When Maggie shows up at the door, the agent who puts out his hand to stop her is confused, at first. Scared, at first.
But when she says “Come on, it’s not like I haven’t been in your James Bond super spy lab before; I need to see Alex, it’s important,” he knows.
He knows because she doesn’t say Agent Danvers, she says Alex, and there’s concern written in her eyes under her tough stance, and suddenly, everything slides into place.
The way everyone’s been whispering about how giggly Agent Danvers has been. The way everyone’s been whispering about she must be getting laid or do you think she’s possessed by some alien or something or maybe she went on SSRIs? because Agent Danvers certainly has been throwing less DEO agents into walls and threatening less of them lately (poor Agent Schott; everyone had heard about that one).
But everything slides into place, now, because this is the woman Agent Danvers had started working with at the NCPD when she normally had such disdain for local law enforcement; this was the woman Agent Danvers had insisted on stitching up herself a couple weeks ago after the Cyborg Superman attack; this was the woman Agent Danvers had sprinted through the halls, yelling about what the hell happened and where the hell is she and did you catch him? Good, because I’m going to find him and kill him.
And now Agent Danvers is happy and floating and contorting her body into strange, excited shapes and she’s doing unnerving things like giggling.
And so suddenly it all makes sense.
“This way, ma’am,” he says to the tiny NCDP detective, and he leads her through to the command center, because this woman is the reason for Agent Danvers’s sudden spurt of utter happiness.
And he owes fifty bucks to the rookie who said it’s because she’s got herself a girlfriend.