
The Gamers Guide to Freedom (The Rewrite)

Kuro Dantalion isn't really sure how he got chosen to host the Gamer system, nor is he sure what the Gamer System is for that matter, but what he does know is that he is stuck in a world with insanely op assholes, dumb main characters and a plot he knows very little about. Perhaps he should have paid more attention to the plot and less to the girls when he watched the show.

DarkWolfShiro · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Sona pays her debt

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, OoalGown, Hermes, Priapus, Old man of the mountain and TheDonFluffles

The Gamer's Guide to Freedom, Remastered

Chapter 11: Sona pays her debt

— Ravel Phenex —

Cuddling against Kuro, she looked up at her… boyfriend? What even were they now? The man who she gave her virginity to so easily.

Whatever he was, she looked up at him as she pressed her still naked body against his muscled chest, a fierce blush on her face as he gave her a warm smile.

It wasn't the hungry smirk from last night, but an almost affectionate smile as he put an arm around her waist and gave her a half-hug.

She shouldn't still be embarrassed, after all she couldn't use being drunk as an excuse for this morning, and she also couldn't say she regretted letting Kuro have his way with her again.

It felt so good, the way he could make her climax with a word, the seal on her stomach sending waves of intense pleasure through her, or enhancing the pleasure she felt as he pounded her into the bed.

He even made her feel what her mother felt as he took her from behind, forcing the mother she loved and respected so much to eat his cum from her abused slit.

She'd touched herself before, she was a devil after all and she had her needs, sometimes she touched herself to the sight of her brother and his peerage playing their games, occasionally she even had one of the other girls go down on her instead of having to use her own hands, but Riser was very strict on not touching her, so she was always left out. It wasn't that she wanted to fuck her brother, but she couldn't deny she had an interest in just what being fucked felt like, and she wouldn't have minded some experimentation.

"L-Lord Dantalion-" Ravel started, making Kuro laugh and squeeze her waist.

"Considering you have my seed leaking from two different holes, I think we're past titles, are we not?" Kuro asked, making her blush and rub her thighs together, feeling the satisfying soreness of her thoroughly-used body.

"Sorry, Kuro… what happens between us now?" Ravel asked, making Kuro tilt his head. "I understand that our drunken words hold little-"

"I meant what I said last night, I'd be happy to court you and see how well we get along. I think we both know how physically compatible we are, but great sex alone does not a relationship make," Kuro laughed, making her blush as she beamed up at him. "So what happens now is whatever you want to happen, if you want to call this a drunken accident and pretend it never happened- well, you made quite a lot of noise last night so it won't stay secret, but I won't mind," Kuro said kindly, her blush deepening in reminder of her screams and pleas.

"I- I would like to be courted, perhaps we should have saved my first time for later in the relationship, but I don't regret it," Ravel admitted, cuddling against her new lover.

She didn't know how much she liked Kuro as a person, she certainly didn't dislike him but they'd have to see how they got along in time, though what she did know was that she wasn't willing to go back to watching from the sidelines. Plus, she'd resigned herself to marrying for the good of her family, as was expected of any noble daughter, so marrying for the good of her family and because she actually liked her paramour was an improvement.

She could certainly do worse.

Kuro had awoken something in her that she wouldn't put back to sleep.

"Excellent, then it's settled," Kuro said, leaning down and placing a light kiss on her forehead, before he reached down. "Unless you have any objections?"

Yanking Rayna's hair back, he pulled her mouth from his cock and stared down at the cum-drunk Lady Phenex, her makeup ruined and her hair a mess.

"Wh- I mean, of course not. I'd be happy for you to date my daughter," Rayna mumbled, no sign of her usual tact or elegance as Kuro's cock rested against her face.

"Lovely, now that'ssettled… get back to work," Kuro said, pushing it against her lips which parted obediently, Rayna immediately taking the bulbous head back into her mouth as she submissively bobbed her head.

Not that Ravel blamed her, she was well acquainted with the fact that Kuro's seal made them feel good when they made him feel good.

Turning back to her with a playful grin, he leaned down and captured her lips again, making her moan lightly into his mouth even as her hand moved down and gently gripped her mothers hair, guiding her to take Kuro's length deeper.

— Kuro — Later —

"Really, my mother and my sister?" Riser asks, looking far too amused as I walk into the living room with Rayna and Ravel in tow.

Rayna looks embarrassed but Ravel doesn't show any shame as she walks by my side, her hand in mine.

"Yup," I say simply. If he didn't want anyone to fuck his mom, he shouldn't have had a mom so hot in the first place.

"Didn't you tell me not to drag my little sister into my degeneracy, mother? And here you are, having a threesome with her…" Riser scolds, still seeming far too entertained as Rayna gives him a dirty look.

"Technically, Ravel dragged us into her degeneracy, my new girlfriend is quite the kinky one," I say, making Ravel blush a deep red as I pull her against my side, making Riser raise his eyebrow.

"Girlfriend, huh? Planning to steal Ravel away from my peerage already?" Riser asks, making me shrug. "Works for me, honestly you can have her. Babysitting her was a pain anyway."

"Riser!" Rayna says incredulously, making him smirk.

"What? It was going to happen sooner or later anyway, Ravel being in my Peerage was never going to last," Riser says with a shrug.

"Why do I feel like you're trying to get rid of me? And what do you mean babysitting? I've had to keep you out of trouble, not the other way around," Ravel says with a cute frown.

"Oh, I am trying to get rid of you. My Peerage is my harem and I want a bishop I can actually play around with," Riser admits without shame. "So, want to take her into your Peerage?"

"Hm, that's not a bad idea. It'd definitely let us spend a lot of time together and decide whether we want to get married or not," I admit, giving Ravel a look. "What do you think? This affects you as well after all."

"I'd be happy to join your Peerage, though I didn't know you had one," Ravel admitted, making me chuckle.

"I have the pieces, I just haven't used any of them yet. I checked the rules, and I can't be challenged to a rating game until I use at least three pieces, so I've been biding my time," I admit, after all, knowing the rules means I can use them to get away with doing as little as possible.

If I accept Ravel, I'm still in the safe zone and she's an experienced and powerful mage with a lot of victories under her belt.

I looked up Riser's fights online since most rating games are recorded and broadcasted. Riser is powerful but he also rarely actually fights, preferring to let his girls do the work.

Ravel and Yubelluna are his two heavy hitters, especially since Ravel's regeneration means that Yubelluna doesn't have to hold back with her bombs.

Not that Riser can't win his own battles, I don't think he's ever actually lost when he's decided to join the fray.

"Still, I'd be happy to take you, if your family doesn't mind," I say, looking at Rayna.

"She'd be moving in with you if you married anyway, I suppose it makes sense for you two to spend as much time together as you can while you decide," Rayna says after a moment, making me squeeze Ravel's waist, giving her a smile.

"Then it's settled, I look forward to working under you, my lord," Ravel says with a smile.

"Odd, if last night is anything right go by, you prefer to work on top," I say with a smirk, making her blush again as Riser snorts. "Rayna is the one who seemed so happy under me."

"Lord Dantalion, I realise you seem to enjoy embarrassing me but I'd prefer if you kept such details to yourself," Rayna says with a scowl, blushing as I grin at her.

"You do realise that I can sense your arousal, right? If I didn't know any better I'd say you enjoy being embarrassed," I say, watching her blush grow deeper. "Just something to keep in mind, Lady Phenex. Still, there's no need to rush anything, we can arrange the transfer later. I have things to do today anyway, so I'll get going," I say, leaning down and giving Ravel a gentle kiss.

"Yeah, later Kuro," Riser says with a wave as I let Ravel go, giving them a wave as I leave, teleporting back to my bedroom.

Last night was too much socialising for me. Sex aside, I am an introvert at heart. I need to rest and recover my energy before I deal with anyone else.

…do devils have video games?

— Rias Gremory —

Entering the room, she blinked as she spotted Kuro and Koneko both glued to the screen, looks of intensity on their faces.

Sometimes she thought they got along a little too well, watching as they fought some boss in whatever game they were playing.

As the boss fell, Koneko gave a small fist-pump in victory, grabbing a cookie from the plate between them as Kuro ruffled her hair.

It didn't surprise her that Koneko would be playing games, she and Gasper played online together quite a lot.

"They've been at it for hours," Akeno said simply, a small smile on her face. "They're actually pretty cute together."

"Indeed, they make quite the pair," Shuri added, both mother and daughter standing by ready to serve their lord.

She'd actually won out by taking Shuri as her bishop, because not only did Shuri know the Himejima techniques far better than Akeno, teaching her daughter her family's secrets (possibly out of spite, since she'd been enraged to hear how the Himejima family had treated her daughter), but Kuro was also teaching her how to use his magic.

She might not need to beat Riser anymore, but she'd always want a strong peerage to support her in whatever she decided to do.

Riser's request annoyed her, to be honest, the idea of Riser getting pleasure from her body, even if it wasn't her, disgusted her but it was worth it to ensure her freedom.

She'd also realised why Kuro didn't mind helping her get out of her engagement like this. Their deal was for her to serve him for five years in exchange for Seona and Shuri, with the caveat that if she fought Riser and lost, she'd be freed from her obligation.

If she never fought Riser, she was still bound by her promise to serve him, and she'd realised that even if she had lost to Riser, she'd not want to leave Kuro's service and would probably have thrown herself into it even further to try and escape Riser.

It was a trap, one she'd happily blundered into. Kuro never planned to give her up, but she couldn't bring herself to mind. Devils should expect every deal to have at least some tricks involved, and Kuro had kept his word.

Seona was a beast in battle, apparently she'd been sparring a lot with Kiba lately. Kiba was determined to beat Seona, but the Minotaur Lord was downright impossible to seriously injure and had a minor regeneration of her own.

It wasn't that Kiba couldn't pull off a win or two, but he was apparently pretty competitive since Seona was as good with her axe as he was with his sword.

She was just glad he wasn't obsessing over the Excalibur they knew Kuro had, he'd definitely brooded over it but he seemed to accept that he wasn't getting anywhere near it.

But that aside… Why were Shuri and Akeno just wearing frilly maid underwear?

She knew she was gifted in certain areas, but the sight of Akeno and Shuri's breasts barely contained by the black lacy bras made even her feel self-conscious.

She had kinda assumed Akeno's gifted body came from her fallen half, but apparently not given that Shuri was just as blessed.

"Oh, my my~ is my new king interested in my body?" Shuri asked with a lewd giggle. "If that's the case I'd be happy to teach you a thing or two~"

And then there was that, apparently Akeno inherited her teasing sadist side from Shuri as well.

"Be careful, mother… Rias can be a greedy beast, the amount of nights I've spent in her bed~" Akeno added, placing a hand to her cheek as she sighed.

"That's- you keep sneaking into my bed, I didn't tell you to do that," Rias argued, plus did she have to say it like that?!

She just liked cuddling something while she slept, it wasn't anything lewd, just some innocent skinship.

Well mostly innocent, Akeno was a pervert and they both slept naked so it was only natural that sometimes it became less innocent.

But Akeno was always the one who started it, not her!

"Oh my~ I thought it would be Kuro who was going to use us to slake his lusts, not Rias~" Shuri said, gasping in an incredibly fake way.

"That's not- why do I bother," Rias sighed, making the pair giggle to themselves.

It was nice to see them get along, Shuri has approached her in private to ask about Akeno's issues with her father, and she knew Shuri was slowly working to help Akeno accept her heritage.

Still, it was a pain in the ass when they were both in that kind of mood.

Moving away from them, she headed towards Kuro as she remembered why she came here in the first place.

"Lord Kuro, I have a message for you," Rias said, drawing his attention away from the game as he paused it.

"Oh? What's up?" Kuro asked easily, grabbing a cookie.

"Sona asked me to ask you if you'd visit her at Kuoh Academy tonight. Apparently you have a bet to settle and she wishes to discuss business you have together," Rias said, Sona had been rather vague.

Apparently Kuro wasn't answering his phone, which seemed like a rather regular issue.

"I guess she's decided what she wants me to make her then?" Kuro asked, making Rias pause.

Ah, Sona wanted her own monster? She knew Sona was jealous of Seona, but Sona hid it well. She had to wonder how Sona intended to pay Kuro, because she couldn't picture Sona putting on a maid outfit.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll drop by later on, thanks," Kuro finally said, turning back to his game.

Wait, why was Koneko only wearing an oversized t-shirt?

"Isn't Koneko supposed to be working?" Rias asked, amused as Koneko gave her a dirty look.

"I am working," Koneko said, turning back to her game as she grabbed another cookie, giving her a victorious look.

"Yup, Koneko is fulfilling her duties perfectly," Kuro agreed.

"And what exactly are Koneko's duties?" Rias asked with a small smile.

"She's my pillow during nap time, and now she's my co-op partner for games as well. Both of those are important roles," Kuro said seriously, Koneko nodding alongside him as they fist-bumped.

Honestly, being a maid here was an easy job anyway since Kuro had made a horde of blonde maids that set upon any mess like a swarm of angry locusts.

"Ah, very important roles indeed," Rias agreed with a giggle, making Koneko give her a superior look.

Maybe she shouldn't be surprised at how well they got along, they had a surprising amount of similarities when she thought about it.

Still, it was nice to see Koneko having fun, even if she didn't really show it with the smallest smile on her face as they focused on their game again.

Despite her earlier misgivings about putting the female members of her Peerage under Kuro's control, it had worked out surprisingly well.

— Kuro Dantalion (Later) —

Arriving at the empty Kuoh academy, I follow Rias's directions towards the student council room.

This is a school, but it might as well be a castle with Sona ruling over it as king. The teachers work for her, or to be more precise they work for Serafall and Sirzechs but Sona and Rias are essentially in charge.

Reaching the room, I knock once before the door opens, a slightly blushing Sona on the other side.

She's just wearing the rather slutty Kuoh uniform, I have to wonder who designed a school uniform with such a short skirt.

"Come in, please. I'd like to get this silly bet over with," Sona says bluntly, making me chuckle as I enter and watch her close the door behind her.

"It's a pleasure to see you as well, Miss Sitri," I say, teasing slightly as she rolls her eyes.

"I'm sure it is, considering what I'm about to do," Sona sighs. "And please, just call me Sona. No point in standing on ceremony at this point," she says with a deadpan tone.

"Fair enough, Sona. So, how do you want to do this? Rias mentioned you had some business to discuss with me as well," I ask, making her laugh as she takes my hand and leads me to a chair in the middle of the room, pushing me into it.

"Well, would you like to discuss our business before or after I take my clothes off?" Sona asked with a dry tone, her cheeks flushed slightly.

"Afterwards will be fine," I reply, making her laugh.

"I thought as much, but that works for me, give me a moment to… get ready," Sona says as she quickly heads into a side room.

— Sona Sitri —

Drunk Sona was an idiot and she was never drinking again.

Heading back into the room, she immediately blushed as she felt Kuro's eyes roam her barely covered body.

She hadn't actually changed her outfit, just altered how she was wearing it as she removed the corset and unbuttoned her shirt and tied it in a knot instead. If she had bigger breasts it would look better, but even still it placed her modest cleavage on display.

The skirt was slutty enough that she didn't need to change it, it barely covered anything as it was.

"Before I start, I have one rule," Sona said sternly, crossing her arms over her chest. "You can touch as much as you want, but there will be no insertion. My ass, mouth and especially my pussy are off-limits."

"Oh, I was expecting there to be a no touching rule to be honest," Kuro said as she rolled her eyes.

"We're devils, and this is for your pleasure. I fully expect to make you cum before we finish, but I want my first time to be more special than a lost bet," Sona replied as she walked forwards, making Kuro's eyes widen as she removed his t-shirt and tossed it away.

She'd never actually seen a penis in person before, but despite her reputation she was no prude.

"That's more than fair, I have to say I was half expecting you to try and talk your way out of this. You do have a bit of a reputation for being very… not fun," Kuro said with a slight smirk as she rolled her eyes.

"Just because I don't indulge in the degeneracy that so many of our peers enjoy, doesn't mean I can't have fun. I agreed to do this, drunk or not, and I am a woman of my word, it would shame the house Sitri for me to try and weasel out of this," Sona said seriously, moving over to the speaker she set up and starting the music her peerage had helpfully picked.

She had no idea what the song was called but it sounded like it belonged in a strip club which was probably why they'd picked it. Her loyal peerage and beloved sister found this situation entirely too funny.

"Now, don't expect me to be good at this. I've never done anything like this before and I fully expect to embarrass myself," Sona said bluntly as she walked back over to him, a blush on her cheeks.

"That's fine, honestly it's an honour to be your first," Kuro said with a sly smirk as she rolled her eyes.

She'd watched some… educational videos earlier today and it seemed like lap dances were mostly just a naked girl grinding themselves against a man.

"Just… do me a favour and don't talk while I'm doing this. It's embarrassing enough as it is," Sona said, climbing into his lap.

She wasn't surprised when his hands immediately moved to her bare waist, or if she was surprised it was that he hadn't gone for her ass first, he just gently squeezed her sides as she placed her hands on his bare chest.

Right, she just had to give him a lap dance and get this over with, she knew how to do this.

…she did not know how to do this, what the hell was she thinking?

She could already feel him starting to grow hard underneath her as she gyrated her hips, something hard and large pressing against her panties as she blushed bright red.

Serafall had given her some tips for this, apparently her sister had learnt to give lap dances for her magical girl show.

There was an episode where she got mind controlled and turned into the villain of the weeks sex slave, but apparently it was 'all perfectly pg thanks to fancy camera angles'.

She could only buy time by gyrating against him for so long, and in truth she was starting to feel something she didn't particularly want to as his manhood pressed against her barely covered pussy.

Reaching up, she tugged on the knot of her shirt, quite proud as it immediately came apart, parting to reveal her small breasts.

She knew she was practically flat by devil standards, both her mother and sister possessing very large breasts compared to her barely b-cups but she didn't think Kuro minded as his eyes dropped to her chest, one of his hands rising to cup one of her breasts, gently fondling the soft flesh as he teased her nipple.

The quiet moan that slipped out of her mouth made him smirk, still remaining quiet as she requested as she pushed her shirt off and let it hit the ground.

Grinding against him for a moment more, she slipped out of his lap and onto her knees between his legs, her hands moving up his legs to his zipper.

She could do this, it was just a penis.

Unzipping his jeans, she slowly pulled them down as Kuro watched her, blushing as she saw the tent in his boxers.

Pulling his trousers off and tossing them aside, she stood up again and turned around, sitting in his lap as she pushed her ass against his now less-covered crotch.

She wasn't surprised when his hands found their way under her already short skirt, squeezing her hips and exploring her body, nor could she stop the moan that slipped out as one of his hands made it between her legs, the side of this finger brushing against her barely covered slit.

But this wasn't just a lap dance, and moving forwards she moved her own hands under her skirt. She'd thought about the order she'd take her clothes off, and as she looked over her shoulder with an impish smile (despite her burning cheeks), she slowly peeled her admittedly damp panties down her legs.

Kuro couldn't see anything yet, as short as her skirt was, it was still covered enough to block his vision as she stood up, spinning the panties around her finger before she tossed it towards Kuro, watching it land on his bare chest.

Before he could react, she stepped forwards and gently grabbed his boxers, taking a deep breath as she pulled them down, gasping despite herself as the thick cock popped free, letting it slap against her face.

"Oh my…"

She wasn't even faking her reaction, feeling the heat of the hard manhood resting against her face.

She'd seen bigger, but only in the lewdest of the adult videos her Peerage had helpfully picked for her. He was definitely above average in every regard.

Kuro was obviously pleased at her reaction, but he still didn't speak as she gently grasped his length and gave it an experimental stroke.

She knew she didn't have to go this far, she promised a strip tease and lap dance but nothing more, but she had things she wanted from Kuro and sex was the preferred weapon of most female devils. They were known for being seductresses for a reason, with lowered inhibitions and their sins.

It was hardly even a secret, but every female devil was one good offer away from becoming a prostitute, some might be more expensive but she doubted any of them would refuse no matter the offer.

Standing up again, she turned around and sat back in his lap, lifting her skirt up as his manhood vanished under it, trapped between her buttocks and his stomach as she started to rub herself against him.

"You're the first man to even see my ass, let alone have your cock rubbing against it, I hope you're happy," Sona said softly, speeding up as she let out a quiet moan.

Flipping around in his lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck as she stared at him, her naked slit directly rubbing against his manhood as she grinded against it.

"R-remember, no insertion," Sona warned, face flushed as she felt her body growing hotter, the sensation of his heat rubbing against her lower lips sending waves of pleasure up her body.

As Kuro nodded, she leaned forwards and captured his lips, her tongue immediately pushing into his mouth to dance with his. He tasted good.

Breaking the kiss she gave him a sly smirk as she confined to grind against him.

"You aren't my first kiss, Rias was, but you're the first man to have tasted my lips… or felt my lower lips," Sona whispered, her hips speeding up as she moaned.

She didn't want to cum, this wasn't about her pleasure and she preferred to see this from a cold, logical standpoint, but she knew it was pointless to fight against the building pleasure.

Despite rumours of her being cold, she did enjoy feeling pleasure, usually from the tongue of one of her peerage members.

Tsubaki was very good with her tongue, but Momo was better with her hands.

She knew what it felt like when she was going to cum, and as she dragged her pussy along his cock, she could only prepare for the impending climax.

It normally took her longer than this to cum, sometimes Tsubaki would spend hours under her desk while she worked, but perhaps it was because she preferred men despite her frequent games with her girls.

But while she didn't really mind cumming because of Kuro's cock, there was something she hadn't considered as her breathing sped up, her hips moving more frantically.

She'd always been rather… active when she came.

As she came, her body shook violently and with her current position, her movements dislodged Kuro's cock from where it was trapped, causing it to pop up with the tip pressed against her virgin cunt.

She realised her mistake a moment too late as she continued shaking, the sudden fullness making her gasp and freeze despite her pleasure.

Staring down at Kuro in shock, she quickly yanked off her skirt and threw it away as she looked down at where they were joined.

His hands holding her hips were the only thing that stopped her from impaling herself on his entire length, but even still she had taken at least five inches of his shaft inside her tight, formerly virginal cunt.

The afterwaves of her climax were still running through her body as she stared at Kuro in surprise, unsure what to do.

She couldn't blame him, his quick actions were all that stopped her from taking him fully inside her, this was her fuck up and as she looked back at her stuffed pussy, she made up her mind.

"This never happened, do you understand?" Sona asked seriously, staring at Kuro with her sternest glare. He nodded but she shook her head. "Say it."

"I won't tell anyone, don't worry," Kuro said calmly, despite the pleasure he must be feeling as her tight cunt squeezed down on him.

"Good boy," Sona said, taking his hands and moving them away from her waist as she let herself sink down into his lap, taking the final inches inside her as she felt the tip of his cock press against the entrance to her womb.

There was no point pretending she hadn't taken his cock, so she might as well make the most of this.

"You better pull out, but if you make me cum again before you finish, I'll give you a reward," Sona teased, unsurprised as Kuro stood up, his hands gripping her butt as he carried her over to her desk and laid her down on it.

"Challenge accepted," Kuro growled, pulling back so only his tip was still inside her before he slammed his hips forwards and sheathed himself inside her in one swift rough thrust.

Her legs locked around his waist as he started to pump into her, his bulbous tip knocking against the entrance of her womb.

Moaning again, she pulled him down and kissed him again, silently admitting that she was starting to understand why so many devils were obsessed with sex.

Wait… she did remember to turn off the cameras she had in her office, right? Yes, she definitely did and only one person could turn them back o-

Looking over at the camera she knew was in the corner of the room, she gave it a suspicious look. Surely Serafall-

Oh who was she kidding, her family would probably see the director's cut of her first adult film by the end of the night but she'd deal with Serafall later.

— Serafall Leviathan —

"Go Sona-tan! Take that dick!" Sera cheered as she watched Sona get railed over her desk, Sona's peerage cheering as they watched their beloved king have her cherry popped.

"Do you think she'd mind me joining in?" Momo asked, gently touching herself as she watched Kuro pound into her king.

"Probably, let her have her first time by herself," Tsubaki said with a smile, calmly eating some popcorn as she watched the show.

"I didn't know Sona could moan like that…" Tsubasa said, her cheeks flushed as she watched their king get utterly fucked.

"I did~" Tomoe giggled.

Ahh, what a group of perverts her sister had gathered.

Well, they were teenage girls who had become devils, so that was expected.

— Bonus Scene — Sirzechs Lucifer —

As Grayfia finished explaining the deal Kuro had offered, he leaned back in his chair in thought, even as he felt a scowl grow on his face at the idea of Kuro stripping and groping his wife.

Kuro's deal was incredibly generous no matter how you looked at it. The Gremory's would have plenty of time to fix their financial issues and could continue to profit from the Gaap lands, and for what?

His mother and wife agreeing to work for Kuro, Grayfia would only be working three days a week. It was a fortune for what was essentially a part time job.

He could see the benefits Kuro was getting, his mother was a rather talented businesswoman herself, if it wasn't for his fathers excessive spending habits the Gremory's would be in a much better position with how profitable Venelana had made their businesses.

Keeping Venelana to run those businesses and to help run any other business ventures Kuro attempted was a smart move by him, and he was sure his mother's beauty also played a part in Kuro's desire to have her… under him.

And Grayfia was the wife of a Satan, and one of the strongest devils around, by having her serve him he'd gain a massive prestige boost, even if it was only temporary. It said to everyone that he was powerful, important and not to be trifled with.

He didn't like it.

Pride was a sin, and all devils were sinful creatures. Grayfia was his wife, his Queen. The idea of her serving another grated at his nerves but he forced it down.

He didn't miss the brief relieved smile that flickered across Grayfia's face at his open irritation, happy to see him react accordingly.

"Lord Dantalion has made a… very generous offer, perhaps too generous," Sirzechs admitted, making her face go blank again.

"Indeed," Grayfia agreed, her tone clipped as the faintest scowl crossed her lips. It didn't surprise him, Grayfia prided herself on serving the strongest devil, and only the strongest. It must have hurt her pride to submit to a child. "Do I have your permission to accept?"

Three days a week, for at least five years. Grayfia would leave his side and go to Kuro, to do whatever he wished.

"Grayfia, I can't ask this of you," Sirzechs said after a moment. "Are you sure about this?"

"…I am your Queen first, your maid second, and your wife third. That has always been the case," Grayfia said, her tone stony before it softened. "Any Queen should be happy to sacrifice herself for her King, all I'm giving up is my dignity and pride. A small price for what we have to gain, and to protect Millicas."

Sighing, he clenched his fist for a moment before forcing himself to relax.

He wouldn't give up Grayfia like this to save Rias from her wedding, and he wouldn't make her do this to save his family from his fathers stupidity.

Perhaps that was harsh, nobody expected there to be a surviving Gaap, and by the time they realised the truth it was too late.

The Gremory's made a lot of money, but they spent just as much because money sitting in a vault helped no-one. The savings they had would collapse under the weight of the expenditures and in a society where image was everything, stopping the donations and the project would make the Gremory's look weak.

Already the biggest shark in the Underworld had smelt the blood in the water, and had begun to circle around his family, ready to swallow them whole.

Zekram Bael had offered to help his father with their new financial issues, once again proving he knew far more than he should.

The old devil's goal was obvious, to use his relation to Venelana to pull the Gremory's into his faction, likely as a subordinate family to the Bael's.

They'd be dragged into Zekram's Great King faction, indebted to the ancient devil so deeply that they'd never escape, and more importantly…

Millicas and Rias would be under the old manipulator's control, dancing to whatever tune he wished to play. Zekram wouldn't allow Rias nearly as much leniency as their father had, and he was very fond of using the young devils under him to ensnare other nobles into his faction.

Zekram was one of the few people he couldn't touch, the old devil was just too influential, and any heavy-handed attempts to drive the ancient devil away could be the trigger for the next civil war, which had been brewing since the end of the last one.

And while he was good at his job, the fact that he'd managed to prevent his race from wiping themselves out in the war so many wanted was proof of that, but he knew he couldn't beat Zekram in the political arena.

He wouldn't allow this to end in war, nor would he allow his beloved son and sister to fall into Zekram's web.

So he had to make sure his father didn't accept the generous offer of their in-law, his father knew that Zekram was trying to recruit the Gremory's into his faction of course, he wasn't a fool but his father would prefer to serve under Zekram than to lose his wealth and prestige.

Greed was definitely Zeoticus's sin.

And he certainly couldn't help with the financial issues himself, not with his wealth. He was rich enough to keep himself and his wife and son comfortable, but he never had an interest in personal wealth himself. If he did, he'd be immensely wealthy since he set his own wage.

Ajuka paid himself over thirty times what Sirzechs was taking, though that was all to fund his personal research. Serafall had a somewhat higher wage but she also made a lot from her entertainment business.

Which meant dealing with Kuro, because he certainly couldn't stop Kuro from reclaiming his lands when he had made the laws Kuro was using to reclaim them.

Even if he was willing to commit such blatant favouritism, that would push Kuro directly into the Old Satan or the Great King faction, and both of those would be extremely problematic to say the least.

The Old Satan faction was at least predictable, at least as long as Rizevim remained uninterested in their scheming, but Zekram truly made him nervous.

He could try and negotiate for a different deal, but Kuro had already been extremely generous with his terms and continuing to try and negotiate could cause Kuro to just cancel it all.

He didn't need this deal, not even remotely, and they all knew it.

What could he even offer? Money was pointless when Kuro was giving up more money than he had as part of it. A different woman to serve as his maid? Perhaps Souji wouldn't mind but that was a downgrade, Souji was powerful, beautiful and famous but she didn't have the reputation Grayfia had.

There was a certain prestige that would come from being served by Grayfia, who had only ever served Satans before, himself and his predecessor. No one else he could offer would match that.

So what could he offer? Some powerful relics? Favours from a Satan? He already had Serafall trying to win him over, and the relics he had access to were all sealed away for a reason.

He'd not endanger his race for his pride.

Grayfia's rather unique mindset had already justified this as her acting as his Queen, not his wife, even if she was clearly not happy with the idea.

Grayfia always insisted she was his wife third, putting her other duties ahead of their marriage, not that he minded as she was always by his side no matter what. It did lead to some odd situations, as even with Millicas she often acted the part of the maid of the family, not his mother.

"I do not intend for this situation to last," Sirzechs said finally, making Grayfia's lips twitch into a fond smile for a moment. "But I will allow this for the first year of Lord Dantalion's offer, at the end of the year I will decide whether I am willing to let this continue."

A year seemed like a long time for humans who lacked their immortality, but for a devil who could live to see their thousandth birthday, it was truly not that much.

But a lot could happen in a year. Fifty two weeks, three days a week. Kuro would have control of Grayfia for 156 days, to play with as he pleased. The child has already stripped and groped his wife, she'd likely be on her knees and back by the end of the first day.

He didn't ask if Grayfia was sure, seeing both the frustration and resolve on her face, she had made up her mind and he didn't wish to make her second guess herself.

Because that would make him second guess himself.

It would mean he had a year to find a proper solution to his family's problems. Rias would be freed from her engagement but that was secondary at this point.

Of course, Rias would also be spending the foreseeable future serving Kuro as well, the young Lord Dantalion gathering quite the harem for himself.

Against his will, the image of Grayfia and Rias naked together came to mind, causing his trousers to grow a little tighter. Kuro was living the life, he truly couldn't blame the young devil for embracing his lusts.

"Of course, my Lord. I will let Lord Dantalion and Lady Gremory know of your decision," Grayfia said, her tone not wavering.

"Thank you, Grayfia. Just know I do not plan to leave you in Lord Dantalion's grasp for long. I don't blame him for his desires, we are devils after all, but I am certainly not pleased with this," Sirzechs said sternly, making Grayfia smile again.

"Nor am I, my King, but I will endure it for the sake of our family," Grayfia said, seeming happier at him admitting his displeasure.

He'd endure it as well, but he was not happy with his father for putting them in this situation in the first place. He'd be having words with the illustrious Lord Gremory soon enough.

— Zeoticus Gremory —

"Silly Zeo, you actually thought the Gaap's would stay dead? I killed Gaap himself like three times, the fucker always showed back up, or is it herself? They could never make up their mind," Runeas scolded, even as he whimpered. "The point is, even if you kill them, destroy the body and burn down their lab, they'll probably pop back up a week later like nothing happened."

She'd claimed he was making her feel underdressed, and naturally that was his problem not hers which was why he'd ended up naked, under his scolding mother as she grinded herself against him.

This should be pleasant, but she'd kept him on the edge of climax the entire time, never letting him reach his release.

"I tried to warn him, but he didn't believe that any Gaap's had survived," Venelana said calmly, throwing him under the bus with no hesitation as she sat across from them, equally naked.

"You're such a good girl, Vene, how little Zeo managed to grab you is a mystery for the ages," Runeas said, finally hopping off his lap as he resisted the urge to touch himself. "Come give mommy a kiss."

"Of course, mother," Venelana said, rising and capturing Runeas's lips in a rough, very much not family friendly kiss.

He didn't blame Venelana for telling on him, because no matter how playful Runeas was, it'd be near enough suicide to lie to her.

"Mhmm, such a good girl, maybe I'll steal you away for myself," Runeas said, hugging Venelana and burying her head between his wife's breasts. "What a mess little Zeo has made, but it sounds like you have it all under control, such a cute and hard working daughter in law I have."

"Mot-Mommy, aren't you going to help?" Zeo asked, making Runeas turn around and face him as she tilted her head.

"Why would I do that? Your wife has it under control, besides Gaap's are fun in bed and I wouldn't want to deprive Vene of the chance to get fucked by a fleshcrafter," Runeas said, making Venelana raise an eyebrow.

"Oh, is that so? Then thank you, mother," Venelana replied with a sly smile.

"You're welcome! Ooh, maybe I'll join in! Three generations of Gremory girls in one bed sounds like a fun time! I haven't seen my adorable little granddaughter since she was a child, so it'd be nice to watch her become a woman!"

Despite the torment that was before him, Zeoticus couldn't deny things were actually going exactly his way.

The deal Venelana and Grayfia had made would benefit his family immensely, he was just surprised that the prudish, prideful Grayfia was willing to sell herself like this.

Grayfia was one of the most prudish devils he'd ever seen, except when she was drunk when she became far more… liberated.

"Actually, why don't you join us as well, Zeo."


"Oh, don't look so worried, changing your gender won't even be difficult for a Gaap, even a young one. Kuro can have you nice and feminine in no time, and this is your fuck up, it's only fair you get fucked for it as well," Runeas continued, making him cower slightly under her stare. "I always did want a daughter…"

"I don't think that's-" he quickly started, cutting off as Runeas practically skipped towards him, reaching down and grasping his shaft.

"Zeo. Are you saying no to mommy?" Runeas asked, her grip on his manhood becoming uncomfortably tight. "Because I can make your manhood disappear myself if you'd like, it just won't be as painless as having a Gaap do it.

"I-it's just that I'm Lord Gremory and-"

"Oh shush, back in my day gender-swapping wasn't even noteworthy. Men became women, women became men, one Lord even had Gaap turn him into an octopus. Pretty sure he's why tentacle porn is so common in Japan now that I think about it…" Runeas mumbled. "I'm sure devils haven't become so prudish that you spending some time as Lady Gremory will cause any issues. You might even enjoy getting in touch with your feminine side!"

What was it going to take to get her to go back to sleep?

Author’s Note: I started playing Skyrim again, with the Legacy of the Dragonborn, and ended up playing for several days straight. Whoops.

Also I’ve been kinda depressed this past week and lost any real interest in writing so that’s also fun, updates might be a bit more sporadic for a while.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts