
The Gamers Guide to Freedom (The Rewrite)

Kuro Dantalion isn't really sure how he got chosen to host the Gamer system, nor is he sure what the Gamer System is for that matter, but what he does know is that he is stuck in a world with insanely op assholes, dumb main characters and a plot he knows very little about. Perhaps he should have paid more attention to the plot and less to the girls when he watched the show.

DarkWolfShiro · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chapter 08: Maid to Serve

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, OoalGown and Hermes

The Gamers Guide to Freedom

Chapter 08: Maid to Serve

"That's it, I told you it would be fine," Nys says warmly as we watch the fleshy material in the vat grow and shape into a humanoid body, developing features as I guide it.

"Hm, I just didn't want to skip ahead in the book. Creating homunculus is a more advanced Fleshcrafting technique than I should be ready for," I say calmly, making her smile at me.

It's an adept level spell, while I'm barely an apprentice in Fleshcrafting.

"Your caution is well placed, but with my guidance this is an easy enough process. I wouldn't recommend trying to create true life yet, that's much harder, but you're talented enough for this," Nys says encouragingly as I finish shaping my newest servant.

Homunculi aren't made for combat, they're barely stronger than the average baseline human, but they're made to fulfill less combative duties, these ones are meant to serve as the actual maids of the estate.

Frankly, Rias and Co. are trophies, entertainment and collateral against a certain Satan, but this place needs an actual staff to take care of it and Nys suggested I simply design my own.

"Still, I have to ask. Why 41 exactly?" Nys asks, making me chuckle.

"Oh, it just reminded me of something I read once. It's the same reason they're all blonde women," I admit. Overlord had a lot of interesting characters after all, and if 41 maids is enough for Nazerick, it'll be enough for me. "I know it's more than we need, but I'd rather overprepare than be caught wanting later."

"Fair enough, I just assumed you had a type." Nys admitted as we moved onto the next vat. We've set up a dozen or so vats in an extremely private lab, in a separate smaller pocket dimension, so we can study and practice our family trade without being disturbed or interrupted.

Lalatina has been moved here, and while Nys has stopped the constant wounds, she's not managed to wake the Phenex founder up yet.

"I do, 'female'," I deadpan, reaching down and giving her ass a squeeze through her dress as she gives me a flirty look.

"Not now, honey," Nys says breathily as I play with her soft buttocks. We have not had sex, not yet anyway, but she's used her mouth or breasts on me more times than I can count.

It's not unusual for her to stop her lessons on our family magic to drop to her knees and pleasure me if she thinks I seem distracted, which admittedly happens quite frequently with how tight her dresses are.

"Fine, I have some questions myself anyway," I say, giving her a final squeeze. "Why didn't anyone else resurrect you? I know my trick let me skip a few steps, but if we are capable of true resurrection then why didn't anyone try and bring you back?" I ask, watching a hint of shame pass her face.

"Ah, that is quite simple. The secret to that spell died with me, and no one has been able to replicate it since. I was a paranoid woman, you understand, family killing family for power wasn't unusual and I kept a lot of my power to myself out of fear that one of my children would turn on me. I was sure I could keep myself alive, without them, and I was wrong. Over the years some have summoned me and asked me for the method, but frankly they lacked the talent to pull it off," Nys said with a sigh. "Death has a way of humbling you, and I don't intend to make the same mistake twice."

"Ah, I suppose I understand. The original Dantalion trusted his son with all his secrets, then Izan killed him and took over," I say, making her nod calmly.

"Exactly, I may dislike certain things about the new government, but I can't say I hate the fact that family turning on family is far less common now," Nys agreed, shaking her head. "But enough about my mistakes, what else did you want to know?"

"I wanted to ask you about bloodline powers. I was reading through your research into how family powers were passed down, and I know that every member of a family carries the potential to use that power, what I wanted to know is would it be possible to awaken that potential? I know it wasn't a problem in your era, but it's becoming more and more common for devils to be born without the ability to use their family power, and I know how valuable anyone who could change that would be," I say, making her pause as she blinks, thinking.

"Hmm, like your cousin? I suppose it's entirely possible, though we'll need to study someone who should have the potential to use their family magic but can't. It should be a fun experiment either way," Nys agrees calmly, giving me a slight smile.

"I'll call Katarea when I have some free time, but we have my new servants to focus on now," I say after a moment, moving towards one of the vats, a fully grown adult human woman floating in the purplish liquid until I start the draining process.

As I open the vat, the naked blonde falls out of it, struggling to her feet on shaky legs at first before the in-built knowledge she was implanted with starts doing its job and she rises to her feet and blinks at me.

"Master Kuro?" she asks, her innate knowledge telling her exactly who I am, and what her purpose is, in a way that regular humans could never understand.

"That's right, do you know why you were made?" I ask, looking her over.

She's completely nude of course, she's only just been created after all, each maid has slightly different proportions because it's boring if I have them all looking identical.

"To serve you, master," the sweet voice says in response, no hesitation in her tone as she tilts her head at me cutely.

This one is particularly buxom, an hourglass figure with breasts on par with Nys's as they glimmer, the remnants of the liquid she was grown in clinging to her nude form, making her smooth pale skin shine, and unable to stop myself I reach forward and gently grasp one of the full tits, my thumb circling her candy pink nipple as she moans in surprise, not resisting as I start to grope her.

"Good girl," I reply, making her beam at me with flushed cheeks as I pull her against my body, my other hand moving to her curvy backside, groping at the incredibly soft flesh.

"Well, I suppose there's no harm in enjoying the fruits of your labour," Nys teases as the unnamed maid blushes and moans. "I'll watch the others, have your fun honey."

"You don't mind, do you?" I ask my creation as I maneuver her to one of the tables, lifting her onto it and spreading her legs.

"Of c-course not, master. I live to serve you," she replies, a moan leaving her mouth as I pull my shaft out, line myself up and thrust into her hot dripping slit, bottoming out in a single thrust. "Use me as you wish, master."

"That's good to hear, hmm. I know, you can be Ichi. My first homunculus," I say as I thrust into her tight cunt, making her moan happily.

Well, if I'm going to be spending time designing these bodies I might as well break them in as well.

Rias Gremory

"I did say I was going to get more maids soon," Kuro said easily, making her blink in surprise before she nodded.

"That you did, but I thought you were going to hire some, not make them," Rias replied, making Kuro laugh easily.

It'd come as quite a surprise when she'd gotten here to find that there were suddenly forty one new maids, set on the task of cleaning the entire house from top to bottom, cooking their meals and tending to the gardens.

"Why hire what I can make? Hired maids won't be as loyal, or as hard working," Kuro replied easily, making her nod in acknowledgment.

"But then why would you need me? They're all better at their jobs than me, Akeno or Koneko," Rias asked, making her new master chuckle as he stood up and walked towards her.

"I don't need you, I never have. You know what duties you'll be performing don't you?" Kuro asked, making her blush as he grabbed her chin, making her look up into his eyes as he stroked her cheek.

Nodding quietly, she felt him pull her body against his, a hand snaking around her wrist and resting on her small skirt.

"I want you, Rias, but I don't need you. You might be dressed as a maid, but you're my servant for the next five years, in whatever position I want," Kuro replied calmly, snaking his hand under her skirt and caressing her buttocks as she blushed. "I can do almost anything to you, and you'll let me won't you?"

"I- I will," Rias said. She knew what she was signing up for, but if it got her away from Riser it would be worth it.

"Don't worry, unlike Riser I'm very much the jealous type, you are mine, Rias Gremory, for the next five years your body is mine, and mine alone," Kuro almost whispered as he leaned forwards, her face burning even as she felt a shiver of relief.

She didn't like the idea of being passed around, at all.

"It's just five years, that's nothing for our kind," Rias said, more to herself as Kuro chuckled, his hand slipping under her panties and gently caressing her ass directly as she held in a moan, feeling her nipples shamefully harden.

"It is, but I'm the possessive type as well. I want you, Rias, and while your body is mine already, I've got five years to make you mine entirely," Kuro whispered as she stared up at him.

"What do you mean, once five years passes, I'm free to go. That was the deal," Rias said quickly, forcing down another moan as he chuckled, a deep rumbling sound that sent shivers through her body.

"It is, and if that's what you want when the time comes, I won't stop you," Kuro agreed, his free hand stroking through her hair. "But I'm a greedy man, and five years is a long time. I just need to make you not want to leave. Your body is mine, but your heart and mind? I'm going to have to work to steal those, aren't I?" Kuro chuckled again, making her blush again at his closeness.

Her body was all but pressed against his, and if his wandering hand found its way to her slit, she knew he'd find the dampness his actions had caused.

"You're not satisfied with just my body?" Rias asked quietly, looking up at him with slightly clouded eyes, his hand bringing her an unnatural amount of pleasure.

"Of course not, I want everything," Kuro admitted shamelessly as she smiled slightly. "Have you ever been kissed before?" Kuro asked, making her go to shake her head before she paused and blushed. "Let me rephrase, have you been kissed by a man."

"No," Rias admitted, blushing in memory of her and Akeno's practice kisses that often went a bit behind just practicing. She'd been engaged to Riser as long as she could remember, and her father didn't want her spending time with other men.

The moment the word left her mouth, he leaned forwards and captured her lips, his tongue slipping in before she could react.

Kissing was the least of what he could do to her, of what he would do to her, so she just let him have his way as she closed her eyes and clumsily returned his kiss, her tongue easily dominated by his own.

But as she started to get into it, he broke the kiss and stepped back, his hands leaving her body, to her secret disappointment.

"And with that, your first real kiss is mine," Kuro teased, smiling playfully. "I wonder what first I'll steal from you next time?"

"Whichever you want, I suppose," Rias replied, her tone slightly breathy as he chuckled.

"Don't worry, I won't rush you into anything. I want you to be happy here, you and your Peerage, because when the time comes and you're free to go, I want you to choose to become mine, with no unwanted engagement hanging over your head," Kuro replied, a confident smirk on his lips as she stared at him.

"I- I suppose we will see, five years is a long time after all," Rias agreed, making him smile as he backed away.

"That we will, now if you'll excuse me I have a Goddess to speak to, and hopefully a mother to return to the land of the living," Kuro said, his tone going from the almost sultry deep voice he'd been using to the far more laidback tone she was used to.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Rias asked, making him smile kindly. This was important to Akeno, which meant it was important to her.

"No, don't worry, everything should be just fine. It's better if I do this alone, Izanami isn't known for her love of devils after all," Kuro said calmly, giving her a final smile as he set off deeper into the mansion.

As she watched him walk away, she smiled slightly as she thought his words over.

Riser would have taken her the second she was his, with no care for her feelings, he wouldn't have cared about her heart or mind, just her body. Riser wouldn't have cared about her Peerage's happiness, but then Kuro wasn't Riser, was he?

Kuro wanted all of her, he wanted to make her his in every possible way, and as she felt her cheeks heat up, she realized she didn't exactly dislike the idea.

If in five years, she was happy here, if Akeno fell for their mutual master, if Koneko grew attached to her new cuddle buddy, would she choose her freedom over their happiness?

She didn't want to be free, what she wanted was the freedom to choose. The engagement took that freedom away from her, but Kuro was leaving it in her hands.

He wanted her to choose to become his, and that idea left a smile on her face as she went about her day.

Kuro Dantalion

Rias fell for Issei in canon, fucking Issei of all people, and realistically she isn't exactly hard to read.

I meant everything I said though, because you can put a collar on a woman and call her yours but when that woman puts the collar on herself and hands you the leash, that's when she is well and truly yours forever.

But in the depths of my mansion, Japanese symbols alight on the ground around me, I have more important things to focus on than Rias Gremory and her admittedly fantastic body.

"It takes a truly brave devil to try and summon me, but then you Gaap's have never been the most cautious, have you?"

The almost sultry voice echoes through my mind as the room darkens, the runes pulsing with white light before they all go dark and plunge the room into darkness. Devils can see in ordinary darkness, but I can barely see my hands as I look up as a figure forms in the shadows.

Glowing yellow eyes stare at me as an incredibly pale face comes from the shadows, approaching me incredibly fast, stopping inches from mine.

Her admittedly beautiful face is partially covered by her long black hair, and despite my best efforts my eyes very briefly flicker down to her almost exposed breasts, her torn and ragged kimono falling open as she stares at me in curiosity. If she cares about my wandering gaze, she doesn't show it.

"Lady Izanami, I am-"

"Kuro Dantalion, the newest Lord Gaap. Oh don't look so surprised, your family's return has attracted a great many eyes, some friendly, and most hostile." Izanami, the Shinto Goddess of the Dead, says as she almost leers at me. "But skip the formalities, what is it you want little Devil?"

"My family had an agreement with you, dating back to my ancestor, Nyssea Gaap. I wished to know if it was still in effect," I say, deciding to do as she asks. "I did not wish to presume anything, I have enough enemies."

"You didn't ask her? I am a Goddess of Death, boy. You can't hide her returned soul from me," Izanami says before shaking her head in amusement. "Yes, the agreement is still in effect. Your ancestor crafted me a new body, the very one you were… admiring, and in exchange she and her descendants are welcome to the souls I have dominion over." Izanami says calmly, even if her stare is unnerving to say the least.

"I see, you have my thanks Lady Izanami," I reply respectfully, making her giggle, the sound making me shiver slightly.

I didn't feel this around Serafall, who I am sure is stronger than her, perhaps it's a part of her being a Goddess? A Goddess of death no less.

"So polite, how unlike so many of your kind. But then, people do tend to be polite when they want something from someone much stronger than them," Izanami says with a light smirk. "Watch yourself, little Gaap, a great many people would benefit from your death."

And with that, the circle flares and vanishes entirely, the Goddess vanishes from my dimension entirely.

That was… interesting, to say the least. Her warning isn't anything I didn't already know, but it does reiterate the fact that I need to get stronger.

But the important thing is that I have permission to plunder the souls of the Japanese dead, and that means it's time to bring back a Milf.

Heading to my lab, I grab one of my soulless bodies and reach out, feeling Izanami watching me as I grasp the soul of Shuri Himejima and gently pull her from the afterlife.

Forming in front of me, I see the family resemblance immediately. To put it simply, she's just an older version of Akeno, wearing a white and red shrine maiden outfit as she stares down at me in confusion.

"What- where am I?" Shuri says, her voice ethereal as she floats a few feet from the ground.

"You're in the Dantalion family manor, in my own little pocket dimension in the Underworld, I am Kuro Dantalion, the new owner of your soul," I reply calmly, watching her eyes widen.

"I- I see, I felt Lady Izanami release her grasp on my soul. But what would a devil want with me? I had no dealings with your kind," Shuri replies cautiously as she watches in shock as I remake the body to match her appearance.

"I know, you preferred to consort with Fallen, did you not?" I ask, seeing her caution in her face increase as I smile. It makes sense, the Grigori and Devils are still at war, and her former husband/lover is a high ranking member. "But your daughter is a different story. She's a devil now, a member of a Peerage, and she's made an agreement with me for your resurrection."

"A-Akeno? She's- what did this cost her?" Shuri asks quickly, making me smile slightly at her obvious concern.

"Herself. She has offered herself as my servant for ten years," I admit, watching her eyes widen as I bind her.

Before she can speak again, I get to work and pull her soul into the newly prepared body, watching as her eyes shoot open, a gasp leaving her as she takes her first breath for the first time in a great many years.

"What is to become of her? To become of me?" Shuri asks, her voice weak as she looks up at me, the cold dungeon air making her nipples harden.

"Akeno is my servant, alongside her King, Rias Gremory. She'll serve me however I wish for the next decade, as for you? You will become my apprentice, you had magic in your past life, and you'll study under me and learn my magic, before you become a devil yourself, joining Rias's peerage alongside your daughter," I explain bluntly, not sugar coating it as she stares at me in shock.

Shuri Himejima

To say this hadn't gone as she had expected would be an understatement of a lifetime, or two in her case.

Lady Izanami had seen her consorting with the Fallen as a betrayal of her duties as a Shrine Maiden, as the Grigori and the Shinto pantheon had actually been briefly at war at the time, and her afterlife had been one of punishment and retribution.

So when she found herself released from Lady Izanami's grip, she was cautiously hopeful that her penance was over, and as she stood up and looked at the handsome devil that was staring back at her in a mixture of idle curiosity and lust, she had no idea if she should be grateful or afraid.

She was to become a devil, a servant of some devil she had never met before, but in the process she was being resurrected and reunited with her daughter, who was also a servant of the same devil.

"Is- Is Akeno okay? How did she become a devil?" Shuri asked after a moment, she didn't really care what was to become of her, but she had no idea what had transpired since her death.

"She's doing well, I believe. Rias treats her Peerage as family, and Akeno seems happy there. I believe Rias saved her from certain death, at the hands of your family no less," the devil said bluntly, and she appreciated his lack of flowery language or sugar coating. She just wanted the truth.

She couldn't say she was surprised that her worst fear came true, her family wouldn't accept her marriage with Baraqiel, and they wouldn't accept a half-Fallen.

"But- what happened to Baraquiel? Shouldn't she be with him?" Shuri asked, making him shrug.

"He's alive, as a high ranking member of the Grigori. As for why Akeno never lived with him? I suppose only Baraqiel and Akeno know that. I do know that Akeno despises all Fallen, including herself," he said, making her sigh.

"Then I suppose I'll have to find out for myself," Shuri said, looking at the devil. "Kuro Dantalion, was it? May I ask what happens now?"

"You'll be reunited with Akeno, meet Rias, and when I have the time I will start teaching you my magic. Rias needs a Bishop capable of doing what I can do to avoid being forced into a marriage she doesn't want, so much so that she's also become my servant to pay for my services," Kuro explained calmly, walking forwards as she looked up at him.

She wasn't particularly tall, never quite reaching six feet tall, and the devil had an easy foot on her at least.

"I see. What if I cannot learn what this Rias needs?" Shuri asked, making him smile almost smugly.

"That won't be a problem. I'm uniquely suited for teaching people, even if you weren't capable of using magic in your past life, I'd still be able to teach you," Kuro said calmly, his voice confident.

"Then I suppose I'm at your mercy, Lord Dantalion, or should I call you Master?" Shuri asked, admittedly out of her depth, but with him holding both her and Akeno, she'd have to play it safe.

"Kuro is fine, you're not a real apprentice, I'm just teaching you a few tricks," Kuro replied easily, making her smile slightly. "Now, as much of a shame as it is, we should probably get you dressed. We have a happy family reunion to get to."

Well, this should be interesting if nothing else.


As Akeno finally stopped sobbing, her head nestled against Shuri's chest as they embraced, she was thankful that Kuro and Rias had decided to give them some space, leaving them to their reunion.

The small smile on Rias's face at Akeno's joy had been encouraging, since that red headed devil would soon be her King, her owner and master to put it bluntly.

"It's okay, I'm here now," Shuri said soothingly, stroking her daughter's hair gently, watching as Akeno pulled back and wiped at her tears.

Her little girl was all grown up, and she'd missed it all.

Deciding to try and take her mind of it, she started to ask about Akeno's life, to find out what she'd missed, and it didn't take long to realise that Akeno truly cared for and respected Rias, seeing her as her savior, King and perhaps even a sister figure.

The fact that her daughter had found a family filled her with relief, but it wasn't all good.

"Why would I go with him? He got you killed, and despite all his power he didn't save you," Akeno practically spat when she finally brought up her father.

Kuro was absolutely right, Akeno despised Fallen Angels, which worried her a lot.

"Oh Akeno, your father didn't get me killed. He saved my life, repeatedly, from my own family. His only failure is that he wasn't perfect, he grew content with his life in the mortal world, he grew rusty and he was outsmarted and lured away just long enough for me to be killed. He saved you, didn't he?" Shuri asked, making Akeno nod after a long second.

"He showed up too late," Akeno countered, her tone stubborn as Shuri sighed, stroking her hair.

"That he was able to arrive in time at all was impressive, make no mistake Akeno, Bara isn't perfect, but he loved us both. I wish you'd gone with him, but I suppose you found a home regardless," Shuri said softly, glancing at where Rias was talking to Kuro, both obviously able to hear them but far away enough to give them a semblance of privacy.

"I'm a devil now anyway, he's my enemy, our races are at war," Akeno said quickly, obviously grasping for excuses.

"For now, but I'm pretty sure the Great Satans are pushing for peace," Kuro said, a light smirk on his face. "Azazel wants to meet with me, and Serafall is helping arrange it. I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem with arranging for you to meet with your father," Kuro explained, watching as Akeno paled.

"If you want to, of course," Rias said quickly, giving Kuro a glance.

Unable to refute Kuro's point, Akeno simply went silent and gave Kuro a dirty look for shooting down her excuse.

"I've hated him for years, the only thing he's done right is stay away from me, like I told him to do," Akeno said stubbornly, making Shuri make a note to have words with Bara about actually listening to their grief stricken daughter.

Perhaps he was more naive than her and actually thought the Himejima family would take her in, but she couldn't work out why the hell he'd actually leave Akeno alone.

He should have taken her back with him, to heal together, but perhaps he was as grief-stricken as Akeno was.

"I'll drop it then, for now at least. What matters is that we are together again," Shuri said after a moment, giving her daughter a kiss on the forehead and breaking their hug as she walked over to the pair of observers. "Kuro, Lady Rias, you have my eternal thanks for reuniting me with my daughter. I understand that I am to be joining your peerage, Lady Rias? Shall we do this now, I'd like to get used to being a devil before this 'Rating Game'."

"You don't mind?" Rias asked, making her smile.

"My family would hate it, but I'm a human who loved a Fallen, and if it means I can stay with my daughter, I'll give up my humanity without a second thought," Shuri replied immediately, making Rias give her a soft smile.

"You could stay with her regardless, if you want to stay human I don't mind paying for Kuro to make someone to be my Bishop instead," Rias said softly, making Shuri smile again.

"And then I'd grow old, die, and leave my daughter anyway. No, we all benefit from this, Lady Gremory," Shuri said, her mind made up as Rias gave her a beaming smile, pulling out a chess piece.

"Just Rias is fine, Shuri. And thank you, I won't make you regret this," Rias said as she held the piece out, smiling as Shuri picked it up.

The ritual was fast, and she truly didn't feel particularly different despite her new race, though she did feel stronger.

"Then I am at your service, Rias," Shuri said, her vision sharper than before as she looked around, her daughter smiling brightly at her. Though I do have a request," she continued, watching Rias blink in confusion.

"Of course, what is it?" Rias asked easily, no hesitation in her tone.

"Akeno agreed to serve Lord Kuro for ten years for my resurrection, instead of five like you and the one called Koneko, right? I'd like to ask if I can serve the five extra years myself," Shuri asked, watching Akeno's eyes widen as she went to speak up, being cut off.

"I don't mind, though I believe it's up to Kuro, not me," Rias said easily, spotting the look of betrayal on Akeno's face.

"Oh don't look like that, of course I'd want to lessen the burden of my own resurrection," Shuri replied, seeing Akeno's expression.

"I don't mind, this way all four of you will finish your contracts at the same time, instead of Akeno staying behind alone for five more years," Kuro said, looking at her. "You do realise what will be involved in serving me, correct?" Kuro asked, making her smile slightly.

"I'm an adult, so yes I know what a woman serving a devil will be expected to do. It doesn't change anything," Shuri replied plainly, barely reacting when Kuro reached out and gently grasped one of her breasts, squeezing it through her tight t-shirt.

She was used to being the one in charge in the bedroom, but she wasn't entirely opposed to being the sub if it freed her daughter from her servitude earlier.

"But- what if he wants us both at the same time?" Akeno said, grasping at straws as Shuri paused.

"Ufufu, then we can have some mature mother-daughter bonding," Shuri replied with a lewd giggle.

Also, she was a massive pervert, even Bara was surprised that he couldn't out-kink her. You'd think with him being a Fallen and her being a Shrine Maiden, he'd be the lewder one. You'd be very wrong.

"M-mom?!" Akeno yelped in surprise, her cheeks turning rapidly red.

"Sorry dear, I've missed out on years of teasing you," Shuri admitted, smiling even as she admitted to herself it was probably going to happen.

"Don't worry Akeno, while the idea of a mother-daughter threesome is pretty fucking sexy, I won't force you into it if you're completely against it," Kuro said soothingly, making Akeno look at him.

Pausing as she looked between Kuro, Rias and Shuri, Akeno nodded to herself and walked up to Kuro, grabbing his shirt and pulling him down into a fierce kiss, her tongue slipping into his mouth as she pushed her body against him, her truly massive breasts squished against his chest.

Akeno already had bigger breasts than her, and that was saying something because she was gifted in that area for a human.

She could hear Rias giggling slightly as Akeno and Kuro demonstrated their ability to go without oxygen, Akeno moaning as Kuro's hand slipped under her skirt and played with her curvy backside.

"Ara ara~"

"Oh, so that's where Akeno got it from," Rias said, mostly to herself as she glanced at Shuri. "Pure curiosity, what's your opinion on sadism?"


"Oh dear," Rias said with an amused sigh, ahh so Akeno inherited more than just her looks.

As they finally broke the kiss, Akeno stared up at him with a flushed face.

"Thank you," Akeno said simply, smiling up at him. Two words that carried a lot of meaning, absolutely gratitude on her face as she practically radiated happiness.

"Heh, it was my pleasure," Kuro replied easily, giving her ass one last squeeze making her giggle.

"Oh trust me, master~ the pleasure has only just begun," Akeno replied, her tone growing lewd as she giggled. "Ufufufu."

"My daughter is all grown up, Ufufufu."

"Oh Satan, there's two of them," Rias whispered.

"Ecchi," the white haired girl sat in the corner of the room with a bag of cookies muttered making them all pause.

How long had she been there?

Kuro Dantalion

I've left Akeno and Shuri to catch up, but I'm quite happy with how this has gone.

Because now I can add the Himejima magic to my ever growing collection with Archmage, which is probably going to piss them off if they ever find out but eh.

I can't please everyone.

But I have certainly pleased Akeno and Rias, and got a milf out of the deal, so I'd say I came out on top.

Now it's time to come out on top again.

"Lord Dantalion, I'm glad you've finally found the time to respond to my messages," Venelana Gremory says, a hint of annoyance in her otherwise steady tone as she smiles at me.

I decided to finally get this over with and meet with Rias's mother, mostly because I'm planning on reclaiming the Familiar Forest soon and that means dealing with the Gremory's.

"Well, you were certainly persistent enough. My apologies for the delay, I've been rather busy strengthening my position, investigating my parents murders and studying my family magic," I deadpan, seeing her gaze soften as she sighs.

"I understand, normally I would not have been so insistent but I'm working with a rather urgent deadline," Venelana admits, giving me an apologetic smile.

She's far warmer than the almost expressionless silver eyes of the maid sat beside her, Grayfia staring at me silently.

"You're talking about Rias's wedding, aren't you? Or is it the worry that I'm going to reclaim all my territory without warning that has you rushing?" I ask, watching her eyes widen ever so slightly.

"Both, but the deadline is Rias's wedding," Venelana admits after a moment. "Though I do have more to discuss with you, not least of which is the deal my daughter seems to have struck with you that led to her becoming your maid."

"Rias didn't see fit to tell you the details of our deal? But yes, Rias has agreed to become my servant for the next five years, in exchange for me using my Gaap family magic to make her new Peerage members to help her win against Riser," I admit, sipping my wine as Venelana's eyes narrow in thought.

"Do you think she can win now?" Venelana asks, making me shrug.

"She has a new powerful Rook, and I've just resurrected Shuri Himejima to become her Bishop, but can she win? I don't know, I don't know how strong Riser actually is," I say calmly. "If she had more time, almost certainly since I'd have longer to make sure Seona and Shuri are ready, but Rias came to me with a very tight deadline and I don't have time to study more and had to rush things."

"You… brought Akeno's mother back?" Grayfia finally asks, disbelief in her tone.

"I did, it's not particularly hard to raise humans, not once I contacted Izanami and made sure the old agreement between her and my family was still in effect, raising Devils is harder but that's just a matter of time," I say confidently, seeing them exchange a glance.

They expected an inexperienced young devil, new to politics, and instead they got me.

"I see, very impressive Lord Dantalion," Venelana says finally, shaking her head. "But time is why I am here. To put it simply, my husband is worried about what will happen when you reclaim all your lands and as a result he rushed the wedding considerable, one of the reasons I am here is to see if there is anything we can do to convince you to delay reclaiming your lands, because Lord Gremory has agreed to delay the wedding for as long as you are willing to wait," Venelana admits, making me smile slightly.

"Because the Gremory fortune isn't as big as he likes to claim, and most of your income comes from the Gaap lands?" I ask, making her eyes shoot open in surprise. "Don't look so surprised, as the legal owner of those lands getting the information on them was easy, and from there it was just a matter of simple accounting. Your family spends a lot of money, mostly on charity, donations or other trivial things, which gives your family the image of having basically infinite money, but the actual Gremory lands are fairly small and lack any real money generators. The Gaap lands are rich in resources, which you've mined for centuries, but comparing how much you were making from them and how much you were spending told me all I needed to. Your family is at risk of going bankrupt if I reclaim my lands and you don't stop your extravagant spending, but Lord Gremory is very concerned about keeping your family's image, and admitting that you're not as rich as he likes to show would be almost just as bad."

The Gremory lands have the lowest tax rate in the Underworld, so even the city on Gremory lands just doesn't make that much money, barely enough to pay its upkeep. Their money comes from mining the magic infused gems that can be found in the Gaap lands, made by special monsters Nyssea made when she was alive. Lord Gremory could avoid money issues by increasing taxes and cutting spendings, but status is everything to devils. It's a matter of pride.

"You know far more than I expected, I underestimated you, Lord Dantalion," Venelana admits, respect in her eyes.

I'm a Lord, and I want my family to regain the power and influence it rightfully deserves. I've done my research, on my allies, on my enemies and on everyone else as well just for good measure.

"Information is power, it's why I was briefly convinced that the Gremory's were responsible for my parents assassination," I admit, watching her eyes widen in worry before I wave her off. "Don't worry, my current theory is that someone wants me to think it was the Gremory's, I wouldn't be having this conversation with you if I thought you killed my parents," I deadpan, watching as she sighs in relief.

"I'm glad to hear it. If you need any assistance tracking down the mastermind, do not hesitate to ask," Venelana says with a small smile, before she sighs. "But yes, you're correct. It was shortsighted of us, but we tied our fortune too tightly with the Gaap lands, it seemed like the Gaap's would never return and as time passed we almost forgot that the mines weren't even ours. I understand that our foolishness must be insulting to you."

"No, I'm not offended that you took the opportunity to grab the abandoned lands. If you hadn't, someone else would have. I don't care that you profited so much off my lands, but I will be taking them back," I say sternly, making her nod.

The lands mean less than nothing to me, I can make entire pocket dimensions and could make one ten times bigger than the Gaap lands and make it just as rich in resources, but they don't need to know I don't care.

"I understand that, and I certainly don't expect you to simply give up your ownership of your lands. What I want to know is what would it take to delay your reclamation," Venelana asks, making me tilt my head curiously.

"The better question is what could you offer me that I couldn't get myself? Wealth is never going to be a problem for me, between my wards, monsters, the ability to raise the dead and my potions, I'm going to end up very, very wealthy even without my lands. Influence? I have high ranking members from most factions wanting my attention, I have that in droves already and I'll only gather more as time passes. The way I see it, you have nothing to offer me that I can't get myself," I point out, watching her carefully as she winces ever so slightly, "I understand your problems, but frankly your family problems aren't my problem."

"And yet you helped Rias," Grayfia points out, making me laugh.

"Because she made it worth my while. Don't get me wrong, I like Rias and having a beautiful devil at my beck and call is fun, but I don't need to tell you the respect that comes from having the Gremory Heiress, beloved little sister of the Satan Lucifer, as my servant," I point out, making Venelana's eyes narrow.

"No, no you do not," Venelana agrees, sighing. "And respect can be worth more than any amount of wealth."

"Exactly, I don't need my lands back, so I'm not opposed to letting your family hold onto my lands temporarily, but only if it's equally beneficial to me," I say calmly, entirely fairly as far as I'm concerned. "But if I let you keep my lands, I look weak and that will just encourage my enemies and those who would want to take advantage of me, so I'll ask again. What can you offer to make it worth my while?"

Bonus Scene - Kunou

Sitting in her room, she combed one of her tails calmly as she thought over the meeting she'd just been a part of.

She didn't usually attend the Youkai council meetings but as this one concerned her it'd been decided she would attend despite her age.

An unknown group wanted to kidnap her, and it was clear that someone in their faction was helping them. Probably to try and blackmail her mother, using her against her incredibly powerful mother.

Which was why she was probably going to be leaving Kyoto for the foreseeable future, as part of a potential agreement between the Youkai and the Devils.

She didn't know most of the details, but she knew that there was a large possibility of an arranged marriage between her and some new Lord.

She knew that because her mother had talked to her about it, and only decided to try it once she'd agreed to it.

She was basically the princess of the Youkai, for all intents and purposes, and like her mother she was willing to do a great deal for her people.

Still, looking at one of the few pictures of Kuro Dantalion, she sighed and kept stroking her tail.

The plan was for her to go and live with him, in his pocket dimension away from her attackers (and with a Youkai bodyguard alongside her), for a time.

Which would keep her safe while her mother tried to track down her attackers, and make it safe for her to leave again.

Then, if Kuro seemed like he wouldn't make a good match for her, the marriage arrangement would never be signed, and she'd return to her people when she was safe, and if she liked him then she'd marry him as the part of the alliance between their kinds.

But she'd barely ever left Kyoto before, and she couldn't say she was truly prepared for it.

But she was her mothers daughter, and she wasn't going to let her worries get in the way.

New Skills

Necromancy (Fleshcrafting)

Create Homunculi

Homunculi are the ideal servant for any Fleshcrafter, custom made in vats to the creators specifications to serve their masters' whims. They are barely stronger than regular humans, though with far more stamina, as they are not made for combat purposes. Their personalities can be modified during the creation but one universal trait they have is anfanatical loyalty to their creator.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord.gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: www.*******.com/TheDarkWolfShiro

Author’s Note: Fairly short chapter but I had some trouble writing this one. I’ve lacked the motivation/energy to write lately, hopefully it’ll come back soon.

This took way too long for how many words it ended up being. 

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts