
The Girls in Damp clothes

Two girls that have an interesting hobby must find a way to keep it a secret from other students at their school.

Christopher_Chan_2638 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

The Two sisters

It was a fairly warm day. Holly Smith and Cordelia Croon are cousins that both go to Western Broke High School. They'd both just started year seven and were fairly comfortable with the standard of work they were getting. But one day something terrible happened.

Holly and Cordelia were getting ready for school. They were in blue dresses with black tights and were wearing white socks. As they got to school, it started to shower so they rushed into their home room as quick as they could. The first lesson was Health with Mr Anderson. Holly and Cordelia always sat in the second row because the most handsomest boy, Bradley sat the desk in front of them. Most of the time, they both sat daydreaming about him until Mr Anderson speaks up which is mainly every 10 minutes.

Today, they were learning about positive and negative relationships and then blah blah this, blah blah that. Until the bell rang for recess. They all scurried out of the room. Half an hour later, recess ended and the third lesson was math.

Math wasn't the two cousins strongest subjects. They'd both rather be doing physical education or art. But instead they were doing calculus and algebra. About fifteen minutes into the lesson, Cordelia needed to pee. She started shifting in her chair while Holly was actually concentrating this time. This made Cordelia shocked.

After five minutes, Cordelia raised her hand.

"May I please go to the toilet, madam," she pleaded

The teacher said yes and she got up and walked to the bathroom. As she got to the toilets, there was a long line to the toilets. She thought that she would wait until the end of the lesson. As she sat back to her seat, she suddenly had sharp pains in her bladder. She desperately held it in. The lesson ended and Cordelia went to her next class which was sadly not with Holly.

It was English and she had the need to pee. She didn't want to pee her pants like a baby. She hadn't had an accident since year three and that was years ago. She didn't want to be the baby and pee her pants. Instead she concentrated on her work, until the bursting pains came back and she started shifting again.

Pee started dribbling in her light blue underwear. She quickly grabbed her crotch and held it tensely. She quickly pulled her dress up a bit to see the amount. There was a hardly noticeable dark dot on her underwear. Quickly dropping it down, she began shifting and trying really hard to focus on the lesson.

It was lunch time, and Cordelia met Holly in front of her locker.

"What did you do in English today,"asked Holly.

"Adverbs and conjunctions,"replied Cordelia shuffling her feet on the pavement.

"Are you okay,"asked Holly looking concerned.

"I peed my pants a little bit,"whispered Cordelia.

Holly looked shocked. Carefully looking around so no-one would notice, she lifted her dress up showing a faint dark spot on her underwear. She dropped her dress down quickly so no-one would notice. Then Cordelia asked the same thing. Unexpectedly, Holly did the same thing and Cordelia saw a faint spot on Holly's pink underwear. Somehow, both cousins had peed their pants. As Holly went to the toilets, Cordelia stayed shifting around in circles to guard the lockers. Random people have been stealing stuff at recess and lunch. When Holly came back, it was the end of lunch, so Cordelia sadly didn't get to go.

The fifth lesson was History and Cordelia was all alone again. As she sat down she looked at her underwear. The spot had dried up but she knew that she'd be having an accident soon if she wasn't allowed to use the restrooms.

About 20 minutes into the history lesson, Cordelia felt a drop of pee go onto her underwear again. She blushed as her bladder suddenly broke out. Pee started soaking her undies, making a warm sensation down her leg and reached her socks forming a puddle underneath her chair. One of Cordelia's classmates made the discovery and called on her. The told her to leave the room and go to the nurse's office. Her dress was soaked at the bottom, but her black tights had hid the all the liquid. Lucky for her, the nurse's office wasn't far away.

When she arrived at the nurse's office, the nurse understood by the wet dress what had happened. She took her into a room and gave Cordelia a dress, socks and a pair of grey underwear.

Once she got dressed it was already the end of the day and Holly was surprised and shocked that Cordelia wasn't in her normal clothes. She was carrying a plastic bag with her once light blue now dark blue underwear facing towards her. Once they got home, her mother was upset that she'd had an accident and she could still go to the mall the next day.