
The Giants of Eldrida

HaranaVe · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: The Final Battle

Kazuha had been living among the giants for many years, and he had become a beloved member of the community. He had fought alongside the giants, trained with them, and shared countless memories with them. Kazuha had come to consider the giants his family, and he was grateful for the sense of belonging that he had found among them.

But despite the happiness that Kazuha had found in Eldrida, he knew that the threat of danger was always present. There were those who coveted the giants' land and resources, and they would stop at nothing to take what they wanted. Kazuha had seen firsthand the devastation that such greed could bring, and he knew that he had to be vigilant in protecting his home.

So when Kazuha received word that a powerful army was advancing on the village, he knew that he had to act fast. He gathered the giants together and prepared for battle, determined to defend their home and their way of life.

The final battle was fierce and brutal, with both sides taking heavy casualties. Kazuha fought alongside his giant comrades, using all of the skills and strategies that he had learned during his training. But despite their best efforts, the giants were outnumbered, and the battle seemed lost.

Kazuha could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on him, and he knew that he had to do something to turn the tide. So he gathered his strength and led the charge, striking out with all his might. The enemy was caught off guard, and they faltered under the ferocity of Kazuha's attack.

But just when it seemed that Kazuha and the giants might turn the tide, disaster struck. A group of enemy giants broke through the village's defenses, and Kazuha knew that it was only a matter of time before they were overwhelmed.

Just when all hope seemed lost, Kazuha had an idea. He remembered something that Grom had told him about a secret passage that led out of the village, and he knew that this was their chance to escape. Kazuha gathered the giants and led them through the passage, narrowly avoiding the enemy's grasp.

Once they were safely away from the village, Kazuha and the giants regrouped. They knew that they couldn't stay there for long, as the enemy would surely follow them. So Kazuha came up with a plan to lead the enemy away from the village, buying time for the giants to regroup and come up with a more permanent solution.

The giants were hesitant at first, as they knew that this would be a risky move. But Kazuha was determined, and he convinced them that it was the