; the way she uses her tongue, her chin, her nose, her fingers, everything to coax Maggie into an orgasm that tears through her body like nothing she’s ever felt.

Until there was Alex Danvers.

And yet.

And yet, Maggie notices – she’s a detective, after all, and perhaps even – perhaps especially – while she’s making a certain, very naked, very high-ranking DEO agent squirm and beg and scream out her name beneath her, she detects – that Alex is holding back somehow.

Because sometimes – while they’re making out, while Maggie is grinding her thigh into Alex’s soaked core, while they’re fucking – sometimes, Alex grabs Maggie’s hips and starts to move her body like she’s going to flip Maggie off her and over onto her back, like she’s going to flip herself on top of her. But each time, something tugs at the skin behind her eyes, and she doesn’t complete the movement.

Maggie worries, at first, that she’s hurt Alex; that Alex needs to stop; that she’s overwhelmed. Each time, Maggie stills. Each time, Maggie asks, “you good, babe?” Each time, Alex blinks and pulls Maggie back down into a searing kiss.

But Maggie detects a pattern, detects the way that every time Alex starts – and aborts – flipping Maggie over, it’s right after she gets this particularly hungry look in her eyes, after she nearly glares up at Maggie with the intensity of her need, the intensity of her desire.

So one night, when Alex grabs at Maggie’s hips, starts to yank her sideways, but stops, Maggie braces her knees into the bed, wraps her hands around Alex’s shoulders, and completes the motion, rocking herself sideways and tugging Alex along with her, pulling her down on top of her.

Alex’s eyes go wide and her lips go speechless, and Maggie decides that as much as she loves looking down at Alex’s kiss-swollen lips and her hair haloing around her in sexy disarray on the pillow, the view from below is also sheer perfection: Alex’s hair hanging down, framing her face, her chest rising and falling, her eyes now almost feral as she realizes what Maggie has done.

“I take it you like this, then,” Maggie rasps, and Alex leans back, putting her weight up on her elbows, so she can see the perfection of Maggie’s body laying beneath her. She nods hungrily, but there are nerves battling the lust in her body language.

“You’ve been trying to flip me over for a while now.” Alex nods again, seemingly in shock.

“Why haven’t you, babe? It’s okay, you know. There’s isn’t anything I don’t want to do with you.”

Alex finally finds her voice.

“But I don’t wanna hurt you, Maggie, you’re so tiny!”

The force of Maggie’s responses nearly makes DEO Agent Alex Danvers topple off of her.

“I am not tiny!”

Alex thinks about cowering, but rears up on her hands instead, nodding down at their difference in size.

“I mean… babe.”

Maggie shoves at her with a fake scowl. “I am not tiny,” she repeats until Alex grabs her wrists and slams them down on the pillows alongside her head.

Maggie’s eyes fly wide and her breath goes ragged. Alex loosens her grip. “That okay, babe?”

Maggie grabs at her so she doesn’t let go of her wrists. “Ya… yes. God. Yes,” she tells her, licking her lips and staring up at Alex with raw desire written into her every feature.

And that is the first time Alex doesn’t worry about how tiny her girlfriend is.