
457. Chapter 457

Kara is amusing when she’s drunk.

Deeply amusing. To herself and to everyone who loves her.

And Alex?

Before Maggie, she got sullen when she was drunk. Sullen, when she wasn’t partying so hard she could have died.

Sullen, when she was drinking alone.

And she usually, before Maggie but after joining the DEO, drank alone.

But now?

Now, she rarely drinks alone. Now, she drinks at the bar, surrounded by people who love her. Surrounded by people who will keep her safe. Who will keep her drinking water.

Who will keep her happy.

And she is happy – so happy, as she snorts into her whiskey soda at Kara’s slurred pronunciation of everything from telepathy to chocolate to nebula – leaning into Maggie for support staying upright, support staying steady.

Maggie’s arm is draped around her, and Kara is laughing, and Kara is holding her hand across the table, and Alex is so, so, so happy.

“But you know what, Alex?” Kara wants to know, and she squints across the table at her sister like she’s concentrating on which of her faces is the real one.

“What, Kara?” Alex leans forward somewhat sloppily, slamming her elbow onto the table so she can rest her chin on her hand.

Maggie chuckles softly at her Danvers girls and hails Darla for two more waters.

“I don’t like competing with you, Alex. It makes me sad, you know? Because we’re stronger together – together, Alex, I love when we’re together – but you know what I do have that’s better than you?”

“The ability to fly,” Alex slurs, leaning sideways and slipping her chin off her hand. Maggie catches her, readjusts her, and slips the water glass into her hand.

Darla hovers by their table, exchanging an amused glance with Maggie.

“Darla!” Kara splutters, and Darla raises her eyebrows and crosses her arms across her chest.

“Kara,” she grins cautiously.

“Darla, I have a question for you. I was just going to tell Alex – but I don’t want her to be mad, so I want an objective audience – I think I have better abs than Alex. I mean, she has great ones, but I mean, I’ve got Kryptonian ones!”

She splurts the final part of her sentence with her hands in the air, spilling the water in her glass behind her, all over Brian.

“Sorry Brian!” she squeals as Darla swallows a laugh and tosses him the towel she’d had slung over her shoulder.

“Oh please, Kara, you haven’t seen me undress since college!”

“Not true! They made you take your shirt off last time you got hurt on the job – “

“Also that time you walked in on us last week,” Maggie chimes, a shit-eating grin on her face.

“Ahhhhh, nooooo!!!” Kara yells, putting her palms over her ears like she can retroactively block herself from hearing Maggie’s words. “She’s my sister, Maggie, no no no!”

Maggie holds her hands up in mock surrender. “Alright, Little Danvers, sorry to re-traumatize you,” she grins, and Kara nods imperiously, satisfied.

“Darla, Maggie, you have to be judges.”

“I’m not exactly objective, Alex,” Maggie points out, and Alex waves her away chaotically.

“But you’re the best cop in all the land and all the air and all the sea, Maggie – “

“There are cops in the air and sea, babe?”

“Just go with it, Maggie, let me compliment you, jeez! So you know how to evaluate the evidence that’s in front of you!”

Maggie exchanges an amused glance with Darla as she kisses Alex’s knuckles.

“I don’t see any evidence right now, Danvers,” she teases, and, as one, Kara and Alex stand and lift their shirts in unison. Sisters to the core.

And core is right.

Because Maggie’s jaw hits the ground, followed by Darla’s.

Maggie splutters – it’s nothing she hasn’t seen before, but god, god, god, her woman is so strong, so soft, so…

“Well??” Kara demands, and Maggie glances at her ex, who shrugs.

“You’re doing nicely for yourself, Mags,” she comments off-handedly.

Maggie shrugs, beaming. “I usually go for thicker women, but yeah uh… this one’s not bad, huh?” she grins and Alex preens.

“Well???” Kara asks again, louder.

“I say both of you win,” Brian chimes, and Kara and Alex immediately slam their shirts down.

“No one asked you, Brian!”

“Seriously, Brian?”

“Drinks on the house if you mind your own business, Brian!”

“Go hang out with Winn and James, Brian!”

He laughs and he nods and he shuffles off to find Winn and James, chuckling to himself the whole time.

“Those Danvers girls,” he grins, shaking his head and looking back over his shoulder to see them laughing together, affectionate, happy, loving.

As it should be, in their bar, their home away from home. Their happy spot.

Their together spot.