
41. Chapter 41

They hold hands and they kiss and they pass out with their limbs entangled on Kara’s couch during movie night and they have heated make out sessions that make Alex whine and that make Maggie tremble and leave them both breathless.

They go to dinner and they go to the movies and they wear each other’s sweatshirts sitting up on rooftops watching the stars with steaming mugs of hot cocoa.

But they haven’t made anything official.

Maggie hasn’t asked because yes, we should kiss the girls we wanna kiss, but what if Alex discovers she wants to kiss other girls, too, and wouldn’t it all just be easier if they don’t put a label on this thing then?

Alex hasn’t asked because yes, Maggie just wanted to kiss her and yes, Maggie likes her but what if she stops because what if Alex is too inexperienced and what if she’s boring and what if she’s just not good enough at this and wouldn’t it all just be easier if they don’t put a label on this thing then?

It’s James that breaks it to Maggie. “Hey, your girlfriend coming to the bar tonight?” he wants to know, and Maggie freezes and James knows and James touches her arm and James says, “She really likes you, Maggie. Hell, I think she probably even loves you. I’ve never seen her like this, I… don’t let fear stop you two from being everything you can be together, okay?”

Maggie gulps and Maggie nods and Maggie bites her lip and Maggie’s grateful that she suddenly, somehow, has friends.

It’s Winn that breaks it to Alex. “Yo Danvers, your girlfriend’s on TV again, check it!” His smile fades when he sees Alex’s wide eyes, when he sees her pale face, when he sees her suddenly wringing hands. He touches her waist and he makes her look him in the eyes and he says, “Alex, have you not seen the way she looks at you? The way she treats you? You’re all she wants, Alex: you, just being you. You’re perfect to her, for her. Okay?”

Alex gulps and Alex nods and Alex fights back the tears in her eyes and Alex swallows the desire to thwack him in the back of the head just because.

They’re at Alex’s late that night and they’re watching TV and they both keep starting to say something, look at the other, and retreat.

Neither are accustomed to retreating.

One more deep breath. One more moment of terror. And then –

“Alex, I want to be your girlfriend – “

“Maggie, do you want to be my girlfriend?”

They freeze and they stare and they stop breathing and they laugh. And then they kiss and they laugh and they kiss and they laugh some more.

“Good,” Alex finally breathes in response to Maggie’s statement.

“Yes,” Maggie finally sighs in response to Alex’s question.

And James and Winn forever claim credit for their girls making it official.