
unexpected unexpectedness

Beep... beep...beep. Hearing the sound of the buzzer, I new that today my life could start... or it would end. Yawning and stretching my arms, I get up and slowly make my way up to the rickety old wheel chair, the only thing that has stayed with me through thick and thin.

Slowly, I start wheeling my way out of a small one room shack, and towards a tower glistening with brilliance and light... The Whiattomey magic and fine arts academy. The only place that I could maybe restart my life just so that maybe possibly I could live a normal life and not be judged.

Walking up to the doors, I don't dare stop and look at it's beauty. "Hey cripple, go back to the slums before you stink up the place." Not did I not dare to look up, but I even sped up. Making a B-line through the entrance, I would have been able to see several baffled faces if I would have looked up. Slowing down, I am able to make a complete stop in front of the front desk.

Seeing the look of disgust on the face of the receptionist, I just sigh and say "Can I just get an evaluation?"

Not even responding, the lady hands me a piece of paper and a beat up quill. Taking the stuff I quickly go to a wall to write my information. Coming back, she points and says, "Wait for the bell before fallowing people through that door". Half an hour to an hour later, I see five other people stand up and start heading to the door indicated.

About two minutes after we all disappear through the door, a figure stands up and walks through the doors too...

Walking... no sorry wheeling through the doors, I see a room that could easily be used as a school gym. sitting in three sections of the gym are three objects, two large dark stones and an arena at the far end...

Seeing the wheel chair, a standing in front of the door shakes his head while saying under his breath, "Poor lad, destined to always be weak". even without hearing his words I can tell what he thought, but even still I kept a straight face showing no anxiety on it at all."

"Alright, my name is Jim and I am your instructor today and will be examining you today, first we will be looking at shock output that shows pure physical strength, next is our magic output where you will be injecting as much mana into the rock as you can and last will be a one on one with me, where I will test your reflexes and combat awareness."

As we start moving onto the first test, nobody notices a shadow that passes through the door and stops moves to a corner...

As everyone passes through the test, I am able to see what a usual output is... Wheeling myself up to the rock, I look at it for a second before punching down on it. Crack! a small noise that is picked up by only two people in the room, me and the guy in the corner who also would look as if he got tapped in the balls.

Seeing the output would be astronomical for how week my hands are, but still under par, I can only keep a straight face and move on...

As we move on to the next station, the movement of me popping my knuckles back in place once again doesn't go unnoticed by the man in the corner who this time gives a sharp look.

Moving onto the magic input, I completely fail miserably, I literally got a score of ZERO!! In fact, the stone looks to be a little bit dimmer than I started. Taking a deep sigh, I can only look at the instructors nodding head in a questioning way. Seeing the answer I was looking for, I casually start Wheeling out, thinking "Sad, but not out of expectations."

As I am wheeling out, I don't forget to start speeding up. This of course did not go unwarranted because as soon as I got through the door, I could hear snickering from the lady at the front...

A few seconds after I left, a shadow quickly passed through the door that I came out of, making the entire room silent...

"Hey cripple, why did you think you could even try? Go back to the slums before you give me a foul mood" up top, I can hear the snickering of a group of young boys...

Hearing them start laughing even harder, I know it can't be good. Quickly taking a glance behind me, I see a dark shadowed man right behind me. Quickly, I make for the side of the road, before looking behind me and still seeing the man.

"Young sir, I don't think you need to punish this begged here. I am sorry for what I did, and ask for forgiveness."

For a while, he just stands there stock still.

"Hahahaha, oh that's good, oh that's good!!!" Coming out of his shadowy form, is an old man dressed in expensive looking robes who looked so happy as if his best friend had eaten a fly right in front of him.

After fully getting his laughs out, he calms down enough to say "Oh, no. That's not what I came here to talk to you about. I was wondering, would you like to be my apprentice?"

"No, sorry. I don't trust people or society enough to go with someone I just saw."

Obviously, he was not used to being turned down as he was again looked as if he had gotten a sucker punch to the gonads.

"Well, what would help you to trust me?"

Looking him up and down I respond "let me get into the Whiattomey Tower and give me needed materials."

"That's a given, so done and done." He calmly whipped the sweat off his brow

Lost in thought I said "Why would you do this for me? I literally just completely failed the exam."

Breaking into a grin he replies "Son I have learned that there are two types of geniuses, ones that are genetically superior, and ones that are mentally superior. Kid you might not know it, but your both"

???? A stupid look comes across my face

"Let me put it this way, a normal person would be like a baby that's just trying to put a block in a puzzle, while you would be like an adult not knowing that you have a block in your hand so you're just destroying the puzzle"

Feeling that it was worth a shot, "ok, what should I do then?"

A smile comes across the mans face "follow me, I'll take you to the campus."