
120. Chapter 120

“Winn, stop killing Kara’s Tamagotchi and get over here!”

“I’m not killing him, he’s hungry!”

“I just fed him!” Kara protests from an exceedingly awkward angle, upside down next to Maggie’s elbow.

"How do you know he's not Kryptonian and doesn't need to eat as much as you do?"

“Schott, just get over here and spin the damn spinny thing!”

“Spinny thing, babe?” Maggie wants to know, and Alex scowls at her as effectively as she can with her left hand balanced behind her right foot, left foot pulled all the way on the other side of the Twister board.

“Whose turn’s it?” Winn scampers over, Kara’s Tamagotchi still in hand.

“Mine,” James says, and he’s been lucky so far – he’s still standing in a relatively non-contortionist position.

Winn flicks at the arrow and they all strain to see where it lands. Maggie’s hands are starting to shake slightly – she’s practically doing a handstand, and has been for the last three rounds – but damned if she’s gonna cave.

“Okay James, right hand on red,” Winn announces triumphantly, and James groans, because the nearest red circle is directly under Maggie’s chest.

“Maggie, you good?”

“Have at it, Olsen, you’ll have the honor of being the only man that close to my boobs like, ever.”

“Awwww, James, you’re so special!” Winn squeals, and Kara’s body quivers with laughter.

“Don’t topple over now, Little Danvers.”

“Dream on, Maggie!”

“Watch that arm, Olsen, just remember whose girlfriend she is.”

“I have no designs on your woman, Alex.”

“Yeah and anyway babe, don’t you have a great view of my ass right now?”

“It is a great view.”

“Okayyyyy, whose turn is it now?” Kara desperately wants to know, and Alex and Maggie share a soft laugh.

“That’d be me – make it a good spin, Schott,” Alex tells him, and he sneaks more food to Kara’s Tamagotchi before he does.

“Okay, left hand blue, Alex.”

“Mmm, and suddenly everyone wants to be close to me,” Maggie hums, and Alex chuckles.

“You complaining, Sawyer?” She shifts and she keeps DEO-style balance and core strength and she easily slides her left hand onto a blue circle that leaves her in a strange contortion and Maggie with a great view of her cleavage.

Maggie hisses and licks her lips, and it’s not the difficulty of her position, but the intensity of Maggie’s eyes, that makes Alex overbalance, that makes Alex slip, that makes Alex fall. Kara jumps up in victory, James hastily slips his hand out from under Maggie’s body, and Alex yanks Maggie on top of her to the tune of Winn’s whoops and James’s laughter and Kara’s really Alex?

“I believe you just lost, Danvers.”

“I was distracted. Doesn’t count. We’ll play Operation next. I never lose at Operation.”

“Mmm, I bet you don’t, Doctor Danvers.”

“Okay guys, who wants to play Trouble?” Kara squeals as James continues to chuckle and Winn’s ears turn red.

“Noooo, I hate the damn sound that dice popping thing makes. My cousin used to just walk around the house pressing it, like, all the time.”

“Like this?” Winn asks, and Maggie groans as she pulls Alex to her feet and into her arms.

“Okay then, Mouse Trap?” Winn flinches as Maggie grabs the Trouble board from his hands and tosses it onto the couch before tousling his hair with a grin.

“No, the poor mice didn’t do anything!”

“Yeah, Kara never used to let us play that one. She’d always try to free them.”

“Awww, Little Danvers! You’re so sweet! But hey, what about another round of Twister?”

“You only want another round of Twister because it ended with Alex pulling you on top of her!”

“And that’s a bad thing because?”

“Because there are things about my sister’s life I don’t need to see.”

“I mean, we can always just take it into the next room, just the two of us – ”


“What, then you wouldn’t have to see anything!”

“X-ray vision! And super hearing!”


“Wait wait, guys, I got it! Mario Kart!” James calls, and in mere minutes, Kara is thumping Winn, his tongue sticking out in concentration, on his back to drive faster, Maggie is hurling bananas at a cursing James, and Alex is pulling ahead of them all with a smug grin on her face and fire in her eyes.

They’re still arguing jovially about whether Toad or Luigi’s vehicle handles better the next morning when they spill into the DEO.

J’onn only stares at his ragtag group of children for a moment before deciding that the only thing he needs to know is that Alex’s eyes are gleaming and her step is lighter than he’s ever seen it, and Maggie’s name is on her lips, and she’s being more touchy with her friends, more open, laughing harder and smiling bigger.

And he couldn’t ask for anything more for his girl. Even if she and Mr. Schott are currently giving him a headache with their rowdy discussions of some sort of virtual racetrack that he most certainly never needed to know about.