
196. Chapter 196

Precision has always been important to her.

Extremely important.

So when she sketches, it always needs to be as realistic, as alive, as a pencil can make it.

And pencils, she’s discovered, can bring so much life.

When she was a child, her main muse was the ocean, was the crabs she would watch on the jetty, the sandcrabs she’d scoop up in her hands before letting them go each time the surf came crashing onto the shore.

When Kara came into her life, it was Kara. Kara flying, Kara dancing, Kara laughing.

She still draws Kara, and she’s added J’onn and James and Winn to her repertoire.

Her most recent addition – and her most intimate – is Maggie.

Maggie sleeping with the light dripping through the slatted blinds pouring onto her face, her limbs and hair all askew, her lips very slightly smiling, like she’s dreaming something good, something safe, something warm, something happy.

Maggie on her motorcycle, head turned back at a stoplight to look at Alex, her smile radiating through the protection of her helmet.

Maggie under her motorcycle, hands greasy and hair tied up and tongue sticking slightly out of her mouth as she makes her repairs.

Maggie pouring coffee in the morning, sleep and sex still in her eyes, peacefulness in her entire stance, love in her every pore.

Maggie laying on her stomach on Alex’s bed, knees bent, socks half-on, half-off, sprawled out like it’s her own bed – because it is, it is, it is – and reading, her eyes intense, her body transported to whatever fantasy realm she’s reading about this time.

Alex is putting the finishing touches on this last one when Maggie walks in the room, and Alex jumps and slams the book closed. Maggie puts her hands up in surrender and stops in her tracks.

“Hey, Danvers, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you – “

“No, no, it – it’s fine, you’re fine.”

Maggie tilts her head and waits, and Alex stares up at her, considering her, chewing the inside of her cheek, and then she smiles softly, shyly.

“I was drawing.”

Maggie beams and she approaches again, kneeling in front of Alex’s chair and putting her hands on her knees.

“Babe, you never told me you draw.”

Alex smiles and squirms and Maggie knows she’s in love.

“You… wanna see?”

Maggie nods eagerly and she starts at page one, and she gasps as she flips through page after page of beauty, page after page of intimacy. Page after page of the people Alex Danvers loves most, as Alex sees them, as Alex knows them, as Alex feels them.

“Ally,” Maggie sighs, and Alex blushes furiously. “These are beautiful.”

She freezes when she gets to the first drawing of her. Freezes, and stiffens, and Alex splutters.

“I’m sorry if it’s weird, I just… I have a good memory, and I wanted to draw you in the moments you look most beautiful, I’m sorry if it’s weird, I – “

But Maggie is carefully putting Alex’s sketchbook to the side and she’s crawling into Alex’s lap and she’s kissing her, kissing her, kissing her.

“I’m wild about you, Alex Danvers, you know that?”

Alex blushes even harder and Maggie beams and swallows awed tears.


“Yes. Always.”