
340. Chapter 340

They only bring one umbrella because Alex hates carrying things and because Maggie likes the idea of snuggling close together under the same one, anyway.

But that’s not at all what happens.

Because Alex is twirling and Alex is laughing with her head back and Alex is splashing into puddles and Alex is giggling and Alex is tugging at Maggie’s sleeve.

“Danvers, it’s cold,” she grimaces as Alex splashes into a puddle so hard that droplets jump up and into Maggie’s boots.

“Maggie, it’s beautiful!” Alex retorts, tossing her arms back and spinning around.

“Not worried about your badass agent reputation there?”

Alex stops spinning and tilts her head, a habit she’s picked up from Maggie, and her eyes are sparkling, and her hair is dripping, and Maggie has to try hard to stay grumpy.

“Maggie. I just got out of an hour of staring at you while you do all this flexible stuff, and it’s pouring but that’s okay because last night you told me how beautiful I am while you fell asleep holding me and it’s pouring but it’s warm and everyone’s safe and we’re here and we’re together and this is all so cliche but you told me that’s just being happy and I should get used to it, and I am, Maggie, and we’re that couple, and we’re always gonna be that couple, because I love you, and the rain is perfect just like you’re perfect, and we’re perfect together, and I just – “

But she can’t ramble anymore, because Maggie’s abandoned her umbrella, abandoned her pretense, scaled the walls that she’s built, leaping over the fears that have been slammed into her, and her lips are on Alex’s, and it’s wet and whatever Alex says, this is cold, hell, it’s freezing, everything is freezing, except Alex’s lips, because Alex’s lips are warm, and when she opens her mouth and tastes Alex’s tongue with her own, it gets even warmer, like their mouths are the only sources of warmth in all the universe, and her hair is getting soaked and she’s soaked and they’re soaked and that’s okay, that’s okay, everything’s okay, everything’s happy, because Alex is lifting her off the ground and spinning her around while they kiss and Alex is giggling into her lips and god, she’s giggling right back because this woman, this woman, this woman?

This woman is both the rainstorm and the rainbow afterward, and god, Maggie’s never been so in love.