
The girl named APPLE

girl was born on a blue moon with a gift that was given to by the moon goddess but here the catch her parents are not here real parents using her power she can find out what happened to her real mom and dad

Charrie_Sealy · Thanh xuân
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<p>A baby girl was born on September 1, 2002, at 3 am in Kingdom Hospital on Witches Avenue. The moon was full that night, and It was a blue moon It means that any baby born that night will be blessed with powers from the moon goddess. Her parents named her apples because where they come from, apples are a source of good luck, and they are known to Grant wishes when you bite into them. <br/>Apple was the cutest baby girl you would have ever seen from the day she was born; the parents believed that the moon goddess gave their daughter powers. So, they had her tested by witches and warlocks at the Red Castle. When the witches and warlocks find nothing unique or magical about their daughter, they remove them from the castle. Two weeks have passed, making Apple two weeks old when the tragedy happened. <br/>Poor baby Apple.<br/><br/>(Apple, not Apple ). </p>

When you read this story, you will find yourself reading some more to find out the truth about applying real parents

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