
Chapter One-


it's been three days and I can't remember who anyone is, I don't think I even know them. According to a girl, she is my sister, I don't have a sister, do I?

I looked out the window of the bedroom, that was told was mine. A guy sat on the sidewalk, he looks familiar, but I don't think I met him. I walked out of my room and out the front door, I was going to make friends with him, hopefully. he looked up as if he knew I was coming, "hi, I'm Winter" I said,

"Winter!" he said, but looked down as if he made a mistake, "I'm August Right" he said softly,

"are you alright, August" I asked, he looked at me and in his eyes, I could tell he did something bad, "August, have we met before because you look familiar"

"yes, we have and I was the one who made you forget everything" He said, "it was my fault" I looked confused,

"it wasn't your fault, I never met you, so how can it be your fault?"

"it was" he said,


"it was and you might think I didn't do anything, but it was all my fault!" He yelled, he turned around and ran down the sidewalk away from me, August Right, huh? it sounds familiar.