

Darkness may fall out in the presence of light but light will always reveal the darkest secrete of the dark. Elena was traumatized after a pathetic experience with her uncle, she became a devil in human form her mission was to kill her uncle and any guy with who she had sex. A witch cast a ring spell on her finger in which she became unconscious, aggressive, and callous. She vowed never to fall in love with any guy which she resist for many years. But the story change when she met Clark. Clark became an antidote to her spell due to the love coexistence between them. Ever since then, Elena understands the true nature of love and its power she rather chooses love to hate.

David_Godwin_5404 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs


The next day Elena woke up early at 5 a.m, did her daily chores while she prepared for school. Mrs. Clara and her husband were not at home, they left to work earlier before Elena aroused.

She prepares herself a breakfast: a tea and four-slice of bread, she sat on the dining table with her thoughts.


Life is a journey we must travel, I have traveled to a destination of pain, tragedy, and sorrow. I have come to realize the fact that the Bible says "The heart of a man is desperately wicked".

Am just 13 years old struggling to embrace a happy life yet someone decided to paint my happiness in black shades.

My uncle! My uncle!! My uncle!!!, he has proven to be the wolf in sheep's clothing and no one will believe am being raped by him, because everyone sees him as a good and responsible man to be.

People pretend to be the sheep while they intend to flock with the wolf. Maybe I should open up to my friends rather than tell Mrs. Clara. I know she won't believe me, she has this great trust and love for her husband.

I presume my friends may come out with a proper idea if they are informed about these shameful occurrences.

Subsequently, she ponders on her decisions then she leaves for school, she was the first to arrive, otheand rs were amazed about her punctuality although this has never happened.

"I assume this is a Miracle!!" Another student exclaimed.

After the break light, 7:30 to be precise. Elena sat on her seat while she awaits her friends, she wonders what might stop them from coming to school early.

At last, the three friends arrived: Caroline, Rose, and Jane were fully delighted as they met Elena with a smile.

"Finally! She smirks, today must be great". Caroline said while sloping hand their s to embrace her. They all exchanged pleasantries as they sit to discuss.

We discussed for 2 hours, we tried giving out suggestions about Elena's incident, and she told us about her challenges at home and we were all astonished.

"This is ridiculous, your uncle has a beautiful and lovely wife and he decided to do this to you!!, what a shame, men are dangerous". Rose said.

They all intend to visit one of the female teachers Mrs. Clinton by name, they explained the incident to her.

Mrs. Clinton became speechless as she tried to figure out a solution.

"75% of our girl children are abused at their tender age; these must be eradicated in the society, justice must be done". She said,

Indeed no one will fold their hands looking at this illicit act, according to the law we need evidence and a witness to defend such prosecution.

" This was the thought of Mrs. Clifton".

After their discussion, Elena and her friends went to the class while Mrs.Clitons intended to voucher for the case with the law. the

The Bell Jingles, it was closing time, everyone took their books, bags, and writing materials as they went to their various abodes.

Elena came back home looking tired, she rushed down to the bathroom to take her shower, to her surprise he saw Mr. Mike through the glass door, she quickly tied her towel then she came out frightened.

" Sir I thought you weren't around when I met the door locked?" She fearfully asked.

"Well!, I came back to pick some things I will be leaving to work soon!". Mike said.

Elena was still frightened, as Mr.Mike was lost in thought, staring at her for a moment!

"You look beautiful, To be candid you are always glowing in beauty".

Elena felt speechless hearing such words from her uncle, she couldn't accept such a compliment, she tried escaping from this threthreateningne.

Indeed Mr. Mike is a sheep's sheep's clothing. When he discovered his wife was absent at home, he became confident in committing his devilish act.

Elena tried running but Mrs. Mik. e was fast in his race, he finally grabbed her to her waist and took her to the bedroom. Elena screamed as she pleaded for help.

"Please Mr. Mike, don't do this to me I am your niece for Christ's sake!!!". She cried aloud.

Mr.Mike was heartless, he paid deaf ears to her words, removed her towel, and raped her.

After satisfying himself Mr. Mike took to his hill and went back to work. Elena was angrily in pain, she went to her room, put on a cloth and took some of her clothes from the wardrobe then she ran out of the house.

Elena slept in the forest for some days without food or drink, at first she became terrified but she had no choice to but live in the jungle than dwell in hell.

No one knows her whereabouts, they searched for her but she was nowhere to be found.


The wind blew so heavily, as that the leaves and dust flew around the atmosphere, and strange voices were heard from afar.

Elena ran in search of food, she was thirsty. She gazes at a little hut and goes inside to get herself relaxed.

Suddenly she saw a golden kettle filled with water. She immediately took the kettle and drank from it.

Someone screamed her name from a distance.

"Elena!!! Elena!!! Elena!!!"

"Who are you, reveal yourself?". She fearfully asked as she left the golden pot and ran out of the hut.

She became tired, she fell othe n to ground-feeding herself with leaves a witch appeared to her, she gasped heavily while she pleaded for her life.

"Please don't kill me, I am just 13 years old struggling to make a living, I am too young to die!" She said as she bowed her head to the ground.

"I am the beautiful goddess, the maker of a witch and the slayer of dragons. My name is AURORA" I am the Goddess of Dawn, Fear not for you are in safe hands".

Elena was still frightened but she summoned a little courage. The witch gave her water to drink and food to eat, then she took her on a horse as they rode to her hut.