
416. Chapter 416

“Kara, Maggie’s at the precinct,” she shouts to her sister, even though their faces are only inches apart, as Kara flies her through the city, holding her with one arm like she weighs nothing.

Kara spares a sidelong glance at her sister and nods, just once, before veering off toward the other love of Alex’s life.

She listens for Maggie like she’d listened for Alex just a week ago, and this time, she hears something.

This time, she hears a crying child and a soothing voice, and she flies faster.

“It’s gonna be okay, I promise,” Maggie is telling a child no older than four when Kara lands with Alex.

“Danvers, what the hell are you – “

“The phone disconnected, I thought – “

“You shouldn’t be out here, I – “

“I’ll never not come find you, Maggie, I – “

“Um, guys, not to be too on the nose, but the city’s kind of burning, and I think you’re scarring this kid with your… um… kissing… more than the explosions. Come here, little one. Do you know me? I’m Supergirl. You’re going to be safe, I promise.”

And she means it, as she wraps her cape around all four of them to protect them from a spray of debris from a nearby building.

“Alex, Maggie, can you get this brave little one to safety? I’ll watch your backs from up there. Meet you at – “

“The bar.”

“The bar.”

Kara puts a firm hand on both of their shoulders so they don’t make out again, inspired by their synchronicity.

“I love you,” she tells Alex, and Alex returns it, teary and tired.

Tired of fighting wars by her sister’s side.

Wondering how hard it would be for the multiverse to let them just eat ice cream by each other’s sides instead.

Tired of constantly being afraid for her sister’s life.

Tired, but not done.

Far from done.

Because Kara is flying above them, providing the cover that Alex and Maggie need to bring the child to the nearest safe haven, Alex laying down extra cover fire with her favorite gun and Maggie carrying the child, faster, faster – safe, safe – and with Kara above her and Maggie by her side?

Alex Danvers can do anything.